- JSON 指的是 JavaScript 对象表示法(JavaScript Object Notation)
- JSON 是轻量级的文本数据交换格式
- JSON 独立于语言:JSON 使用 Javascript语法来描述数据对象,但是 JSON 仍然独立于语言和平台。JSON 解析器和 JSON 库支持许多不同的编程语言。
- JSON 具有自我描述性,更易理解
```python # --coding:utf-8-- # @auth ivan # @time 20181230 # @goal test the json
# 1 import json info = “””callback({“status”:”1”,”info”:”OK”,”infocode”:”10000”,”count”:”1”,”geocodes”:[{“formatted_address”:” 广东省广州市黄埔区茅岗路|1103”,”country”:”中国”,”province”:”广东省”,”citycode”:”020”,”city”:”广州市”, “district”:”黄埔区”,”township”:[],”neighborhood”:{“name”:[],”type”:[]},”building”:{“name”:[],”type”:[]}, “adcode”:”440112”,”street”:”茅岗路”,”number”:”1103”,”location”:”113.439877,23.124785”, “level”:”门牌号”}]})”””.replace(‘\n’, ‘’) call_str = ‘callback(‘ json_str = ‘geocodes’ info_json = json.loads( info[info.find(call_str) + len(call_str):-1])[json_str][0] for j in info_json: info_json[j] = str(info_json[j]) print(info_json)
# 2 “”” import json with open(“data.txt”, “r”, encoding=”gbk”) as f: data = f.readlines() json_file = data[0] j_obj = json.loads(json_file) print(j_obj) print(j_obj[“decisionResult”]) print(j_obj[“decisionResult”].keys()) for i, j in j_obj[“decisionResult”].items(): print(i, j) “””
# 3 “”” [root@izhp3cguqxi2d0j4qrm94bz Test]# cat f.json { “status”: “1”, “info”: “OK”, “infocode”: “10000”, “count”: “1”, “geocodes”: [{ “formatted_address”: “广东省广州市黄埔区茅岗路 | 1103 “, “country “: “中国”, “province “: “广东省”, “citycode “: “020 “, “city “: “广州市 “, “district”: “黄埔区”, “township”: [], “neighborhood”: { “name”: [], “type”: [] }, “building”: { “name”: [], “type”: [] }, “adcode”: “440112”, “street”: “茅岗路”, “number”: “1103”, “location”: “113.439877,23.124785”, “level”: “门牌号” }] } [root@izhp3cguqxi2d0j4qrm94bz Test]# cat f.json |python -m json.tool { “count”: “1”, “geocodes”: [ { “adcode”: “440112”, “building”: { “name”: [], “type”: [] }, “city “: “\u5e7f\u5dde\u5e02 “, “citycode “: “020 “, “country “: “\u4e2d\u56fd”, “district”: “\u9ec4\u57d4\u533a”, “formatted_address”: “\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u5e7f\u5dde\u5e02\u9ec4\u57d4\u533a\u8305\u5c97\u8def | 1103 “, “level”: “\u95e8\u724c\u53f7”, “location”: “113.439877,23.124785”, “neighborhood”: { “name”: [], “type”: [] }, “number”: “1103”, “province “: “\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701”, “street”: “\u8305\u5c97\u8def”, “township”: [] } ], “info”: “OK”, “infocode”: “10000”, “status”: “1” } “””