





  1. final FrameworkConfig config;
  2. final RelBuilder builder = RelBuilder.create(config);
  3. final RelNode node = builder
  4. .scan("EMP")
  5. .build();
  6. System.out.println(RelOptUtil.toString(node));

(RelBuilderExample.java 在这个类中你能够找到这个上面的例子和其他的例子的完整代码)


  1. LogicalTableScan(table=[[scott, EMP]])


  1. SELECT * FROM scott.EMP;



  1. SELECT ename, deptno FROM scott.EMP;


  1. final RelNode node = builder
  2. .scan("EMP")
  3. .project(builder.field("DEPTNO"), builder.field("ENAME"))
  4. .build();
  5. System.out.println(RelOptUtil.toString(node));


  1. LogicalProject(DEPTNO=[$7], ENAME=[$1])
  2. LogicalTableScan(table=[[scott, EMP]])




  1. final RelNode node = builder
  2. .scan("EMP")
  3. .aggregate(builder.groupKey("DEPTNO"),
  4. builder.count(false, "C"),
  5. builder.sum(false, "S", builder.field("SAL")))
  6. .filter(
  7. builder.call(SqlStdOperatorTable.GREATER_THAN,
  8. builder.field("C"),
  9. builder.literal(10)))
  10. .build();
  11. System.out.println(RelOptUtil.toString(node));


  1. SELECT deptno, count(*) AS c, sum(sal) AS s FROM emp GROUP BY deptno HAVING count(*) > 10


  1. LogicalFilter(condition=[>($1, 10)])
  2. LogicalAggregate(group=[{7}], C=[COUNT()], S=[SUM($5)])
  3. LogicalTableScan(table=[[scott, EMP]])



  1. .
  2. join
  3. / \
  4. join join
  5. / \ / \


  1. final RelNode left = builder
  2. .scan("CUSTOMERS")
  3. .scan("ORDERS")
  4. .join(JoinRelType.INNER, "ORDER_ID")
  5. .build();
  6. final RelNode right = builder
  7. .scan("LINE_ITEMS")
  8. .scan("PRODUCTS")
  9. .join(JoinRelType.INNER, "PRODUCT_ID")
  10. .build();
  11. final RelNode result = builder
  12. .push(left)
  13. .push(right)
  14. .join(JoinRelType.INNER, "ORDER_ID")
  15. .build();




  • project可以让你使用alias(expr, fieldName)来封装表达式。它会移除这些封装但是会保持建议的名称(只要这些名称是唯一的)。
  • values(String[] fieldNames, Object... values)允许一系列的字段名称。这些字段名称中只要有一个是null,构建器都会生成唯一的名称。



假设你现在在EMP和DEPT表格上创建一个join条件,EMP表格有8个字段 [EMPNO, ENAME, JOB, MGR, HIREDATE, SAL, COMM, DEPTNO],DEPT表格有3个字段 [DEPTNO, DNAME, LOC]。在内部,Calcite会将这些字段表达成一个有11个字段的混合输入列的偏移量,并且正确的输入中的第一个字段是字段 #8。

但是通过构建器API,您可以指定哪个输入的哪个字段。要引用”SAL”(内部是 列#5),可以写成builder.field(2, 0, "SAL"), builder.field(2, "EMP", "SAL"),或者builder.field(2, 0, 5)。这就意味着字段#5是两个输入中的输入#0。(为什么需要知道有两个输入?因为它们是被存储在栈中:输入#1是在栈顶,输入#0是在它的下面。如果我们不告诉构建器是两个输入,那么它不知道输入#0在栈中具体的位置)。类似的,要引用”DNAME”(内部是列#9(8+1)),可以写成builder.field(2, 1, "DNAME"), builder.field(2, "DEPT", "DNAME"),或者builder.field(2, 1, 1)




method description
scan(tableName) Creates a TableScan.
values(fieldNames, value...) values(rowType, tupleList) Creates a Values.
filter(expr...) filter(exprList) Creates a Filter over the AND of the given predicates.
project(expr...) project(exprList [, fieldNames]) Creates a Project. To override the default name, wrap expressions using alias, or specify the fieldNames argument.
permute(mapping) Creates a Project that permutes the fields using mapping.
convert(rowType [, rename]) Creates a Project that converts the fields to the given types, optionally also renaming them.
aggregate(groupKey, aggCall...) aggregate(groupKey, aggCallList) Creates an Aggregate.
distinct() Creates an Aggregate that eliminates duplicate records.
sort(fieldOrdinal...) sort(expr...) sort(exprList) Creates a Sort.In the first form, field ordinals are 0-based, and a negative ordinal indicates descending; for example, -2 means field 1 descending.In the other forms, you can wrap expressions in as, nullsFirst or nullsLast.
sortLimit(offset, fetch, expr...) sortLimit(offset, fetch, exprList) Creates a Sort with offset and limit.
limit(offset, fetch) Creates a Sort that does not sort, only applies with offset and limit.
join(joinType, expr...) join(joinType, exprList) join(joinType, fieldName...) Creates a Join of the two most recent relational expressions.The first form joins on a boolean expression (multiple conditions are combined using AND).The last form joins on named fields; each side must have a field of each name.
semiJoin(expr) Creates a SemiJoin of the two most recent relational expressions.
union(all [, n]) Creates a Union of the n (default two) most recent relational expressions.
intersect(all [, n]) Creates an Intersect of the n (default two) most recent relational expressions.
minus(all) Creates a Minus of the two most recent relational expressions.
match(pattern, strictStart, strictEnd, patterns, measures, after, subsets, allRows, partitionKeys, orderKeys, interval) Creates a Match.

