    —-task (1)
    ★Joey joey_zhuang_ef@163.com
    career 事业,职业
    supervisor [‘supɚvaɪzɚ] 主管,监督人
    programmer[‘prəʊgræmə] 程序员,程序设计师
    manager 经理
    designer [dɪ’zaɪnə]设计师

    how long 多久



    • What did you do before?—- I was a …. before.
    • Where did you work before? —-I worked at a company called XXX.
    • Did you like that job? —-Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. I liked/didn’t like that job.
    • How long did you work there? —-I worked there for …. years.

    (1) liked / worked/
    How long have you worked as a programmer?
    I have worked as a programmer for 8 years.

    How long have you been working as a programmer?
    I have been working as a programmer for 8 years.

    I worked at ABC in 1990.
    I worked at ABC from 1990 to 1995.