高效练耳朵英语听力(初级篇)- 提高您的英语听力技能


  1. 我想买辆新车
    1. I am going to buy new car.
  2. 不要再犯同样的错误了
    1. Don’t make a same mistake.
    2. Don’t make the same mistake again
  3. What are you waititng for?
    1. 你还在等什么
  4. 外面好像很热
    1. It seems warm outside
  5. 飞机很快就不见了
    1. The airplane was soon went out of sight
  6. 我每天晚上听收音机
    1. I was listen to the radio every night.
  7. 这牛奶有酸味
    1. This milk taste sour
  8. 明天会下雪
    1. It’s snow l tomorrow
  9. 每个学生都可以利用图书馆
    1. Every Student allow access go to library
  10. 我想你把真想告诉我
    1. I wanne you tell me the true
  11. 我永远也不会告诉你
    1. I will nerver tell
  12. 我们的孩子喜欢狗,但我更喜欢猫
    1. our children like dog ,but i perfer like cats
  13. 你今天将在哪里吃午餐
    1. What would you eating at lunch
    2. where would you have lunch today
  14. 我能帮忙?
    1. Can i help
  15. 他很生你的气
    1. He was very angry
    2. He’s very nagry with you
  16. 请轻轻的把门关上
    1. Please close the door clear
    2. Please close the door quietly.
  17. 我头痛的厉害
    1. My hat was very bad
    2. I have a bad headache
  18. 这是我见过最大的猫
    1. This is most big cat in my see
    2. This is the biggest cat that i ever soon