Argument types:

  • expr, interval RexNode
  • expr... Array of RexNode
  • exprList, measureList, partitionKeys, orderKeys Iterable ofRexNode
  • fieldOrdinal Ordinal of a field within its row (starting from 0)
  • fieldName Name of a field, unique within its row
  • fieldName... Array of String
  • fieldNames Iterable of String
  • rowType RelDataType
  • groupKey RelBuilder.GroupKey
  • aggCall... Array of RelBuilder.AggCall
  • aggCallList Iterable of RelBuilder.AggCall
  • value... Array of Object
  • value Object
  • tupleList Iterable of List of RexLiteral
  • all, distinct, strictStart, strictEnd, allRows boolean
  • alias String
  • varHolder Holder of RexCorrelVariable
  • patterns Map whose key is String, value is RexNode
  • subsets Map whose key is String, value is a sorted set of String


  • project 如果要求按顺序隐射所有列,则返回其输入
  • filter使条件变平(所以ANDOR可以有两个以上的孩子),简化(将x = 1和TRUE转换为x = 1
  • 如果你使用了 sort 然后 limit, 结果就和 sortLimit一样


Method Description
as(alias) Assigns a table alias to the top relational expression on the stack
variable(varHolder) Creates a correlation variable referencing the top relational expression


Method Description
build() Pops the most recently created relational expression off the stack
push(rel) Pushes a relational expression onto the stack. Relational methods such as scan, above, call this method, but user code generally does not
pushAll(collection) Pushes a collection of relational expressions onto the stack
peek() Returns the relational expression most recently put onto the stack, but does not remove it
Scalar expression methods


Method Description
literal(value) Constant
field(fieldName) Reference, by name, to a field of the top-most relational expression
field(fieldOrdinal) Reference, by ordinal, to a field of the top-most relational expression
field(inputCount, inputOrdinal, fieldName) Reference, by name, to a field of the (inputCount - inputOrdinal)th relational expression
field(inputCount, inputOrdinal, fieldOrdinal) Reference, by ordinal, to a field of the (inputCount - inputOrdinal)th relational expression
field(inputCount, alias, fieldName) Reference, by table alias and field name, to a field at most inputCount - 1 elements from the top of the stack
field(alias, fieldName) Reference, by table alias and field name, to a field of the top-most relational expressions
field(expr, fieldName) Reference, by name, to a field of a record-valued expression
field(expr, fieldOrdinal) Reference, by ordinal, to a field of a record-valued expression
fields(fieldOrdinalList) List of expressions referencing input fields by ordinal
fields(mapping) List of expressions referencing input fields by a given mapping
fields(collation) List of expressions, exprList, such that sort(exprList) would replicate collation
call(op, expr...) call(op, exprList) Call to a function or operator
and(expr...) and(exprList) Logical AND. Flattens nested ANDs, and optimizes cases involving TRUE and FALSE.
or(expr...) or(exprList) Logical OR. Flattens nested ORs, and optimizes cases involving TRUE and FALSE.
not(expr) Logical NOT
equals(expr, expr) Equals
isNull(expr) Checks whether an expression is null
isNotNull(expr) Checks whether an expression is not null
alias(expr, fieldName) Renames an expression (only valid as an argument to project)
cast(expr, typeName) cast(expr, typeName, precision) cast(expr, typeName, precision, scale) Converts an expression to a given type
desc(expr) Changes sort direction to descending (only valid as an argument to sort or sortLimit)
nullsFirst(expr) Changes sort order to nulls first (only valid as an argument to sort or sortLimit)
nullsLast(expr) Changes sort order to nulls last (only valid as an argument to sort or sortLimit)


Method Description
patternConcat(pattern...) Concatenates patterns
patternAlter(pattern...) Alternates patterns
patternQuantify(pattern, min, max) Quantifies a pattern
patternPermute(pattern...) Permutes a pattern
patternExclude(pattern) Excludes a pattern



Method Description
groupKey(fieldName...) groupKey(fieldOrdinal...) groupKey(expr...) groupKey(exprList) Creates a group key of the given expressions
groupKey(exprList, exprListList) Creates a group key of the given expressions with grouping sets
groupKey(bitSet, bitSets) Creates a group key of the given input columns with grouping sets



Method Description
aggregateCall(op, distinct, approximate, filter, alias, expr...) aggregateCall(op, distinct, approximate, filter, alias, exprList) Creates a call to a given aggregate function, with an optional filter expression
count(distinct, alias, expr...) Creates a call to the COUNT aggregate function
countStar(alias) Creates a call to the COUNT(*) aggregate function
sum(distinct, alias, expr) Creates a call to the SUM aggregate function
min(alias, expr) Creates a call to the MIN aggregate function
max(alias, expr) Creates a call to the MAX aggregate function