第 10 章 简化条件逻辑

程序的大部分威力来自条件逻辑,但很不幸,程序的复杂度也大多来自条件逻辑。我经常借助重构把条件逻辑变得更容易理解。我常用分解条件表达式(260)处理复杂的条件表达式,用合并条件表达式(263)厘清逻辑组合。我会用以卫语句取代嵌套条件表达式(266)清晰表达“在主要处理逻辑之前先做检查”的意图。如果我发现一处 switch 逻辑处理了几种情况,可以考虑拿出以多态取代条件表达式(272)重构手法。

很多条件逻辑是用于处理特殊情况的,例如处理 null 值。如果对某种特殊情况的处理逻辑大多相同,那么可以用引入特例(289)(常被称作引入空对象)消除重复代码。另外,虽然我很喜欢去除条件逻辑,但如果我想明确地表述(以及检查)程序的状态,引入断言(302)是一个不错的补充。

10.1 分解条件表达式(Decompose Conditional)

  1. if (!aDate.isBefore(plan.summerStart) && !aDate.isAfter(plan.summerEnd))
  2. charge = quantity * plan.summerRate;
  3. else
  4. charge = quantity * plan.regularRate + plan.regularServiceCharge;
  5. if (summer())
  6. charge = summerCharge();
  7. else
  8. charge = regularCharge();








假设我要计算购买某样商品的总价(总价=数量 × 单价),而这个商品在冬季和夏季的单价是不同的:

  1. if (!aDate.isBefore(plan.summerStart) && !aDate.isAfter(plan.summerEnd))
  2. charge = quantity * plan.summerRate;
  3. else
  4. charge = quantity * plan.regularRate + plan.regularServiceCharge;


  1. if (summer())
  2. charge = quantity * plan.summerRate;
  3. else
  4. charge = quantity * plan.regularRate + plan.regularServiceCharge;
  5. function summer() {
  6. return !aDate.isBefore(plan.summerStart) && !aDate.isAfter(plan.summerEnd);
  7. }


  1. if (summer())
  2. charge = summerCharge();
  3. else
  4. charge = quantity * plan.regularRate + plan.regularServiceCharge;
  5. function summer() {
  6. return !aDate.isBefore(plan.summerStart) && !aDate.isAfter(plan.summerEnd);
  7. }
  8. function summerCharge() {
  9. return quantity * plan.summerRate;
  10. }


  1. if (summer())
  2. charge = summerCharge();
  3. else
  4. charge = regularCharge();
  5. function summer() {
  6. return !aDate.isBefore(plan.summerStart) && !aDate.isAfter(plan.summerEnd);
  7. }
  8. function summerCharge() {
  9. return quantity * plan.summerRate;
  10. }
  11. function regularCharge() {
  12. return quantity * plan.regularRate + plan.regularServiceCharge;
  13. }


  1. charge = summer() ? summerCharge() : regularCharge();
  2. function summer() {
  3. return !aDate.isBefore(plan.summerStart) && !aDate.isAfter(plan.summerEnd);
  4. }
  5. function summerCharge() {
  6. return quantity * plan.summerRate;
  7. }
  8. function regularCharge() {
  9. return quantity * plan.regularRate + plan.regularServiceCharge;
  10. }

10.2 合并条件表达式(Consolidate Conditional Expression)

  1. if (anEmployee.seniority < 2) return 0;
  2. if (anEmployee.monthsDisabled > 12) return 0;
  3. if (anEmployee.isPartTime) return 0;
  4. if (isNotEligibleForDisability()) return 0;
  5. function isNotEligibleForDisability() {
  6. return ((anEmployee.seniority < 2)
  7. || (anEmployee.monthsDisabled > 12)
  8. || (anEmployee.isPartTime));
  9. }









顺序执行的条件表达式用逻辑或来合并,嵌套的 if 语句用逻辑与来合并。






  1. function disabilityAmount(anEmployee) {
  2. if (anEmployee.seniority < 2) return 0;
  3. if (anEmployee.monthsDisabled > 12) return 0;
  4. if (anEmployee.isPartTime) return 0;
  5. // compute the disability amount


  1. function disabilityAmount(anEmployee) {
  2. if ((anEmployee.seniority < 2)
  3. || (anEmployee.monthsDisabled > 12)) return 0;
  4. if (anEmployee.isPartTime) return 0;
  5. // compute the disability amount


  1. function disabilityAmount(anEmployee) {
  2. if ((anEmployee.seniority < 2)
  3. || (anEmployee.monthsDisabled > 12)
  4. || (anEmployee.isPartTime)) return 0;
  5. // compute the disability amount


  1. function disabilityAmount(anEmployee) {
  2. if (isNotEligableForDisability()) return 0;
  3. // compute the disability amount
  4. function isNotEligableForDisability() {
  5. return ((anEmployee.seniority < 2)
  6. || (anEmployee.monthsDisabled > 12)
  7. || (anEmployee.isPartTime));
  8. }


上面的例子展示了用逻辑或合并条件表达式的做法。不过,我有可能遇到需要逻辑与的情况。例如,嵌套 if 语句的情况:

  1. if (anEmployee.onVacation)
  2. if (anEmployee.seniority > 10)
  3. return 1;
  4. return 0.5;


  1. if ((anEmployee.onVacation)
  2. && (anEmployee.seniority > 10)) return 1;
  3. return 0.5;


