* @description 将扁平化数据 转换成 树状结构
* @param {Array} arrayList 扁平化的数据
* @param {String} pidStr parentId的key名
* @param {String} idStr id的key名
* @param {String} childrenStr children的key名
function fommat({arrayList, pidStr = 'pid', idStr = 'id', childrenStr = 'children'}) {
let listOjb = {}; // 用来储存{key: obj}格式的对象
let treeList = []; // 用来储存最终树形结构数据的数组
// 将数据变换成{key: obj}格式,方便下面处理数据
for (let i = 0; i < arrayList.length; i++) {
listOjb[arrayList[i][idStr]] = arrayList[i]
// 根据pid来将数据进行格式化
for (let j = 0; j < arrayList.length; j++) {
// 判断父级是否存在
let haveParent = listOjb[arrayList[j][pidStr]]
if (haveParent) {
// 如果有没有父级children字段,就创建一个children字段
!haveParent[childrenStr] && (haveParent[childrenStr] = [])
// 在父级里插入子项
} else {
// 如果没有父级直接插入到最外层
return treeList
// 测试数据
var menu_list = [{
id: '1',
menu_name: '设置',
menu_url: 'setting',
parent_id: 0
}, {
id: '1-1',
menu_name: '权限设置',
menu_url: 'setting.permission',
parent_id: '1'
}, {
id: '1-1-1',
menu_name: '用户管理列表',
menu_url: 'setting.permission.user_list',
parent_id: '1-1'
}, {
id: '1-1-2',
menu_name: '用户管理新增',
menu_url: 'setting.permission.user_add',
parent_id: '1-1'
}, {
id: '1-1-3',
menu_name: '角色管理列表',
menu_url: 'setting.permission.role_list',
parent_id: '1-1'
}, {
id: '1-2',
menu_name: '菜单设置',
menu_url: 'setting.menu',
parent_id: '1'
}, {
id: '1-2-1',
menu_name: '菜单列表',
menu_url: 'setting.menu.menu_list',
parent_id: '1-2'
}, {
id: '1-2-2',
menu_name: '菜单添加',
menu_url: 'setting.menu.menu_add',
parent_id: '1-2'
}, {
id: '2',
menu_name: '订单',
menu_url: 'order',
parent_id: 0
}, {
id: '2-1',
menu_name: '报单审核',
menu_url: 'order.orderreview',
parent_id: '2'
}, {
id: '2-2',
menu_name: '退款管理',
menu_url: 'order.refundmanagement',
parent_id: '2'
}, {
id: '2-2-1',
menu_name: '退款管理2-1',
menu_url: 'order.refundmanagement',
parent_id: '2-2'
// 输出
arrayList: menu_list,
pidStr: 'parent_id'
const arr = [
{id: 2, name: '部门2', pid: 1},
{id: 3, name: '部门3', pid: 1},
{id: 4, name: '部门4', pid: 3},
{id: 5, name: '部门5', pid: 4},
{id: 6, name: '部门', pid: 0},
{id: 1, name: '部门1', pid: 0}
function arrayToTree(items) {
const result = []; // 存放结果集
const itemMap = {}; //
// 先转成map存储
for (const item of items) {
itemMap[item.id] = {...item, children: []}
items.forEach(item => {
const id = item.id;
const pid = item.pid;
const treeItem = itemMap[id];
if (pid === 0) {
} else {
if (!itemMap[pid]) {
itemMap[pid] = {
children: [],
return result;
// const arr = [
{id: 2, name: '部门2', pid: 1},
{id: 3, name: '部门3', pid: 1},
{id: 4, name: '部门4', pid: 3},
{id: 5, name: '部门5', pid: 4},
{id: 6, name: '部门', pid: 0},
{id: 1, name: '部门1', pid: 0}
function arrayToTree(items) {
const result = []; // 存放结果集
const itemMap = {}; //
// 先转成map存储
for (const item of items) {
itemMap[item.id] = {...item, children: []}
items.forEach(item => {
const id = item.id;
const pid = item.pid;
const treeItem = itemMap[id];
if (pid === 0) {
} else {
if (!itemMap[pid]) {
itemMap[pid] = {
children: [],
return result;