

并发性 - 图1并发性 - 图2


多处理器 并行

多线程 并发



并发性 - 图3


并发性 - 图4

  1. from threading import Thread
  2. from time import sleep
  3. from typing import Optional
  4. class ExampleThread(Thread):
  5. def __init__(self, seconds: int, name: str) -> None:
  6. super().__init__()
  7. self.seconds: int = seconds
  8. self.name: str = name
  9. self._return: Optional[int] = None
  10. def run(self) -> None:
  11. print(f"thread {self.name} is running")
  12. sleep(self.seconds)
  13. print(f"thread {self.name} has finished")
  14. self._return = self.seconds
  15. def join(self) -> int:
  16. Thread.join(self)
  17. return self._return
  18. one: ExampleThread = ExampleThread(seconds=5, name="one")
  19. two: ExampleThread = ExampleThread(seconds=5, name="two")
  20. three: ExampleThread = ExampleThread(seconds=5, name="three")
  21. start = time.time()
  22. one.start()
  23. two.start()
  24. three.start()
  25. print("we have started all of our threads")
  26. one_result = one.join()
  27. two_result = two.join()
  28. three_result = three.join()
  29. finish = time.time()
  30. print(f"{finish - start} has elapsed")
  31. print(one_result)
  32. print(two_result)
  33. print(three_result)
  1. thread one is running
  2. thread two is running
  3. thread three is running
  4. we have started all of our threads
  5. thread one has finished
  6. thread three has finished
  7. thread two has finished
  8. 5.005641937255859 has elapsed
  9. 5
  10. 5
  11. 5