10.3 以卫语句取代嵌套条件表达式(Replace Nested Conditional with Guard Clauses)

  1. function getPayAmount() {
  2. let result;
  3. if (isDead) result = deadAmount();
  4. else {
  5. if (isSeparated) result = separatedAmount();
  6. else {
  7. if (isRetired) result = retiredAmount();
  8. else result = normalPayAmount();
  9. }
  10. }
  11. return result;
  12. }
  13. function getPayAmount() {
  14. if (isDead) return deadAmount();
  15. if (isSeparated) return separatedAmount();
  16. if (isRetired) return retiredAmount();
  17. return normalPayAmount();
  18. }



这两类条件表达式有不同的用途,这一点应该通过代码表现出来。如果两条分支都是正常行为,就应该使用形如 if…else…的条件表达式;如果某个条件极其罕见,就应该单独检查该条件,并在该条件为真时立刻从函数中返回。这样的单独检查常常被称为“卫语句”(guard clauses)。

以卫语句取代嵌套条件表达式的精髓就是:给某一条分支以特别的重视。如果使用 if-then-else 结构,你对 if 分支和 else 分支的重视是同等的。这样的代码结构传递给阅读者的消息就是:各个分支有同样的重要性。卫语句就不同了,它告诉阅读者:“这种情况不是本函数的核心逻辑所关心的,如果它真发生了,请做一些必要的整理工作,然后退出。”









  1. function payAmount(employee) {
  2. let result;
  3. if(employee.isSeparated) {
  4. result = {amount: 0, reasonCode:"SEP"};
  5. }
  6. else {
  7. if (employee.isRetired) {
  8. result = {amount: 0, reasonCode: "RET"};
  9. }
  10. else {
  11. // logic to compute amount
  12. lorem.ipsum(dolor.sitAmet);1
  13. consectetur(adipiscing).elit();
  14. sed.do.eiusmod = tempor.incididunt.ut(labore) && dolore(magna.aliqua);
  15. ut.enim.ad(minim.veniam);
  16. result = someFinalComputation();
  17. }
  18. }
  19. return result;
  20. }



  1. function payAmount(employee) {
  2. let result;
  3. if (employee.isSeparated) return {amount: 0, reasonCode: "SEP"};
  4. if (employee.isRetired) {
  5. result = {amount: 0, reasonCode: "RET"};
  6. }
  7. else {
  8. // logic to compute amount
  9. lorem.ipsum(dolor.sitAmet);
  10. consectetur(adipiscing).elit();
  11. sed.do.eiusmod = tempor.incididunt.ut(labore) && dolore(magna.aliqua);
  12. ut.enim.ad(minim.veniam);
  13. result = someFinalComputation();
  14. }
  15. return result;
  16. }


  1. function payAmount(employee) {
  2. let result;
  3. if (employee.isSeparated) return {amount: 0, reasonCode: "SEP"};
  4. if (employee.isRetired) return {amount: 0, reasonCode: "RET"};
  5. // logic to compute amount
  6. lorem.ipsum(dolor.sitAmet);
  7. consectetur(adipiscing).elit();
  8. sed.do.eiusmod = tempor.incididunt.ut(labore) && dolore(magna.aliqua);
  9. ut.enim.ad(minim.veniam);
  10. result = someFinalComputation();
  11. return result;
  12. }

此时,result 变量已经没有用处了,所以我把它删掉:

  1. function payAmount(employee) {
  2. let result;
  3. if (employee.isSeparated) return {amount: 0, reasonCode: "SEP"};
  4. if (employee.isRetired) return {amount: 0, reasonCode: "RET"};
  5. // logic to compute amount
  6. lorem.ipsum(dolor.sitAmet);
  7. consectetur(adipiscing).elit();
  8. sed.do.eiusmod = tempor.incididunt.ut(labore) && dolore(magna.aliqua);
  9. ut.enim.ad(minim.veniam);
  10. return someFinalComputation();
  11. }



审阅本书第 1 版的初稿时,Joshua Kerievsky 指出:我们常常可以将条件表达式反转,从而实现以卫语句取代嵌套条件表达式。为了拯救我可怜的想象力,他还好心帮我想了一个例子:

  1. function adjustedCapital(anInstrument) {
  2. let result = 0;
  3. if (anInstrument.capital > 0) {
  4. if (anInstrument.interestRate > 0 && anInstrument.duration > 0) {
  5. result = (anInstrument.income / anInstrument.duration) * anInstrument.adjustmentFactor;
  6. }
  7. }
  8. return result;
  9. }


  1. function adjustedCapital(anInstrument) {
  2. let result = 0;
  3. if (anInstrument.capital <= 0) return result;
  4. if (anInstrument.interestRate > 0 && anInstrument.duration > 0) {
  5. result = (anInstrument.income / anInstrument.duration) * anInstrument.adjustmentFactor;
  6. }
  7. return result;
  8. }


  1. function adjustedCapital(anInstrument) {
  2. let result = 0;
  3. if (anInstrument.capital <= 0) return result;
  4. if (!(anInstrument.interestRate > 0 && anInstrument.duration > 0)) return result;
  5. result = (anInstrument.income / anInstrument.duration) * anInstrument.adjustmentFactor;
  6. return result;
  7. }


