- 异常表现:
- 异常原因:
- 解决方案:
* 直播分页查询
* @param searchTxt 搜索内容
* @param startDate 开始时间
* @param endDate 结束时间
* @param pageable 分页参数
* @author chaiin
* @date 2020/06/18 15:11:00
@Query(value = "select ls.id, " +
" res.url AS picOrPreviewVideoUrl, " +
" ls.live_url AS liveUrl, " +
" ls.title, " +
" concat(ls.start_time,'') AS liveTime, " +
" concat(bc.campus_name, '', bc.building_name, '', bc.classroom_name) AS classroomName, " +
" au.user_name AS anchorName, " +
" ifnull(rr.ftp_url, rr.url) replayUrl, " +
" case ls.status " +
" when 1 then '未开始' " +
" when 2 then '直播中' " +
" when 3 then '已结束' " +
" when 4 then '已取消' " +
" end AS status, " +
" case ls.status " +
" when 1 then 2 " +
" when 2 then 1 " +
" else ls.status " +
" end AS statusSort, " +
" if(ls.power = 2, 1, 0) AS power " +
" from " +
" ( " +
" select * from live_seeding " +
" where is_deleted = 0 " +
" and status in (1, 2, 3) " +
" and state = 2 " +
" and IF(?2!=null, start_time between ?2 and ?3, '1=1' ) " +
" ) ls " +
" left join resources res on ls.resource_id = res.id " +
" left join authority_user au on ls.user_id = au.id " +
" left join base_classroom bc on ls.room_id = bc.id " +
" left join recording_replay rr on ls.id = rr.live_id " +
" where IF(" +
" ?1!='', " +
" (locate(?1, ls.title) > 0 " +
" or locate(?1, ls.course_remark) > 0 " +
" or locate(?1, au.user_name) > 0 " +
" or locate(?1, concat(bc.campus_name, '', bc.building_name, '', bc.classroom_name)) > 0), " +
" '1=1'" +
" ) " +
" order by statusSort asc, liveTime desc",
countQuery = "select count(*)" +
" from " +
" ( " +
" select * from live_seeding " +
" where is_deleted = 0 " +
" and status in (1, 2, 3) " +
" and state = 2 " +
" and IF(?2!=null, start_time between ?2 and ?3, '1=1' ) " +
" ) ls " +
" left join resources res on ls.resource_id = res.id " +
" left join authority_user au on ls.user_id = au.id " +
" left join base_classroom bc on ls.room_id = bc.id " +
" left join recording_replay rr on ls.id = rr.live_id " +
" where IF(" +
" ?1!='', " +
" (locate(?1, ls.title) > 0 " +
" or locate(?1, ls.course_remark) > 0 " +
" or locate(?1, au.user_name) > 0 " +
" or locate(?1, concat(bc.campus_name, '', bc.building_name, '', bc.classroom_name)) > 0), " +
" '1=1'" +
" ) ",
nativeQuery = true)
// 时间条件错误
/* Page<Map<String,Object>> pageLivePaly(String searchTxt, Date startDate, Date endDate, Pageable pageable); */
// 时间条件正确
Page<Map<String,Object>> pageLivePaly(String searchTxt, String startDate, String endDate, Pageable pageable);