
刚开始学 clj/cljs 的时候,常常自我怀疑干嘛要特意学这个

于是得牢记 clj/cljs 的一大优势,可以引用 Browser REPL (bREPL) 的介绍

在代码最开始的时候是一张流程图,经过一次次重构,会慢慢变成一张结构设计图 One of the main reasons to use a LISP dialect like CLJ is its REPL (Read Eval Print Loop), which enables a very interactive style of programming. CLJS communities worked very hard to bring the same REPL-based programming experience to CLJS available in CLJ, and created a way to connect a CLJS REPL to almost any JS engine, including browser-embedded engines. This style of programming allows you to evaluate CLJS forms in the REPL and receive an immediate feedback in the browser to which the REPL is connected.



  1. ;; 查看指定函数源码
  2. (source +)


  • do 语句:do returns the value of its last expression.



  1. ;; 正常调用 browser DOM 的例子
  2. cljs.user=> js/window
  3. cljs.user=> js/document
  4. cljs.user=> js/console
  5. cljs.user=> (js/console.log "Hello from ClojureScript!")
  1. ;; 语法糖 syntactic sugar
  2. cljs.user=> (.log js/console "Hello from ClojureScript!")
  1. ;; 获取 DOM 对象属性 get DOM element property
  2. cljs.user=> (.-property (.getElementById js/document "objId"))
  1. ;; 设置 DOM 对象属性值 set a value for a DOM element
  2. cljs.user=> (set! (.-property (.getElementById js/document "objId"))
  3. cljs.user=> (set! (.-background (.-style (.-body js/document))) "#333")
  1. ;; 获取字符串或 Collection 类型长度 counting the length of a string
  2. cljs.user=> (count (.-property (element)))

cljs 做开发会用到的库

  • domina
  • om/om.next
  • reagent
  • re-frame
  • rum
  • citrus

(shadow.cljs.devtools.api/repl :renderer)

Specific Vocabulary

  • IFDE — Immediate Feedback Development Environment