  1. function adjustedCapital(anInstrument) {
  2. let result = 0;
  3. if (anInstrument.capital <= 0) return result;
  4. if (anInstrument.interestRate <= 0 || anInstrument.duration <= 0) return result;
  5. result = (anInstrument.income / anInstrument.duration) * anInstrument.adjustmentFactor;
  6. return result;
  7. }


  1. function adjustedCapital(anInstrument) {
  2. let result = 0;
  3. if ( anInstrument.capital <= 0
  4. || anInstrument.interestRate <= 0
  5. || anInstrument.duration <= 0) return result;
  6. result = (anInstrument.income / anInstrument.duration) * anInstrument.adjustmentFactor;
  7. return result;
  8. }

此时 result 变量做了两件事:一开始我把它设为 0,代表卫语句被触发时的返回值;然后又用最终计算的结果给它赋值。我可以彻底移除这个变量,避免用一个变量承担两重责任,而且又减少了一个可变变量。

  1. function adjustedCapital(anInstrument) {
  2. if ( anInstrument.capital <= 0
  3. || anInstrument.interestRate <= 0
  4. || anInstrument.duration <= 0) return 0;
  5. return (anInstrument.income / anInstrument.duration) * anInstrument.adjustmentFactor;
  6. }

1 “lorem.ipsum……”是一篇常见于排版设计领域的文章,其内容为不具可读性的字符组合,目的是使阅读者只专注于观察段落的字型和版型。——译者注

10.4 以多态取代条件表达式(Replace Conditional with Polymorphism)

  1. switch (bird.type) {
  2. case 'EuropeanSwallow':
  3. return "average";
  4. case 'AfricanSwallow':
  5. return (bird.numberOfCoconuts > 2) ? "tired" : "average";
  6. case 'NorwegianBlueParrot':
  7. return (bird.voltage > 100) ? "scorched" : "beautiful";
  8. default:
  9. return "unknown";
  10. class EuropeanSwallow {
  11. get plumage() {
  12. return "average";
  13. }
  14. class AfricanSwallow {
  15. get plumage() {
  16. return (this.numberOfCoconuts > 2) ? "tired" : "average";
  17. }
  18. class NorwegianBlueParrot {
  19. get plumage() {
  20. return (this.voltage > 100) ? "scorched" : "beautiful";
  21. }



一个常见的场景是:我可以构造一组类型,每个类型处理各自的一种条件逻辑。例如,我会注意到,图书、音乐、食品的处理方式不同,这是因为它们分属不同类型的商品。最明显的征兆就是有好几个函数都有基于类型代码的 switch 语句。若果真如此,我就可以针对 switch 语句中的每种分支逻辑创建一个类,用多态来承载各个类型特有的行为,从而去除重复的分支逻辑。


多态是面向对象编程的关键特性之一。跟其他一切有用的特性一样,它也很容易被滥用。我曾经遇到有人争论说所有条件逻辑都应该用多态取代。我不赞同这种观点。我的大部分条件逻辑只用到了基本的条件语句——if/else 和 switch/case,并不需要劳师动众地引入多态。但如果发现如前所述的复杂条件逻辑,多态是改善这种情况的有力工具。








在超类函数中保留默认情况的逻辑。或者,如果超类应该是抽象的,就把该函数声明为 abstract,或在其中直接抛出异常,表明计算责任都在子类中。



  1. function plumages(birds) {
  2. return new Map(birds.map(b => [b.name, plumage(b)]));
  3. }
  4. function speeds(birds) {
  5. return new Map(birds.map(b => [b.name, airSpeedVelocity(b)]));
  6. }
  7. function plumage(bird) {
  8. switch (bird.type) {
  9. case 'EuropeanSwallow':
  10. return "average";
  11. case 'AfricanSwallow':
  12. return (bird.numberOfCoconuts > 2) ? "tired" : "average";
  13. case 'NorwegianBlueParrot':
  14. return (bird.voltage > 100) ? "scorched" : "beautiful";
  15. default:
  16. return "unknown";
  17. }
  18. }
  19. function airSpeedVelocity(bird) {
  20. switch (bird.type) {
  21. case 'EuropeanSwallow':
  22. return 35;
  23. case 'AfricanSwallow':
  24. return 40 - 2 * bird.numberOfCoconuts;
  25. case 'NorwegianBlueParrot':
  26. return (bird.isNailed) ? 0 : 10 + bird.voltage / 10;
  27. default:
  28. return null;
  29. }
  30. }


我先对 airSpeedVelocity 和 plumage 两个函数使用函数组合成类(144)。

  1. function plumage(bird) {
  2. return new Bird(bird).plumage;
  3. }
  4. function airSpeedVelocity(bird) {
  5. return new Bird(bird).airSpeedVelocity;
  6. }
  7. class Bird {
  8. constructor(birdObject) {
  9. Object.assign(this, birdObject);
  10. }
  11. get plumage() {
  12. switch (this.type) {
  13. case 'EuropeanSwallow':
  14. return "average";
  15. case 'AfricanSwallow':
  16. return (this.numberOfCoconuts > 2) ? "tired" : "average";
  17. case 'NorwegianBlueParrot':
  18. return (this.voltage > 100) ? "scorched" : "beautiful";
  19. default:
  20. return "unknown";
  21. }
  22. }
  23. get airSpeedVelocity() {
  24. switch (this.type) {
  25. case 'EuropeanSwallow':
  26. return 35;
  27. case 'AfricanSwallow':
  28. return 40 - 2 * this.numberOfCoconuts;
  29. case 'NorwegianBlueParrot':
  30. return (this.isNailed) ? 0 : 10 + this.voltage / 10;
  31. default:
  32. return null;
  33. }
  34. }
  35. }


