
This project regroups all userguide sources

Currently it contains :

  • BPMN : Business Process Model and Notation User Guide
  • CMMN : Case Management Model and Notation User Guide
  • DMN : Decision Model and Notation User Guide
  • FORM : Form engine User Guide
  • SINGLE (Beta Version) : Unified version of all previous documentation


Install Asciidoctor: http://asciidoctor.org/

We’re using the ‘pygments’ library for syntax highlighting. This needs to be installed on your system too:

  1. gem install pygments.rb

Generating the docs

Using build.xml

Simply select run the build.docs.[bpmn|cmmn|dmn|form|single|all] goal and it will generate both a html & pdf version. All generated files will be available in the root project target folder.

From scripts folder

Go to the scripts Folder

  • Call the generate-all.sh [bpmn|cmmn|dmn|form|single] to generate for a single project both html & pdf version
    1. # Genate BPMN documentation in html & pdf format
    2. > ./generate-all.sh bpmn
  • Call the generate-html.sh [bpmn|cmmn|dmn|form|single] to generate html
    1. # Genate Form documentation in html format
    2. > ./generate-html.sh form
  • Call the generate-pdf.sh [bpmn|cmmn|dmn|form|single] to generate pdf
    1. # Genate DMN documentation in pdf format
    2. > ./generate-pdf.sh dmn

From each project folder

Use ./generate-html.sh for html only and likewise ./generate-pdf.sh for pdf only.

Docs on the docs

The html is generated using the ‘index-html.adoc’ file per project. The pdf generation uses the ‘index-pdf.adoc’ file per project. Both reference a shared ‘index-common.adoc’ file for the actual content, but define different parameters in the preamble.

When building the html doc, following files get included automatically:

  • base/flowable.css : this is the stylesheet for the docs. The css will be included inline in the html docs.
  • base/docinfo.html : this file gets included at the top of the html file. It contains the tocbot library and a little script to initialize the dynamic table of contents.


We still use Ant as building tool because Asciidoctor Maven Plugin does not support the current level of quality for the generated documentation. We “still” have to use asciidoc command line.