
Simple examples


Let’s write a function to compute factorials. The mathematical definition of n factorial is:


  1. n! = 1 (when n==0)
  2. = n * (n-1)! (otherwise)

In ruby, this can be written as:


  1. def fact(n)
  2. if n == 0
  3. 1
  4. else
  5. n * fact(n-1)
  6. end
  7. end

You may notice the repeated occurrence of end. Ruby has been called “Algol-like” because of this. (Actually, the syntax of ruby more closely mimics that of a langage named Eiffel.)


You may also notice the lack of a return statement. It is unneeded because a ruby function returns the last thing that was evaluated in it. Use of a return statement here is permissible but unnecessary.


Let’s try out our factorial function. Adding one line of code gives us a working program:


  1. # 这个程序用来计算一个数字的阶乘
  2. # 将其保存到fact.rb
  3. def fact(n)
  4. if n == 0
  5. 1
  6. else
  7. n * fact(n-1)
  8. end
  9. end
  10. puts fact(ARGV[0].to_i)

Here, ARGV is an array which contains the command line arguments, and to_i converts a character string to an integer.


  1. ruby fact.rb 1
  2. 1
  3. ruby fact.rb 5
  4. 120

Does it work with an argument of 40? It would make your calculator overflow…


  1. ruby fact.rb 40
  2. 815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000000

It does work. Indeed, ruby can deal with any integer which is allowed by your machine’s memory. So 400! can be calculated:


  1. ruby fact.rb 400
  2. 64034522846623895262347970319503005850702583026002959458684445942802397169186831436278478647463264676294350575035856810848298162883517435228961988646802997937341654150838162426461942352307046244325015114448670890662773914918117331955996440709549671345290477020322434911210797593280795101545372667251627877890009349763765710326350331533965349868386831339352024373788157786791506311858702618270169819740062983025308591298346162272304558339520759611505302236086810433297255194852674432232438669948422404232599805551610635942376961399231917134063858996537970147827206606320217379472010321356624613809077942304597360699567595836096158715129913822286578579549361617654480453222007825818400848436415591229454275384803558374518022675900061399560145595206127211192918105032491008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

We cannot check the correctness at a glance, but it must be right. :-)


The input/evaluation loop

输入/执行 交互环境

When you invoke ruby with no arguments, it reads commands from standard input and executes them after the end of input:


```% ruby puts “hello world” puts “good-bye world” ^D

  1. **hello world**
  2. **good-bye world**
  3. The *^D* above means control-D, a conventional way to signal end-of-input in a Unix context. In DOS/Windows, try pressing *F6* or *^Z* instead.
  4. 上面的 **^D** 代表 **Ctrl+D**,它是一种用于在**Unix**上下文中表示结束输入的传统方法,在**DOS/Windows**上,对应的则应该输入**F6**或**Ctrl+Z**。
  5. Ruby also comes with a program called `eval.rb` that allows you to enter ruby code from the keyboard in an interactive loop, showing you the results as you go. It will be used extensively through the rest of this guide.
  6. **Ruby**还附带了一个名为`eval.rb`的程序,它允许你在一个交互环境中从键盘输入**Ruby**代码,并且在退出后将结果返回给你。在本指南的其他章节,我们将广泛使用它。
  7. If you have an ANSI-compliant terminal (this is almost certainly true if you are running some flavor of UNIX; under old versions of DOS you need to have installed `ANSI.SYS` or `ANSI.COM`; Windows XP, unfortunately, has now made this nearly impossible), you should use this [enhanced `eval.rb`](http://www.rubyist.net/~slagell/ruby/eval.txt)that adds visual indenting assistance, warning reports, and color highlighting.
  8. 如果您有一个兼容**ANSI**的终端,那么你就应该使用这个[增强版的`eval.rb`](http://www.rubyist.net/~slagell/ruby/eval.txt)。(如果你运行的是**UNIX**系列的系统,这几乎是肯定的;在旧版本的**DOS**下,那么你需要安装`ANSI.SYS`或`ANSI.COM`;不幸的是,**Windows XP**现在几乎还不可能实现这一点了)。增强版的`eval.rb`增加了视觉缩进帮助,警告提醒以及颜色高亮。
  9. Otherwise, look in the `sample` subdirectory of the ruby distribution for the non-ANSI version that works on any terminal. Here is a short `eval.rb` session:
  10. 如果不是的话,请查看在任何终端上工作的**非ANSI**版本的**Ruby**的`sample`子目录。以下是一个简短的`eval.rb`会话:
  11. ```% ruby eval.rb
  12. ruby> puts "Hello, world."
  13. Hello, world.
  14. ​ nil
  15. ruby> exit

hello world is produced by puts. The next line, in this case nil, reports on whatever was last evaluated; ruby does not distinguish between statements and expressions, so evaluating a piece of code basically means the same thing as executing it.

hello world是由puts产生的。在这个例子中下一行是nil,它代表最后一次计算的结果;Ruby没有区分语句和表达式,因此对一段代码进行计算基本上等同于执行它。

Here, nil indicates that puts does not return a meaningful value. Note that we can leave this interpreter loop by saying exit, although ^D still works too.


Throughout this guide, “ruby>“ denotes the input prompt for our useful little eval.rb program.


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