  1. function plumage(bird) {
  2. return createBird(bird).plumage;
  3. }
  4. function airSpeedVelocity(bird) {
  5. return createBird(bird).airSpeedVelocity;
  6. }
  7. function createBird(bird) {
  8. switch (bird.type) {
  9. case "EuropeanSwallow":
  10. return new EuropeanSwallow(bird);
  11. case "AfricanSwallow":
  12. return new AfricanSwallow(bird);
  13. case "NorweigianBlueParrot":
  14. return new NorwegianBlueParrot(bird);
  15. default:
  16. return new Bird(bird);
  17. }
  18. }
  19. class EuropeanSwallow extends Bird {}
  20. class AfricanSwallow extends Bird {}
  21. class NorwegianBlueParrot extends Bird {}

现在我已经有了需要的类结构,可以处理两个条件逻辑了。先从 plumage 函数开始,我从 switch 语句中选一个分支,在适当的子类中覆写这个逻辑。

class EuropeanSwallow…

  1. get plumage() {
  2. return "average";
  3. }

class Bird…

  1. get plumage() {
  2. switch (this.type) {
  3. case 'EuropeanSwallow':
  4. throw "oops";
  5. case 'AfricanSwallow':
  6. return (this.numberOfCoconuts > 2) ? "tired" : "average";
  7. case 'NorwegianBlueParrot':
  8. return (this.voltage > 100) ? "scorched" : "beautiful";
  9. default:
  10. return "unknown";
  11. }
  12. }



class AfricanSwallow…

  1. get plumage() {
  2. return (this.numberOfCoconuts > 2) ? "tired" : "average";
  3. }

然后是挪威蓝鹦鹉(Norwegian Blue)的分支。

class NorwegianBlueParrot…

  1. get plumage() {
  2. return (this.voltage >100) ? "scorched" : "beautiful";
  3. }


class Bird…

  1. get plumage() {
  2. return "unknown";
  3. }

airSpeedVelocity 也如法炮制。完成以后,代码大致如下(我还对顶层的 airSpeedVelocity 和 plumage 函数做了内联处理):

  1. function plumages(birds) {
  2. return new Map(birds
  3. .map(b => createBird(b))
  4. .map(bird => [bird.name, bird.plumage]));
  5. }
  6. function speeds(birds) {
  7. return new Map(birds
  8. .map(b => createBird(b))
  9. .map(bird => [bird.name, bird.airSpeedVelocity]));
  10. }
  11. function createBird(bird) {
  12. switch (bird.type) {
  13. case 'EuropeanSwallow':
  14. return new EuropeanSwallow(bird);
  15. case 'AfricanSwallow':
  16. return new AfricanSwallow(bird);
  17. case 'NorwegianBlueParrot':
  18. return new NorwegianBlueParrot(bird);
  19. default:
  20. return new Bird(bird);
  21. }
  22. }
  23. class Bird {
  24. constructor(birdObject) {
  25. Object.assign(this, birdObject);
  26. }
  27. get plumage() {
  28. return "unknown";
  29. }
  30. get airSpeedVelocity() {
  31. return null;
  32. }
  33. }
  34. class EuropeanSwallow extends Bird {
  35. get plumage() {
  36. return "average";
  37. }
  38. get airSpeedVelocity() {
  39. return 35;
  40. }
  41. }
  42. class AfricanSwallow extends Bird {
  43. get plumage() {
  44. return (this.numberOfCoconuts > 2) ? "tired" : "average";
  45. }
  46. get airSpeedVelocity() {
  47. return 40 - 2 * this.numberOfCoconuts;
  48. }
  49. }
  50. class NorwegianBlueParrot extends Bird {
  51. get plumage() {
  52. return (this.voltage > 100) ? "scorched" : "beautiful";
  53. }
  54. get airSpeedVelocity() {
  55. return (this.isNailed) ? 0 : 10 + this.voltage / 10;
  56. }
  57. }

看着最终的代码,可以看出 Bird 超类并不是必需的。在 JavaScript 中,多态不一定需要类型层级,只要对象实现了适当的函数就行。但在这个例子中,我愿意保留这个不必要的超类,因为它能帮助阐释各个子类与问题域之间的关系。




  1. function rating(voyage, history) {
  2. const vpf = voyageProfitFactor(voyage, history);
  3. const vr = voyageRisk(voyage);
  4. const chr = captainHistoryRisk(voyage, history);
  5. if (vpf * 3 > (vr + chr * 2)) return "A";
  6. else return "B";
  7. }
  8. function voyageRisk(voyage) {
  9. let result = 1;
  10. if (voyage.length > 4) result += 2;
  11. if (voyage.length > 8) result += voyage.length - 8;
  12. if (["china", "east-indies"].includes(voyage.zone)) result += 4;
  13. return Math.max(result, 0);
  14. }
  15. function captainHistoryRisk(voyage, history) {
  16. let result = 1;
  17. if (history.length < 5) result += 4;
  18. result += history.filter(v => v.profit < 0).length;
  19. if (voyage.zone === "china" && hasChina(history)) result -= 2;
  20. return Math.max(result, 0);
  21. }
  22. function hasChina(history) {
  23. return history.some(v => "china" === v.zone);
  24. }
  25. function voyageProfitFactor(voyage, history) {
  26. let result = 2;
  27. if (voyage.zone === "china") result += 1;
  28. if (voyage.zone === "east-indies") result += 1;
  29. if (voyage.zone === "china" && hasChina(history)) {
  30. result += 3;
  31. if (history.length > 10) result += 1;
  32. if (voyage.length > 12) result += 1;
  33. if (voyage.length > 18) result -= 1;
  34. }
  35. else {
  36. if (history.length > 8) result += 1;
  37. if (voyage.length > 14) result -= 1;
  38. }
  39. return result;
  40. }

