请求你的 API

Making a request to your API is quite simple. The best way to do this is using a tool such as Postman.

请求你的 API 非常的简单。最好的方法是使用工具,比如 Postman

Because we aren’t versioning the API in the URI we need to define an Accept header to request a specific version. The header is formatted like so.

因为我们不在 URI 中指定具体的版本,所以我们需要定义 Accept 头去请求具体的版本。头信息格式如下。

  1. Accept: application/vnd.YOUR_SUBTYPE.v1+json

In the above example you would replace YOUR_SUBTYPE with the subtype name you defined in your configuration. Again, this is usually something unique to your application, such as its name or identifier, and is usually all lowercase.

再上面的例子中,你需要用你配置中定义的子类型名字替换 YOUR_SUBTYPE。而且,这是你的应用特有的东西,比如他的名字或id,通常都是小写。

Remember if you use a different standards tree, such as x, then you’d replace vnd with x.

记住如果你使用不同的标准树,比如 x 那么你需要替换 vndx.

Following the subtype name we have the version we want. In the above example we’re requesting v1 of our API. This is then followed by a plus sign and the desired format. If the format is invalid the package will attempt to use the default format you defined in your configuration.

随着子类型名称,我们有了我们想要的版本。再上面的例子中,我们正在请求 v1 版本的 API。随后是一个加号和规定的格式。如果格式错误,dingo/api 会尝试使用配置文件中的默认格式。

If you don’t want to use Postman you can use a command line tool such as cURL.

如果你不想使用 Postman,你可以使用命令行工具,比如 cURL。

  1. $ curl -v -H "Accept: application/vnd.YOUR_SUBTYPE.v1+json" http://example.app/users

If you have strict mode enabled and you pass an invalid Accept header an unhandled Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException will be thrown.

如果你使用了严格模式,而且你传递了一个错误的 Accept 头,那么一个未处理的 Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException 异常将被抛出。

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