id: title: Run Milvus with Node.js label: Node.js order: 1 group:

summary: Get started with Milvus faster using this Node.js example code.


使用 Node.js 运行 Milvus

本主题介绍如何使用 Node.js 运行 Milvus。

1. 初始化 Node.js 项目

  1. npm init
要求 Node.js 12 或者更高版本。查看Node.js 初学者指南获取有关如何在你的系统上安装正确版本的信息。

2. 安装 TypeScript 和 Node Milvus SDK 及其依赖

  1. npm install @zilliz/milvus2-sdk-node typescript --save

3. 下载示例代码 HelloMilvus.ts

  1. $ wget

4. HelloMilvus.ts 代码详解


  • 导入 Node.js SDK 包:

    1. import { MilvusClient } from "@zilliz/milvus2-sdk-node"
    2. import { DataType } from "@zilliz/milvus2-sdk-node/dist/milvus/types/Common";
    3. import { InsertReq } from "@zilliz/milvus2-sdk-node/dist/milvus/types/Insert";
  • 连接服务器:

    1. const milvusClient = new MilvusClient("localhost:19530");
    2. const collectionManager = milvusClient.collectionManager;
  • 创建一个 collection: ```ts const collectionName = “hello_milvus”; const dim = “4”; const createRes = await collectionManager.createCollection(

    1. {
    2. collection_name: collectionName,
    3. fields: [
    4. {
    5. name: "count",
    6. data_type: DataType.Int64,
    7. is_primary_key: true,
    8. description: "",
    9. },
    10. {
    11. name: "random_value",
    12. data_type: DataType.Double,
    13. description: "",
    14. },
    15. {
    16. name: "float_vector",
    17. data_type: DataType.FloatVector,
    18. description: "",
    19. type_params: {
    20. dim
    21. }
    22. }
    23. ]
    24. }


  1. console.log("--- Create collection ---", createRes, collectionName);
  1. - 在创建好的 collection 中插入向量:
  2. ```ts
  3. const generateInsertData = function generateInsertData(
  4. fields: { isVector: boolean; dim?: number; name: string; isBool?: boolean }[],
  5. count: number) {
  6. const results = [];
  7. while (count > 0) {
  8. let value: any = {};
  9. fields.forEach((v) => {
  10. const { isVector, dim, name, isBool } = v;
  11. value[name] = isVector
  12. ? [...Array(dim)].map(() => Math.random() * 10)
  13. : isBool
  14. ? count % 2 === 0
  15. : count;
  16. });
  17. value["count"] = count;
  18. results.push(value);
  19. count--;
  20. }
  21. return results;
  22. }
  23. const fields = [
  24. {
  25. isVector: true,
  26. dim: 4,
  27. name: "float_vector",
  28. },
  29. {
  30. isVector: false,
  31. name: "random_value",
  32. },
  33. ];
  34. const vectorsData = generateInsertData(fields, 1000);
  35. const params: InsertReq = {
  36. collection_name: collectionName,
  37. fields_data: vectorsData,
  38. partition_name: "test",
  39. };
  40. await milvusClient.dataManager.insert(params);
  41. console.log("--- Insert Data to Collection ---");
  • 将 collection 加载到内存并构建索引:

    1. await milvusClient.indexManager.createIndex({
    2. collection_name: collectionName,
    3. field_name: "float_vector",
    4. extra_params: {
    5. index_type: "IVF_FLAT",
    6. metric_type: "L2",
    7. params: JSON.stringify({ nlist: 10 }),
    8. },
    9. });
    10. console.log("--- Create Index in Collection ---");
  • 在 collection 中执行搜索操作 ```ts

    1. // need load collection before search

    const loadCollectionRes = await collectionManager.loadCollectionSync({

    1. collection_name: collectionName,

    }); console.log(“—- Load collection (“ + collectionName + “) —-“, loadCollectionRes);

  1. const result = await{
  2. collection_name: collectionName,
  3. vectors: [vectorsData[0]["float_vector"]],
  4. search_params: {
  5. anns_field: "float_vector",
  6. topk: "4",
  7. metric_type: "L2",
  8. params: JSON.stringify({ nprobe: 1024 }),
  9. round_decimal: 4,
  10. },
  11. output_fields: ["count"],
  12. vector_type: DataType.FloatVector,
  13. });
  14. console.log("--- Search collection (" + collectionName + ") ---", result);
  1. - 从内存中释放 collection
  2. ```ts
  3. const releaseRes = await collectionManager.releaseCollection({
  4. collection_name: collectionName,
  5. });
  6. console.log("--- Release Collection ---", releaseRes);
  • 删除 collection:
    1. const dropRes = await collectionManager.dropCollection({
    2. collection_name: collectionName,
    3. });
    4. console.log("--- Drop Collection ---", dropRes);

5. 编译文件

  1. tsc MilvusHello.ts

6. 运行示例代码

  1. node MilvusHello.ts

恭喜!你已成功启动了 Milvus 单机版并创建了你的第一个 collection。