voyageRisk 和 captainHistoryRisk 两个函数负责打出风险分数,voyageProfitFactor 负责打出盈利潜力分数,rating 函数将 3 个分数组合到一起,给出一次航行的综合评级。


  1. const voyage = { zone: "west-indies", length: 10 };
  2. const history = [
  3. { zone: "east-indies", profit: 5 },
  4. { zone: "west-indies", profit: 15 },
  5. { zone: "china", profit: -2 },
  6. { zone: "west-africa", profit: 7 },
  7. ];
  8. const myRating = rating(voyage, history);


function rating(voyage, history) {
 const vpf = voyageProfitFactor(voyage, history);
 const vr = voyageRisk(voyage);
 const chr = captainHistoryRisk(voyage, history);
 if (vpf * 3 > (vr + chr * 2)) return "A";
 else return "B";
function voyageRisk(voyage) {
 let result = 1;
 if (voyage.length > 4) result += 2;
 if (voyage.length > 8) result += voyage.length - 8;
 if (["china", "east-indies"].includes(voyage.zone)) result += 4;
 return Math.max(result, 0);
function captainHistoryRisk(voyage, history) {
 let result = 1;
 if (history.length < 5) result += 4;
 result += history.filter(v => v.profit < 0).length;
 if (voyage.zone === "china" && hasChina(history)) result -= 2;
 return Math.max(result, 0);
function hasChina(history) {
 return history.some(v => "china" === v.zone);
function voyageProfitFactor(voyage, history) {
 let result = 2;
 if (voyage.zone === "china") result += 1;
 if (voyage.zone === "east-indies") result += 1;
 if (voyage.zone === "china" && hasChina(history)) {
  result += 3;
  if (history.length > 10) result += 1;
  if (voyage.length > 12) result += 1;
  if (voyage.length > 18) result -= 1;
 else {
  if (history.length > 8) result += 1;
  if (voyage.length > 14) result -= 1;
 return result;



function rating(voyage, history) {
 return new Rating(voyage, history).value;

class Rating {
 constructor(voyage, history) {
  this.voyage = voyage;
  this.history = history;
 get value() {
  const vpf = this.voyageProfitFactor;
  const vr = this.voyageRisk;
  const chr = this.captainHistoryRisk;
  if (vpf * 3 > (vr + chr * 2)) return "A";
  else return "B";
 get voyageRisk() {
  let result = 1;
  if (this.voyage.length > 4) result += 2;
  if (this.voyage.length > 8) result += this.voyage.length - 8;
  if (["china", "east-indies"].includes(this.voyage.zone)) result += 4;
  return Math.max(result, 0);
 get captainHistoryRisk() {
  let result = 1;
  if (this.history.length < 5) result += 4;
  result += this.history.filter(v => v.profit < 0).length;
  if (this.voyage.zone === "china" && this.hasChinaHistory) result -= 2;
  return Math.max(result, 0);
 get voyageProfitFactor() {
  let result = 2;

  if (this.voyage.zone === "china") result += 1;
  if (this.voyage.zone === "east-indies") result += 1;
  if (this.voyage.zone === "china" && this.hasChinaHistory) {
   result += 3;
   if (this.history.length > 10) result += 1;
   if (this.voyage.length > 12) result += 1;
   if (this.voyage.length > 18) result -= 1;
  else {
   if (this.history.length > 8) result += 1;
   if (this.voyage.length > 14) result -= 1;
  return result;
 get hasChinaHistory() {
  return this.history.some(v => "china" === v.zone);


class ExperiencedChinaRating extends Rating {}


function createRating(voyage, history) {
 if (voyage.zone === "china" && history.some(v => "china" === v.zone))
  return new ExperiencedChinaRating(voyage, history);
 else return new Rating(voyage, history);

我需要修改所有调用方代码,让它们使用该工厂函数,而不要直接调用构造函数。还好现在调用构造函数的只有 rating 函数一处。

function rating(voyage, history) {
  return createRating(voyage, history).value;

有两处行为需要移入子类中。我先处理 captainHistoryRisk 中的逻辑。

class Rating…

get captainHistoryRisk() {
 let result = 1;
 if (this.history.length < 5) result += 4;
 result += this.history.filter(v => v.profit < 0).length;
 if (this.voyage.zone === "china" && this.hasChinaHistory) result -= 2;
 return Math.max(result, 0);


class ExperiencedChinaRating

get captainHistoryRisk() {
  const result = super.captainHistoryRisk - 2;
  return Math.max(result, 0);

class Rating…

get captainHistoryRisk() {
 let result = 1;
 if (this.history.length < 5) result += 4;
 result += this.history.filter(v => v.profit < 0).length;
 if (this.voyage.zone === "china" && this.hasChinaHistory) result -= 2;
 return Math.max(result, 0);

