Chain -​ 动态改变为同色系 - 图1



  • Chain multiple layers
  • Create chains between multiple properties
  • Transform color properties to create more complex chains
  • Chains are stored in the document so you can update them anytime


Creating Chains

  1. Select the layers you want to chain
  2. Run the command New Chain from the menu or use [shift cmd c]
  3. Select your desired options and click OK

Chain -​ 动态改变为同色系 - 图2

Applying property transformations

When selecting a new chain, you can apply different transformations to the color property you’re chaining (hue/saturation/brightness/alpha). Just specify a percentage to offset the property (i.e If you apply a transformation of -10 on the brightness you will get a color 10% darker.

Chain -​ 动态改变为同色系 - 图3

Updating Chains

To update the Chains in your document, just modify your reference layer and select Update all Chains or use [shift cmd u].

Chain -​ 动态改变为同色系 - 图4

Removing chains

To remove Chains, select two chained layers and select Remove All Chains Between Selected Layers, that will erase the chains from the document.

Chain -​ 动态改变为同色系 - 图5

  • Better Chain management (for creating, editing and deleting them)
  • Improved UI to make it easier to implement Chain in yor workflow