Introducing Casper “the Friendly Ghost”

友善的小精灵Casper - 以太坊未来的POS协议

Origin Post

Posted by Vlad Zamfir on August 1st, 2015.

Hi everyone – Vlad here. I’ve been working on the analysis and specification of “proof-of-stake” blockchain architecture since September 2014. While Vitalik and I haven’t agreed on all of the details of the spec, we do have consensus on many properties of the proof-of-stake protocol that will likely be implemented for the Serenity release! It is called Casper “the friendly ghost” because it is an adaptation of some of the principles of the GHOST (Greedy Heaviest-Observed Sub-Tree) protocol for proof-of-work consensus to proof-of-stake. This blog post (my first one!) shares properties that are likely to be true of Casper’s implementation in the Serenity release. Formal verification and simulation of Casper’s properties is under way, and will be published eventually – in the meantime, please enjoy this high-level, informal discussion! : )

大家好,我是Vlad. 2014年9月份我开始了研究和设计以太坊POS(proof-of-stake, 权益证明)架构的工作。目前Vitalik和我对于Serenity阶段的POS协议应该长什么样已经有了许多共识,只剩一些细节方面的分歧。我们称它为友善的小精灵Casper(Casper the friendly ghost),因为它实际上是GHOST(Greedy Heaviest-Observed Sub-Tree), 一种POW协议的POS变种。接下来的文章介绍的一些特性非常可能在Serenity阶段成为现实。Casper的形式化验证和模拟正在进行中,结果会在将来发布。接下来先开始我们的非正式介绍和讨论吧!: )

Security-deposit based security and authentication

基于保证金的安全和共识鉴别 (Security-deposit based security and authentication)

Casper is a security-deposit based economic consensus protocol. This means that nodes, so called “bonded validators”, have to place a security deposit (an action we call “bonding”) in order to serve the consensus by producing blocks. The protocol’s direct control of these security deposits is the primary way in which Casper affects the incentives of validators. Specifically, if a validator produces anything that Casper considers “invalid”, their deposit are forfeited along with the privilege of participating in the consensus process. The use of security deposits addresses the “nothing at stake” problem; that behaving badly is not expensive. There is something at stake, and bonded validators who misbehave in an objectively verifiable manner will lose it.

Casper是一种基于保证金的经济激励共识协议(security-deposit based economic consensus protocol)。协议中的节点,作为“锁定保证金的验证人(bonded validators)”,必须先缴纳保证金(这一步叫做锁定保证金,”bonding”)才可以参与出块和共识形成。Casper共识协议通过对这些保证金的直接控制来约束验证人的行为。具体来说就是,如果一个验证人作出了任何Casper认为“无效”的事情,他的保证金将被罚没,出块和参与共识的权利也会被取消。保证金的引入解决了”nothing at stake”,也就是经典POS协议中做坏事的代价很低的问题。现在有了代价,而且被客观证明做错事的验证人将会付出这个代价。

Very notably, a validator’s signature is only economically meaningful so long as that validator currently has a deposit. This means that clients can only rely on signatures from validators that they know are currently bonded. Therefore, when clients receive and authenticate the state of the consensus, their authentication chain ends in the list of currently-bonded validators. In proof-of-work consensus, on the other hand, the authentication chain ends in the genesis block – as long as you know the genesis block you can authenticate the consensus. Here, as long as you know the set of currently-bonded validators, you can authenticate the consensus. A client who does not know the list of currently bonded validators must authenticate this list out-of-band. This restriction on the way in which the consensus is authenticated solves the “long range attack” problem by requiring that everyone authenticate the consensus against current information.