分离 voyageProfitFactor 函数中的变体行为要更麻烦一些。我不能直接从超类中删掉变体行为,因为在超类中还有另一条执行路径。我又不想把整个超类中的函数复制到子类中。

class Rating…

get voyageProfitFactor() {
 let result = 2;

 if (this.voyage.zone === "china") result += 1;
 if (this.voyage.zone === "east-indies") result += 1;
 if (this.voyage.zone === "china" && this.hasChinaHistory) {
  result += 3;
  if (this.history.length > 10) result += 1;
  if (this.voyage.length > 12) result += 1;
  if (this.voyage.length > 18) result -= 1;
 else {
  if (this.history.length > 8) result += 1;
  if (this.voyage.length > 14) result -= 1;
 return result;


class Rating…

get voyageProfitFactor() {
 let result = 2;

 if (this.voyage.zone === "china") result += 1;
 if (this.voyage.zone === "east-indies") result += 1;
 result += this.voyageAndHistoryLengthFactor;
 return result;
get voyageAndHistoryLengthFactor() {
 let result = 0;
 if (this.voyage.zone === "china" && this.hasChinaHistory) {
  result += 3;
  if (this.history.length > 10) result += 1;
  if (this.voyage.length > 12) result += 1;
  if (this.voyage.length > 18) result -= 1;
 else {
  if (this.history.length > 8) result += 1;
  if (this.voyage.length > 14) result -= 1;
 return result;


class Rating…

get voyageAndHistoryLengthFactor() {
 let result = 0;
 if (this.history.length > 8) result += 1;
 if (this.voyage.length > 14) result -= 1;
 return result;

class ExperiencedChinaRating…

get voyageAndHistoryLengthFactor() {
 let result = 0;
 result += 3;
 if (this.history.length > 10) result += 1;
 if (this.voyage.length > 12) result += 1;
 if (this.voyage.length > 18) result -= 1;
 return result;



函数名中的“And”字样说明其中包含了两件事,所以我觉得应该将它们分开。我会用提炼函数(106)把“历史航行数”(history length)的相关逻辑提炼出来。这一步提炼在超类和子类中都要发生,我首先从超类开始。

class Rating…

get voyageAndHistoryLengthFactor() {
 let result = 0;
 result += this.historyLengthFactor;
 if (this.voyage.length > 14) result -= 1;
 return result;
get historyLengthFactor() {
 return (this.history.length > 8) ? 1 : 0;


class ExperiencedChinaRating…

get voyageAndHistoryLengthFactor() {
 let result = 0;
 result += 3;
 result += this.historyLengthFactor;
 if (this.voyage.length > 12) result += 1;
 if (this.voyage.length > 18) result -= 1;
 return result;
get historyLengthFactor() {
 return (this.history.length > 10) ? 1 : 0;


class Rating…

get voyageProfitFactor() {
 let result = 2;
 if (this.voyage.zone === "china") result += 1;
 if (this.voyage.zone === "east-indies") result += 1;
 result += this.historyLengthFactor;
 result += this.voyageAndHistoryLengthFactor;
 return result;

get voyageAndHistoryLengthFactor() {
 let result = 0;
 result += this.historyLengthFactor;
 if (this.voyage.length > 14) result -= 1;
 return result;

class ExperiencedChinaRating…

get voyageAndHistoryLengthFactor() {
 let result = 0;
 result += 3;
 result += this.historyLengthFactor;
 if (this.voyage.length > 12) result += 1;
 if (this.voyage.length > 18) result -= 1;
 return result;


class Rating…

get voyageProfitFactor() {
 let result = 2;
 if (this.voyage.zone === "china") result += 1;
 if (this.voyage.zone === "east-indies") result += 1;
 result += this.historyLengthFactor;
 result += this.voyageLengthFactor;
 return result;

get voyageLengthFactor() {
 return (this.voyage.length > 14) ? - 1: 0;

改为三元表达式,以简化 voyageLengthFactor 函数。

class ExperiencedChinaRating…

get voyageLengthFactor() {
 let result = 0;
 result += 3;
 if (this.voyage.length > 12) result += 1;
 if (this.voyage.length > 18) result -= 1;
 return result;

最后一件事:在“航程数”(voyage length)因素上加上 3 分,我认为这个逻辑不合理,应该把这 3 分加在最终的结果上。

class ExperiencedChinaRating…

get voyageProfitFactor() {
  return super.voyageProfitFactor + 3;

get voyageLengthFactor() {
  let result = 0;
  result += 3;
  if (this.voyage.length > 12) result += 1;
  if (this.voyage.length > 18) result -= 1;
  return result;

