1. Check all of the statements below about where (in the network) the network layer is implemented that are true.

    • The network layer is implemented in hosts at the network’s edge.
    • The network layer is implemented in routers in the network core.
    1. For each of the actions below, select those actions below that are primarily in the network-layer data plane. The other actions that you don’t select below then correspond to control-plane actions.

    • Monitoring and managing the configuration and performance of an network device.
    • Moving an arriving datagram from a router’s input port to output port
    • Computing the contents of the forwarding table.
    • Dropping a datagram due to a congested (full) output buffer.
    • Looking up address bits in an arriving datagram header in the forwarding table.
    1. Where in a router is the destination IP address looked up in a forwarding table to determine the appropriate output port to which the datagram should be directed?
    • at a input port where a packet arrives

    match+action也是在input port发生