我们容易发现,只有在验证人当前已缴纳保证金的情况下他的签名才有意义(economically meaningful)。这代表客户端只能依赖他们知道的锁定保证金的验证人的签名。因此当客户端接收和鉴別共识数据时,共识认可的链必须起源于出自当前锁定保证金的验证人的块。在POW协议中共识认可的链则是起源于创世块 - 只要你知道创世块的数据你就可以鉴别出共识认可的链。这里,只要你知道当前锁定保证金的验证人,你就可以鉴别出共识认可的链。不知道当前锁定保证金的验证人列表的客户端必须先通过另外的信道获取这个列表。这个限制通过要求所有人用当前信息鉴别共识解决了“远程攻击(long range attack)”问题。

The validator list changes over time as validators place deposits, lose their deposits, unbond, and get unbonded. Therefore, if clients are offline for too long, their validator list will no longer be current enough to authenticate the consensus. In the case that they are online sufficiently often to observe the validator set rotating, however, clients are able to securely update their validator list. Even in this case, clients must begin with an up-to-date list of currently-bonded validators, and therefore they must authenticate this list out-of-band at least once.


This “out-of-band authentication only necessarily once” property is what Vitalik calls weak subjectivity. In this context information is said to be “objective” if it can be verified in a protocol-defined manner, while it is “subjective” if it must be authenticated via extra-protocol means. In weakly subjective consensus protocols, the fork-choice rule is stateful, and clients must initialize (and possibly sometimes renew) the information that their fork-choice rule uses to authenticate the consensus. In our case, this entails identifying the currently bonded validators (or, more probably a cryptographic hash of the validator list).

这个“需要从其他信道鉴别共识至少一次”的性质,正是Vitalik所说的“弱主观性(weak subjectivity)”。在我们的上下文中,如果信息可以在协议之内被验证,则可称之为“客观的”;如果信息必须依赖协议外的手段才可验证,则称为“主观的”。在弱主观性共识协议中,分叉选择规则是有状态的,因此客户端必须初始化(有些时候是更新)这个状态才能鉴别共识。在这里,这个状态被用来辨认当前锁定保证金的验证人(更精确的说法可能是当前验证人列表的密码学哈希)。

Gambling on Consensus

下注共识 (Gambling on Consensus)

Casper makes validators bet a large part of their security deposits on how the consensus process will turn out. Moreover, the consensus process “turns out” in the manner in which they bet: validators are made to bet their deposits on how they expect everyone else to be betting their deposits. If they bet correctly, they earn their deposit back with transaction fees and possibly token issuance upon it – if on the other hand they do not quickly agree, they re-earn less of their deposit. Therefore through iterated rounds of betting validator bets converge.


Moreover, if validators change their bets too dramatically, for example by voting with a high probability on one block after voting with a very high probability on another, then they are severely punished. This guarantees that validators bet with very high probabilities only when they are confident that the other validators will also produce high probability bets. Through this mechanism we guarantee that their bets never converge to a second value after converging upon a first, as long as there there is sufficient validator participation.


Proof-of-work consensus is also a betting scheme: miners bet that their block will be part of the heaviest chain; if they eventually prove to be correct, they receive tokens – whereas if they prove to be incorrect, they incur electricity costs without compensation. Consensus is secured as long as all miners are betting their hashing power on the same chain, making it the blockchain with the most work (as a direct result of and as preempted by their coordinated betting). The economic cost of these proof-of-work bets add up linearly in the number of confirmations (generations of descendant blocks), while, in Casper, validators can coordinate placing exponentially growing portions of their security deposits against blocks, thereby achieving maximum security very quickly.


By-height Consensus


Validators bet independently on blocks at every height (i.e. block number) by assigning it a probability and publishing it as a bet. Through iterative betting, the validators elect exactly one block at every height, and this process determines the order in which transactions are executed. Notably, if a validator ever places bets with probabilities summing to more than 100% at a time for a given height, or if any are less than 0%, or if they bet with more than 0% on an invalid block, then Casper forfeits their security deposit.


Transaction Finality

交易最终确认(Transaction Finality)

When every member of a supermajority of bonded validators (a set of validators who meet a protocol-defined threshold somewhere between 67% and 90% of bonds) bets on a block with a very high (say, > 99.9%) probability, the fork-choice rule never accepts a fork where this block does not win, and we say that the block is final. Additionally, when a client sees that every block lower than some height H is final, then the client will never choose a fork that has a different application state at height H – 1 than the one that results from the execution of transactions in these finalized blocks. In this eventuality, we say that this state is finalized.

