    Byju’s is the biggest of a clutch of young companies benefiting from breakneck growth in online learning. Venture capitalists (vcs) plonked around $21bn into education technology companies in 2021, according to Holoniq, a research firm. That was three times the amount raised in 2019 and 40 times more than a decade ago. Seventeen edtech startups be came “unicorns” (private companies valued at more than $1bn), three times as many as had passed that milestone during any previous year. Half a dozen of them went public. They included Coursera, a market place for online courses with a stock market value of nearly $3bn, and Duolingo, an app for language learners which is worth around $4bn. Holoniq has predicted that global edtech revenues could almost double from $227bn that year to around $400bn in 2025, a fifth higher than its pre pandemic forecast.


    Until recently ed­-tech firms had rarely made investors sit up.

    until recently 直到最近、此前

    1. Yes. Jonathan Gruber was pretty obscure until recently.


    1. Until recently that water was filthy.


    sit up 重视

    1. So it’s really meant to make senior US officials sit up and take notice.


    Schools and univer­ sities control much of the $6trn spent globally on education each year.

    They tend to be cash­strapped and conservative.

    1.Insiders say cheap and burly shearers did well in the recession, as cash- strappedcustomers cut back on frippery.
    业内人士说价格便宜风格粗犷的理发匠在萧条时期生意很好, 因为很多客户手头紧,削减了花哨装饰方面的开支。

    In 2019 only about 3% of all education spend­ing went on software or online teaching.

    • online teaching 线上教学

    Tory, who began investing in ed­tech firms in 2009, admits that speaking up for the sector has sometimes won him “blank stares”.

    • blank stares 白眼/茫然的目光
    • win sb sth 为某人赢得某物

    第五段:No more. The closure of school build­ings and college campuses forced educators to try out new kit (especially in India and America, where disruptions to learn­ing have been particularly drawn out).

    no more 不再
    There’ll be no more watching me sleep, no more, watching.

    campus 大学校园
    college campus 大学校园

    try out 尝试、试验
    try your best 尽你所能;尽你最大努力
    try for 谋求;争取;申请
    try on 试穿;试验
    give it a try 试一试
    let me try 让我试一试

    第五段:Governments have given children stacks of tablet computers and sped up efforts to improve broadband in schools. They have al­so given teachers extra cash to spend on tools they think will help pupils “catch up”. Lawmakers in America have earmarked an extra $200bn or so for schools since the pandemic started. That sum is equal to about one quarter of what is spent on these institutions in a typical year.
    政府不仅给孩子们配备平板电脑,还加快完善学校的宽带设施。它们还给老师额外发钱,让老师们去买他们认为可以提升学生专注力~~ 帮助学生赶上教学进度的工具。自从疫情爆发以来,美国的立法者们 议员们 已经额外给学校拨了一笔约为2千亿美元的款项。通常来说,这比资金相当于是,一年来用于学校基础设施建设资金总和的四分之一。 ~~ 通常来说,这个数目相当于是这些机构每年支出的四分之一。

    stacks 堆
    1.Stacks of research papers have suggested that two-tongued people enjoy a variety of nonlinguistic advantages.

    tablet computer 平板电脑
    catch up 赶得上
    lawmaker 立法者、议员
    bn 十亿 / trn 万亿

    earmark 指定…作…用途
    embark 着手开始做
    1.This initially earmarked 700 billion dollars to shore up the banks.

    第7段:Another type of outfit getting a boost from the pandemic are those that offer learning to adults. Workers furloughed during lockdowns commonly took online courses that they thought would improve their prospects. Remote working has made more roles plausible to more jobseekers, giving them more reason to reskill. At the same time, a flurry of job­-switching in Brit­ain and America has made big employers nervous. They are becoming more con­vinced that spending on staff training can help them hang on to workers and cut the cost of plugging holes.


    furlough 休假
    1.Unemployed and furloughedworkers have fears about making ends meet.

    reskill 学习新技能
    1.The firm’s answer is an ambitious plan to reskill its own people.

    a flurry of job­-switching

    hang on to 紧紧抓住、保留
    1.Good, good. I’ll hang on to these notes, thank you.

    help 有助于
    staff training can help them hang on to workers 员工培训有助于留住员工

    第九段:Since then at least 15 Indian ed­tech companies, in­ cluding Byju’s, have created a group pro­mising to scribble new codes of conduct.

    scribble 抄写、书写
    1.Would you sketch? Scribble? Doodle or draw?

    code 法规、规则
    1.It is more like a code of conduct.

    第十段:Not straight As, then. But the industry’s boosters think it has room to improve. An influx of users and money in the pandemic has given more firms the muscle to expand abroad and to find ways of retaining users for longer, reckons Deborah Quazzo of gsv, a big educational investor. Take Byju’s. It has spent at least $2.8bn on a dozen acqui­sitions in an apparent attempt to string to­ gether services that will allow it to reach learners of all ages, from toddlers to ca­reer ­changers. The deals are also helping it reach customers far beyond India. In 2021 it began offering online classes in coding and maths to children in America, Brazil, Britain, Indonesia and elsewhere. A big listing might teach ed­tech sceptics and Western rivals alike a lesson.

    M&A mergers and acquisition 兼并与收购