4.10.2 RTCCertificate Interface zh:4.10.2 RTCCertificate接口

The RTCCertificate interface represents a certificate used to authenticate WebRTC communications. In addition to the visible properties, internal slots contain a handle to the generated private keying materal ([[KeyingMaterial]]), a certificate ([[Certificate]]) that RTCPeerConnection uses to authenticate with a peer, and the origin ([[Origin]]) that created the object.

zh:RTCCertificate接口表示用于验证WebRTC通信的证书。除了可见属性之外,内部插槽还包含生成的私有密钥子集([[KeyingMaterial]])的句柄,RTCPeerConnection用于与对等体进行身份验证的证书([[Certificate]])和原点([[[[Certificate]]) Origin]])创建了对象。

  1. [Exposed=Window,
  2. Serializable]
  3. interface RTCCertificate {
  4. readonly attribute DOMTimeStamp expires;
  5. static sequence<AlgorithmIdentifier> getSupportedAlgorithms();
  6. sequence<RTCDtlsFingerprint> getFingerprints();
  7. };

Attributes zh:属性

expires of type DOMTimeStamp, readonly

he expires attribute indicates the date and time in milliseconds relative to 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z after which the certificate will be considered invalid by the browser. After this time, attempts to construct an RTCPeerConnection using this certificate fail.


Note that this value might not be reflected in a notAfter parameter in the certificate itself.


Methods zh:方法


Returns a sequence providing a representative set of supported certificate algorithms. At least one algorithm MUST be returned.


For example, the “RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5” algorithm dictionary, RsaHashedKeyGenParams, contains fields for the modulus length, public exponent, and hash algorithm. Implementations are likely to support a wide range of modulus lengths and exponents, but a finite number of hash algorithms. So in this case, it would be reasonable for the implementation to return one AlgorithmIdentifier for each supported hash algorithm that can be used with RSA, using default/recommended values for modulusLength and publicExponent (such as 1024 and 65537, respectively).



Returns the list of certificate fingerprints, one of which is computed with the digest algorithm used in the certificate signature.


For the purposes of this API, the [[Certificate]] slot contains unstructured binary data. No mechanism is provided for applications to access the [[KeyingMaterial]] internal slot. Implementations MUST support applications storing and retrieving RTCCertificate objects from persistent storage. In implementations where an RTCCertificate might not directly hold private keying material (it might be stored in a secure module), a reference to the private key can be held in the [[KeyingMaterial]] internal slot, allowing the private key to be stored and used.


RTCCertificate objects are serializable objects [HTML]. Their serialization steps, given value and serialized, are:


  1. Set serialized.[[Expires]] to the value of value’s expires attribute. zh:将序列化。[[Expires]]设置为value的expires属性的值。

  2. Set serialized.[[Certificate]] to a copy of the unstructured binary data in value’s [[Certificate]] slot. zh:将序列化。[[Certificate]]设置为值[[Certificate]]插槽中非结构化二进制数据的副本。

  3. Set serialized.[[Origin]] to a copy of the unstructured binary data in value’s [[Origin]] slot. zh:将序列化。[[Origin]]设置为值[[Origin]]插槽中非结构化二进制数据的副本。

  4. Set serialized.[[KeyingMaterial]] to a serialization of the private keying material represented by value’s [[KeyingMaterial]] slot. zh:将序列化。[[KeyingMaterial]]设置为由值[[KeyingMaterial]]槽表示的私有密钥材料的序列化。

Their deserialization steps, given serialized and value, are:


  1. Initialize value’s expires attribute to contain serialized.[[Expires]]. zh:初始化value的expires属性以包含serialized。[[Expires]]。

  2. Set value’s [[Certificate]] slot to a copy of serialized.[[Certificate]]. zh:将值的[[Certificate]]插槽设置为序列化的副本。[[Certificate]]。

  3. Set value’s [[Origin]] slot to a copy of serialized.[[Origin]]. zh:将值的[[Origin]]插槽设置为序列化的副本。[[Origin]]。

  4. Set value’s [[KeyingMaterial]] slot to the private key material resulting from deserializing serialized.[[KeyingMaterial]] zh:将值的[[KeyingMaterial]]槽设置为序列化反序列化产生的私钥材料。[[KeyingMaterial]]

Supporting structured cloning in this manner allows RTCCertificate instances to be persisted to stores. It also allows instances to be passed to other origins using APIs like postMessage [webmessaging]. However, the object cannot be used by any other origin than the one that originally created it.

zh:以这种方式支持结构化克隆允许将RTCCertificate实例持久化到商店。它还允许使用postMessage [webmessaging]等API将实例传递给其他来源。但是,该对象不能由最初创建它的任何其他来源使用。