重构结束,我得到了如下代码。首先,我有一个基本的 Rating 类,其中不考虑与“中国经验”相关的复杂性:

class Rating {
 constructor(voyage, history) {
  this.voyage = voyage;
  this.history = history;
 get value() {
  const vpf = this.voyageProfitFactor;
  const vr = this.voyageRisk;
  const chr = this.captainHistoryRisk;
  if (vpf * 3 > (vr + chr * 2)) return "A";
  else return "B";
 get voyageRisk() {
  let result = 1;
  if (this.voyage.length > 4) result += 2;
  if (this.voyage.length > 8) result += this.voyage.length - 8;
  if (["china", "east-indies"].includes(this.voyage.zone)) result += 4;
  return Math.max(result, 0);
 get captainHistoryRisk() {
  let result = 1;
  if (this.history.length < 5) result += 4;
  result += this.history.filter(v => v.profit < 0).length;
  return Math.max(result, 0);
 get voyageProfitFactor() {
  let result = 2;
  if (this.voyage.zone === "china") result += 1;
  if (this.voyage.zone === "east-indies") result += 1;
  result += this.historyLengthFactor;
  result += this.voyageLengthFactor;
  return result;
 get voyageLengthFactor() {
  return (this.voyage.length > 14) ? - 1: 0;
 get historyLengthFactor() {
  return (this.history.length > 8) ? 1 : 0;


class ExperiencedChinaRating extends Rating {
 get captainHistoryRisk() {
  const result = super.captainHistoryRisk - 2;
  return Math.max(result, 0);
 get voyageLengthFactor() {
  let result = 0;
  if (this.voyage.length > 12) result += 1;
  if (this.voyage.length > 18) result -= 1;
  return result;
 get historyLengthFactor() {
  return (this.history.length > 10) ? 1 : 0;
 get voyageProfitFactor() {
  return super.voyageProfitFactor + 3;

10.5 引入特例(Introduce Special Case)

曾用名:引入 Null 对象(Introduce Null Object)

if (aCustomer === "unknown") customerName = "occupant";

class UnknownCustomer {
  get name() {return "occupant";}



处理这种情况的一个好办法是使用“特例”(Special Case)模式:创建一个特例元素,用以表达对这种特例的共用行为的处理。这样我就可以用一个函数调用取代大部分特例检查逻辑。

特例有几种表现形式。如果我只需要从这个对象读取数据,可以提供一个字面量对象(literal object),其中所有的值都是预先填充好的。如果除简单的数值之外还需要更多的行为,就需要创建一个特殊对象,其中包含所有共用行为所对应的函数。特例对象可以由一个封装类来返回,也可以通过变换插入一个数据结构。

一个通常需要特例处理的值就是 null,这也是这个模式常被叫作“Null 对象”(Null Object)模式的原因——我喜欢说:Null 对象是特例的一种特例。



给重构目标添加检查特例的属性,令其返回 false。

创建一个特例对象,其中只有检查特例的属性,返回 true。






特例类对于简单的请求通常会返回固定的值,因此可以将其实现为字面记录(literal record)。




class Site…

get customer() {return this._customer;}

代表“顾客”的 Customer 类有多个属性,我只考虑其中 3 个。

class Customer…

get name()           {...}
get billingPlan()    {...}
set billingPlan(arg) {...}
get paymentHistory() {...}

大多数情况下,一个场所会对应一个顾客,但有些场所没有与之对应的顾客,可能是因为之前的住户搬走了,而新搬来的住户我还不知道是谁。这种情况下,数据记录中的 customer 字段会被填充为字符串”unknown”。因为这种情况时有发生,所以 Site 对象的客户端必须有办法处理“顾客未知”的情况。下面是一些示例代码片段。

客户端 1…

const aCustomer = site.customer;
// ... lots of intervening code ...
let customerName;
if (aCustomer === "unknown") customerName = "occupant";
else customerName = aCustomer.name;

客户端 2…

const plan =
  aCustomer === "unknown" ? registry.billingPlans.basic : aCustomer.billingPlan;

客户端 3…

if (aCustomer !== "unknown") aCustomer.billingPlan = newPlan;

客户端 4…

const weeksDelinquent =
  aCustomer === "unknown"
    ? 0
    : aCustomer.paymentHistory.weeksDelinquentInLastYear;

浏览整个代码库,我看到有很多使用 Site 对象的客户端在处理“顾客未知”的情况,大多数都用了同样的应对方式:用”occupant”(居民)作为顾客名,使用基本的计价套餐,并认为这家顾客没有欠费。到处都在检查这种特例,再加上对特例的处理方式高度一致,这些现象告诉我:是时候使用特例对象(Special Case Object)模式了。

我首先给 Customer 添加一个函数,用于指示“这个顾客是否未知”。

class Customer…

get isUnknown() {return false;}


class UnknownCustomer {
  get isUnknown() {
    return true;

注意,我没有把 UnknownCustomer 类声明为 Customer 的子类。在其他编程语言(尤其是静态类型的编程语言)中,我会需要继承关系。但 JavaScript 是一种动态类型语言,按照它的子类化规则,这里不声明继承关系反而更好。

下面就是麻烦之处了。我必须在所有期望得到”unknown”值的地方返回这个新的特例对象,并修改所有检查”unknown”值的地方,令其使用新的 isUnknown 函数。一般而言,我总是希望细心安排修改过程,使我可以每次做一点小修改,然后马上测试。但如果我修改了 Customer 类,使其返回 UnknownCustomer 对象(而非”unknown”字符串),那么就必须同时修改所有客户端,让它们不要检查”unknown”字符串,而是调用 isUnknown 函数——这两个修改必须一次完成。我感觉这一大步修改就像一大块难吃的食物一样难以下咽。


function isUnknown(arg) {
  if (!(arg instanceof Customer || arg === "unknown"))
    throw new Error(`investigate bad value: <${arg}>`);
  return arg === "unknown";



客户端 1…

let customerName;
if (isUnknown(aCustomer)) customerName = "occupant";
else customerName = aCustomer.name;


客户端 2…

const plan = isUnknown(aCustomer)
  ? registry.billingPlans.basic
  : aCustomer.billingPlan;