当锁定保证金的验证人中的绝大多数(满足协议定义阈值的一群验证人:保证金比例达到67%到90%之间某个百分比)以非常高的概率(例如,> 99.9%)下注某个块时,任何不包含这个块的分叉都不可能胜出,此时我们说这个块已最终确认(final)。此外,如果客户端发现所有小于高度H的块都已最终确认,那么此客户端永远不能接受一个在高度H - 1的状态和顺序执行这些完全块得到的状态不一样的分叉。这种情况下我们说这个状态(H - 1高度的状态)已最终确认。

There are therefore two relevant kinds of transaction finality: the finality of the fact that the transaction will be executed at a particular height (which is from finality of its block, and therefore priority over all future blocks at that height), and the finality of the consensus state after that transaction’s execution (which requires finality of its block and of unique blocks at all lower heights).


Censorship Resistance

防审查(Censorship Resistance)

One of the largest risks to consensus protocols is the formation of coalitions that aim to maximize the profits of their members at the expense of non-members. If Casper’s validators’ revenues are to be made up primarily of transaction fees, for example, a majority coalition could censor the remaining nodes in order to earn an increased share of transaction fees. Additionally, an attacker could bribe nodes to exclude transactions affecting particular addresses – and so long as a majority of nodes are rational, they can censor the blocks created by nodes who include these transactions.


To resist attacks conducted by majority coalitions, Casper regards the consensus process as a cooperative game and ensures that each node is most profitable if they are in a coalition made up of 100% of the consensus nodes (at least as long as they are incentivized primarily by in-protocol rewards). If p% of the validators are participating in the consensus game, then they earn f(p) ≤ p% of the revenues they would earn if 100% of the validators were participating, for some increasing function f.

为了抵御多数派联盟攻击,Casper将共识过程看作一个合作博弈,确保每一个节点只有在由所有节点组成的联盟中才能获得最大利益(至少在当利益主要由协议内奖励构成的情况下如此)。如果p%的验证人参与了共识博弈,那么他们将得到f(p) ≤ p%的收益;如果有100%的验证人参与则能获得更多回报。

More specifically, Casper punishes validators for not creating blocks in a protocol-prescribed order. The protocol is aware of deviations from this order, and withholds transaction fees and deposits from validators accordingly. Additionally, the revenue made from betting correctly on blocks is linear (or superlinear) in the number of validators who are participating in at that height of the consensus game.


Will there be more transactions per second?


Most probably, yes, although this is due to the economics of Casper rather than due to its blockchain architecture. However, Casper’s blockchain does allow for faster block times than is possible with proof-of-work consensus.


Validators will likely be earning only transaction fees, so they have a direct incentive to increase the gas limit, if their validation server can handle the load. However, validators also have reduced returns from causing other, slower validators to fall out of sync, so they will allow the gas limit to rise only in a manner that is tolerable by the other validators. Miners investing in hardware primarily purchase more mining rigs, while validators investing in hardware primarily upgrade their servers so they can process more transactions per second. Miners also have an incentive to reinvest in more powerful transaction processing, but this incentive is much weaker than their incentive to purchase mining power.


Security-deposit-based proof-of-stake is very light-client friendly relative to proof-of-work. Specifically, light clients do not need to download block headers to have full security in authenticating the consensus, or to have full economic assurances of valid transaction execution. This means that a lot of consensus overhead affects only the validators, but not the light clients, and it allows for lower latency without causing light clients to lose the ability to authenticate the consensus.

相对于POW, 在基于保证金的POS上实现轻客户端更加方便。具体来说,轻客户端无需下载区块头来获得共识鉴别的安全性,或是交易执行有效性的经济性保证。大部分的共识开销只会影响验证人,不会影响轻客户端。轻客户端也可以在保留鉴别共识能力的前提下实现低延迟。

Recovery from netsplits


Casper is able to recover from network partitions because transactions in non-finalized blocks can be reverted. After a partition reconnects, Casper executes transactions from blocks that received bets on the partition with higher validator participation. In this manner, nodes from either side of the partition agree on the state of the consensus after a reconnection and before validators are able to replace their bets. Validator bets converge to finalize the blocks in the partition that had more validator participation, with very high probability. Casper will very likely process the losing transactions from losing blocks after the ones from winning blocks, although it is still to be decided whether validators will have to include these transactions in new blocks, or if Casper will execute them in their original order, himself.


