When a search request is run against an index or against many indices, each involved shard executes the search locally and returns its local results to the coordinating node, which combines these shard-level results into a “global” result set.

The shard-level request cache module caches the local results on each shard. This allows frequently used (and potentially heavy) search requests to return results almost instantly. The requests cache is a very good fit for the logging use case, where only the most recent index is being actively updated — results from older indices will be served directly from the cache.

By default, the requests cache will only cache the results of search requests where size=0, so it will not cache hits, but it will cache hits.total, aggregations, and suggestions. Most queries that use now (see Date Math) cannot be cached. Scripted queries that use the API calls which are non-deterministic, such as Math.random() or new Date() are not cached.
默认情况下,请求缓存只会缓存搜索请求size=0的结果,所以它不会缓存hits,但会缓存hits.total、 聚合建议。 大多数使用的查询now(请参阅Date Math)无法缓存。 使用非确定性 API 调用的脚本查询,例如 Math.random()或new Date() 不会被缓存。


The cache is smart — it keeps the same near real-time promise as uncached search.

Cached results are invalidated automatically whenever the shard refreshes to pick up changes to the documents or when you update the mapping. In other words you will always get the same results from the cache as you would for an uncached search request.

The longer the refresh interval, the longer that cached entries will remain valid even if there are changes to the documents. If the cache is full, the least recently used cache keys will be evicted.

The cache can be expired manually with the clear-cacheAPI:

  1. POST /my-index-000001,my-index-000002/_cache/clear?request=true

启用 和 禁用缓存

The cache is enabled by default, but can be disabled when creating a new index as follows:

  1. PUT /my-index-000001
  2. {
  3. "settings": {
  4. "index.requests.cache.enable": false
  5. }
  6. }

It can also be enabled or disabled dynamically on an existing index with the update-settings API:
也可以使用update-settingsAPI在现有索引上动态启用或禁用它 :

  1. PUT /my-index-000001/_settings
  2. { "index.requests.cache.enable": true }


The request_cache query-string parameter can be used to enable or disable caching on a per-request basis. If set, it overrides the index-level setting:

  1. GET /my-index-000001/_search?request_cache=true
  2. {
  3. "size": 0,
  4. "aggs": {
  5. "popular_colors": {
  6. "terms": {
  7. "field": "colors"
  8. }
  9. }
  10. }
  11. }

Requests where size is greater than 0 will not be cached even if the request cache is enabled in the index settings. To cache these requests you will need to use the query-string parameter detailed here.
size 大于0的请求不会被缓存,即使在索引中设置了。要缓存这些请求,您需要使用此处详述查询字符串参数。

缓存 Key

The whole JSON body is used as the cache key. This means that if the JSON changes — for instance if keys are output in a different order — then the cache key will not be recognised.
整个 JSON 主体用作缓存键。这意味着如果 JSON 发生变化——例如,如果键以不同的顺序输出——那么缓存键将不会被识别。

Most JSON libraries support a canonical mode which ensures that JSON keys are always emitted in the same order. This canonical mode can be used in the application to ensure that a request is always serialized in the same way. 大多数 JSON 库都支持规范模式,以确保 JSON 密钥始终以相同的顺序发出。可以在应用程序中使用这种规范模式来确保请求始终以相同的方式序列化。


The cache is managed at the node level, and has a default maximum size of 1% of the heap. This can be changed in the config/elasticsearch.yml file with:
缓存在 Node 级别进行管理,并具有默认的最大1% 堆大小。这可以在config/elasticsearch.yml文件中更改:

  1. indices.requests.cache.size: 2%

Also, you can use the indices.requests.cache.expire setting to specify a TTL for cached results, but there should be no reason to do so. Remember that stale results are automatically invalidated when the index is refreshed. This setting is provided for completeness’ sake only.
此外,您可以使用该indices.requests.cache.expire设置为缓存结果指定 TTL,但没有理由这样做。请记住,刷新索引时,陈旧的结果会自动失效。提供此设置只是为了完整起见。


The size of the cache (in bytes) and the number of evictions can be viewed by index, with the indices-stats API:

  1. GET /_stats/request_cache?human

or by node with the nodes-stats API:

  1. GET /_nodes/stats/indices/request_cache?human