New in Django 1.7.



严重的错误会完全阻止Django命令(像runserver)的运行。少数问题会通过控制台来报告。如果你检查了警告的原因,并且愿意无视它,你可以使用你项目设置文件中的SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS 设置,来隐藏特定的警告。




  1. from django.core.checks import register
  2. @register()
  3. def example_check(app_configs, **kwargs):
  4. errors = []
  5. # ... your check logic here
  6. return errors

检查函数必须接受 app_configs参数;这个参数是要被检查的应用列表。如果是None,检查会运行在项目中所有安装的应用上。**kwargs参数用于进一步的扩展。



class CheckMessage(level, msg, hint, obj=None, id=None)


它的概念非常类似于消息框架或者 日志框架中的消息。消息使用表明其严重性的level 来标记。



The severity of the message. Use one of the
predefined values: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR,
CRITICAL. If the level is greater or equal to ERROR, then Django
will prevent management commands from executing. Messages with
level lower than ERROR (i.e. warnings) are reported to the console,
but can be silenced.


A short (less than 80 characters) string describing the problem. The string
should not contain newlines.


A single-line string providing a hint for fixing the problem. If no hint
can be provided, or the hint is self-evident from the error message, the
hint can be omitted, or a value of None can be used.


Optional. An object providing context for the message (for example, the
model where the problem was discovered). The object should be a model, field,
or manager or any other object that defines __str__ method (on
Python 2 you need to define __unicode__ method). The method is used while
reporting all messages and its result precedes the message.


Optional string. A unique identifier for the issue. Identifiers should
follow the pattern applabel.X001, where X is one of the letters
CEWID, indicating the message severity (C for criticals,
E for errors and so). The number can be allocated by the application,
but should be unique within that application.


class Debug(msg, hint, obj=None, id=None)

class Info(msg, hint, obj=None, id=None)

class Warning(msg, hint, obj=None, id=None)

class Error(msg, hint, obj=None, id=None)

class Critical(msg, hint, obj=None, id=None)


  1. from django.core.checks import Error
  2. errors = checked_object.check()
  3. expected_errors = [
  4. Error(
  5. 'an error',
  6. hint=None,
  7. obj=checked_object,
  8. id='myapp.E001',
  9. )
  10. ]
  11. self.assertEqual(errors, expected_errors)




你可以向 register传递任意数量的标签来标记你的检查。Tagging checks is useful since it allows you to run only a certain group of checks. For example, to register a compatibility check, you would make the following call:

  1. from django.core.checks import register, Tags
  2. @register(Tags.compatibility)
  3. def my_check(app_configs, **kwargs):
  4. # ... perform compatibility checks and collect errors
  5. return errors

New in Django 1.8.


  1. @register(, deploy=True)
  2. def my_check(app_configs, **kwargs):
  3. ...

这些检查只在 --deploy 选项传递给check 命令的情况下运行。

你也可以通过向register传递一个可调用对象(通常是个函数)作为第一个函数,将 register作为函数使用,而不是一个装饰器。


  1. def my_check(app_configs, **kwargs):
  2. ...
  3. register(my_check,, deploy=True)

Changed in Django 1.8:



在一些情况下,你并不需要注册检查函数 — 你可以直接使用现有的注册。

字段、方法和模型管理器都实现了check() 方法,它已经使用检查框架注册。如果你想要添加额外的检查,你可以扩展基类中的实现,进行任何你需要的额外检查,并且将任何消息附加到基类生成的消息中。强烈推荐你将每个检查分配到单独的方法中。

考虑一个例子,其中你要实现一个叫做RangedIntegerField的自定义字段。这个字段向IntegerField的构造器中添加minmax 参数。你可能想添加一个检查,来确保用户提供了小于等于最大值的最小值。下面的代码段展示了如何实现这个检查:

  1. from django.core import checks
  2. from django.db import models
  3. class RangedIntegerField(models.IntegerField):
  4. def __init__(self, min=None, max=None, **kwargs):
  5. super(RangedIntegerField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
  6. self.min = min
  7. self.max = max
  8. def check(self, **kwargs):
  9. # Call the superclass
  10. errors = super(RangedIntegerField, self).check(**kwargs)
  11. # Do some custom checks and add messages to `errors`:
  12. errors.extend(self._check_min_max_values(**kwargs))
  13. # Return all errors and warnings
  14. return errors
  15. def _check_min_max_values(self, **kwargs):
  16. if (self.min is not None and
  17. self.max is not None and
  18. self.min > self.max):
  19. return [
  20. checks.Error(
  21. 'min greater than max.',
  22. hint='Decrease min or increase max.',
  23. obj=self,
  24. id='myapp.E001',
  25. )
  26. ]
  27. # When no error, return an empty list
  28. return []



  1. class MyModel(models.Model):
  2. @classmethod
  3. def check(cls, **kwargs):
  4. errors = super(MyModel, cls).check(**kwargs)
  5. # ... your own checks ...
  6. return errors

译者:Django 文档协作翻译小组,原文:System check framework

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