Recovery from mass crash-failure


Casper is able to recover from the crash-failure of all but one node. Bonded validators can always produce and place bets on blocks on their own, although they always make higher returns by coordinating on the production of blocks with a larger set of validators. In any case, a validator makes higher returns from producing blocks than from not producing blocks at all. Additionally, bonded validators who appear to be offline for too long will be unbonded, and new bonders subsequently will be allowed to join the validation set. Casper can thereby potentially recover precisely the security guarantees it had before the mass crash-failure.


What is Casper, in non-economic terms?


Casper is an eventually-consistent blockchain-based consensus protocol. It favours availability over consistency (see the CAP theorem). It is always available, and consistent whenever possible. It is robust to unpredictable message delivery times because nodes come to consensus via re-organization of transactions, after delayed messages are eventually received. It has an eventual fault tolerance of 50%, in the sense that a fork created by >50% correct nodes scores higher than any fork created by the remaining potentially-faulty validators. Notably, though, clients cannot be certain that any given fork created with 51% participation won’t be reverted because they cannot know whether some of these nodes are Byzantine. Clients therefore only consider a block as finalized if it has the participation of a supermajority of validators (or bonded stake).

Casper是一个基于区块链的最终一致性共识协议。想对于一致性(C)它更倾向于可用性(A)(见CAP理论)。它总是可用,并且尽可能迅速的达成一致。它健壮到足以容忍不可预计的消息传输延迟,因为节点可以在收到延迟的消息之后通过重新组织交易达成共识。由大于50%的正常节点建立的分叉总是比剩下的有潜在问题的节点建立的分叉权重更高,因此它对不超过50%的网络失效有最终容错性(eventual fault tolernace)。需要注意的是客户端无法知道一个有51%的验证人参与的分支会不会被放弃,因为此时不知道这些验证人中是否有恶意节点。一个块只有在绝大多数(supermajority)验证人(或者说保证金)参与共识的情形下才能被认为是最终确认(final)的。

What is it like to be a bonded validator?


As a bonded validator, you will need to securely sign blocks and place bets on the consensus process. If you have a very large deposit, you will probably have a handful of servers in a custom multisig arrangement for validation, to minimize the chance of your server misbehaving or being hacked. This will require experimentation and technical expertise.


The validator should be kept online as reliably and as much as possible, for it to maximize its profitability (or for otherwise it will be unprofitable). It will be very advisable to buy DDoS protection. Additionally, your profitability will depend on the performance and availability of the other bonded validators. This means that there is risk that you cannot directly mitigate, yourself. You could lose money even if other nodes don’t perform well – but you will lose more money yet if you don’t participate at all, after bonding. However, additional risk also often means higher average profitability – especially if the risk is perceived but the costly event never occurs.


What is it like to be an application or a user?


Applications and their users benefit a lot from the change from proof-of-work consensus to Casper. Lower latency significantly improves the user’s experience. In normal conditions transactions finalize very quickly. In the event of network partitions, on the other hand, transactions are still executed, but the fact that they can potentially still be reverted is reported clearly to the application and end-user. The application developer therefore still needs to deal with the possibility of forking, as they do in proof-of-work, but the consensus protocol itself provides them with a clear measure of what it would take for any given transaction to be reverted.


When can we hear more?


Stay tuned! We’ll be sure to let you know more of Casper’s specification over the next months, as we come to consensus on the protocol’s details. In addition, you can look forward to seeing simulations, informal and formal specification, formal verification, and implementations of Casper! But please, be patient: R&D can take an unpredictable amount of time! : )

请保持关注!随着协议细节的确定,接下来的几个月我们肯定会发布关于Casper的更多信息。大家可以期待下模拟测试,非正式的和形式化的标准,形式化的验证,以及Casper的实现!谢谢大家的耐心,研发需要的时间总是难以预测!: )