The Three Goblins: Reference Cells, Mutual Exclusion, and Dwarven Berserkers
The reference cell problem occurs when two threads can read and write to the same location, and the value at the location depends on the order of the reads and writes.
The second Concurrency Goblin is mutual exclusion. Imagine two threads, each trying to write a spell to a file. Without any way to claim exclusive write access to the file, the spell will end up garbled because the write instructions will be interleaved.
The third Concurrency Goblin is what I’ll call the dwarven berserker problem (aka deadlock). Imagine four berserkers sitting around a rough-hewn, circular wooden table comforting each other. “I know I’m distant toward my children, but I just don’t know how to communicate with them,” one growls. The rest sip their coffee and nod knowingly, care lines creasing their eye places. Now, as everyone knows, the dwarven berserker ritual for ending a comforting coffee klatch is to pick up their “comfort sticks” (double-bladed war axes) and scratch each other’s backs. One war axe is placed between each pair of dwarves, as shown in Figure 9-5. Their ritual proceeds thusly:
- Pick up the left war axe, when available.
- Pick up the right war axe, when available.
- Comfort your neighbor with vigorous swings of your “comfort sticks.”
- Release both war axes.
- Repeat.
Following this ritual, it’s entirely possible that all the dwarven berserkers will pick up their left comfort stick and then block indefinitely while waiting for the comfort stick to their right to become available, resulting in deadlock.
(future (Thread/sleep 4000)
(println "I'll print after 4 seconds"))
(println "I'll print immediately")
Promises allow you to express that you expect a result without having to define the task that should produce it or when that task should run. You create promises using promise and deliver a result to them using deliver. You obtain the result by dereferencing:
(def my-promise (promise))
(deliver my-promise (+ 1 2))
; => 3
Dividing tasks into a serial portion and a concurrent portion lets you safely make your code more efficient.
(defmacro wait [timeout & body]
`(do (Thread/sleep ~timeout) ~@body)
(defmacro enqueue
([q concurrent-promise-name concurrent serialized]
`(let [~concurrent-promise-name (promise)]
(future (deliver ~concurrent-promise-name ~concurrent))
(deref ~q)
([concurrent-promise-name concurrent serialized]
`(enqueue (future) ~concurrent-promise-name ~concurrent ~serialized)
(defn -main [& args]
(time @(-> (enqueue saying (wait 200 "'Ello, gov'na!") (println @saying))
(enqueue saying (wait 400 "Pip pip!") (println @saying))
(enqueue saying (wait 100 "Cheerio") (println @saying))