{% comment %} Map grabs the doc sections, giving us an array of arrays. Join, flattens all the items to a comma delimited string. Split turns it into an array again. {% endcomment %} {% assign docs = site.data.docs | map: 'docs' | join: ',' | split: ',' %} {% comment %} Because this is built for every page, lets find where we are in the ordered document list by comparing url strings. Then if there's something previous or next, lets build a link to it. {% endcomment %} {% for document in docs %} {% assign document_url = document | prepend:"/docs/" | append:"/" %} {% if document_url == page.url %}

    {% if forloop.first %} 上一节 {% else %} {% assign previous = forloop.index0 | minus: 1 %} {% assign previous_page = docs[previous] | prepend:"/docs/" | append:"/" %} 上一节 {% endif %}

    {% if forloop.last %} 下一节 {% else %} {% assign next = forloop.index0 | plus: 1 %} {% assign next_page = docs[next] | prepend:"/docs/" | append:"/" %} 下一节 {% endif %}

    {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}