In principle, the processing of the cnc router engraving machine is a kind of measurement of the drilling and milling group, and the cnc router engraving machine is easy to measure and measure the seeds and roots.
    Low power ones are only suitable for two color panels, architectural models, small signboards, three-dimensional handicrafts, etc., but engraving jade, metal, etc. requires more than 1500W of power. A high power engraver can do the same thing as a low power engraver. Ideal for large cutting, embossing and engraving.
    1. Badge: low-power cnc router engraving machine 2. Craftsman’s engraving: high- and low-power electric brain cnc router machine; 3. Metal (mold, stamp, etc.) processing: high- and low-power electric brain engraving machine (high-power due to 4. Crystal word production: high-power cnc router; 5. Wood, plexiglass, artificial stone, etc. ا brand production: high-power cnc router engraving machine; 6. Configured to make high-power, big size and high power cnc router machine; 7. ceramics, mold blanks, jade, handicrafts, ornaments, pendants, electronics, hand carvings:Powerful computer engraving machine.

    Application areas
    Woodworking industry: 3D corrugated board processing, cabinet doors, solid wood doors, craft wooden doors, unpainted doors, screens, craft fan window processing, shoe polishers, game machine cabinets and panels, masonry tables, computer desks and auxiliary panel furniture Product processing.
    Advertising industry: Advertising signboards, logo production, acrylic cutting, blister molding, production of advertising decoration products of various materials.
    Mold industry: You can engrave molds such as copper, aluminum and iron, and non-metal molds such as artificial marble, sandstone, plastic plates, PVC pipes and wooden plates.
    Other industries: You can carve large reliefs and shadow carvings of all kinds widely used in the craft gift industry.