客户端 3…

if (!isUnknown(aCustomer)) aCustomer.billingPlan = newPlan;

客户端 4…

const weeksDelinquent = isUnknown(aCustomer)
  ? 0
  : aCustomer.paymentHistory.weeksDelinquentInLastYear;

将所有调用处都改为使用 isUnknown 函数之后,就可以修改 Site 类,令其在顾客未知时返回 UnknownCustomer 对象。

class Site…

get customer() {
  return (this._customer === "unknown") ? new UnknownCustomer() : this._customer;

然后修改 isUnknown 函数的判断逻辑。做完这步修改之后我可以做一次全文搜索,应该没有任何地方使用”unknown”字符串了。

客户端 1…

function isUnknown(arg) {
  if (!(arg instanceof Customer || arg instanceof UnknownCustomer))
    throw new Error(`investigate bad value: <${arg}>`);
  return arg.isUnknown;



客户端 1…

let customerName;
if (isUnknown(aCustomer)) customerName = "occupant";
else customerName = aCustomer.name;

我可以在 UnknownCustomer 类中添加一个合适的函数。

class UnknownCustomer…

get name() {return "occupant";}


客户端 1…

const customerName = aCustomer.name;

测试通过之后,我可能会用内联变量(123)把 customerName 变量也消除掉。

接下来处理代表“计价套餐”的 billingPlan 属性。

客户端 2…

const plan = isUnknown(aCustomer)
  ? registry.billingPlans.basic
  : aCustomer.billingPlan;

客户端 3…

if (!isUnknown(aCustomer)) aCustomer.billingPlan = newPlan;

对于读取该属性的行为,我的处理方法跟前面处理 name 属性一样——找到通用的应对方式,并在 UnknownCustomer 中使用之。至于对该属性的写操作,当前的代码没有对未知顾客调用过设值函数,所以在特例对象中,我会保留设值函数,但其中什么都不做。

class UnknownCustomer…

get billingPlan()  {return registry.billingPlans.basic;}
set billingPlan(arg) { /* ignore */ }


const plan = aCustomer.billingPlan;


aCustomer.billingPlan = newPlan;




const weeksDelinquent = isUnknown(aCustomer)
  ? 0
  : aCustomer.paymentHistory.weeksDelinquentInLastYear;

一般的原则是:如果特例对象需要返回关联对象,被返回的通常也是特例对象。所以,我需要创建一个代表“空支付记录”的特例类 NullPaymentHistory。

class UnknownCustomer…

get paymentHistory() {return new NullPaymentHistory();}

class NullPaymentHistory…

get weeksDelinquentInLastYear() {return 0;}


const weeksDelinquent = aCustomer.paymentHistory.weeksDelinquentInLastYear;

我继续查看客户端代码,寻找是否有能用多态行为取代的地方。但也会有例外情况——客户端不想使用特例对象提供的逻辑,而是想做一些别的处理。我可能有 23 处客户端代码用”occupant”作为未知顾客的名字,但还有一处用了别的值。


const name = !isUnknown(aCustomer) ? aCustomer.name : "unknown occupant";

这种情况下,我只能在客户端保留特例检查的逻辑。我会对其做些修改,让它使用 aCustomer 对象身上的 isUnknown 函数,也就是对全局的 isUnknown 函数使用内联函数(115)。


const name = aCustomer.isUnknown ? "unknown occupant" : aCustomer.name;

处理完所有客户端代码后,全局的 isUnknown 函数应该没人再调用了,可以用移除死代码(237)将其移除。


我们在上面处理的其实是一些很简单的值,却要创建一个这样的类,未免有点儿大动干戈。但在上面这个例子中,我必须创建这样一个类,因为 Customer 类是允许使用者更新其内容的。但如果面对一个只读的数据结构,我就可以改用字面量对象(literal object)。

还是前面这个例子——几乎完全一样,除了一件事:这次没有客户端对 Customer 对象做更新操作:

class Site…

get customer() {return this._customer;}

class Customer…

get name()           {...}
get billingPlan()    {...}
set billingPlan(arg) {...}
get paymentHistory() {...}

客户端 1…

const aCustomer = site.customer;
// ... lots of intervening code ...
let customerName;
if (aCustomer === "unknown") customerName = "occupant";
else customerName = aCustomer.name;

客户端 2…

const plan =
  aCustomer === "unknown" ? registry.billingPlans.basic : aCustomer.billingPlan;

客户端 3…

const weeksDelinquent =
  aCustomer === "unknown"
    ? 0
    : aCustomer.paymentHistory.weeksDelinquentInLastYear;

和前面的例子一样,我首先在 Customer 中添加 isUnknown 属性,并创建一个包含同名字段的特例对象。这次的区别在于,特例对象是一个字面量。

class Customer…

get isUnknown() {return false;}


function createUnknownCustomer() {
  return {
    isUnknown: true,


function isUnknown(arg) {
  return arg === "unknown";

客户端 1…

let customerName;
if (isUnknown(aCustomer)) customerName = "occupant";
else customerName = aCustomer.name;

客户端 2…

const plan = isUnknown(aCustomer)
  ? registry.billingPlans.basic
  : aCustomer.billingPlan;

客户端 3…

const weeksDelinquent = isUnknown(aCustomer)
  ? 0
  : aCustomer.paymentHistory.weeksDelinquentInLastYear;

修改 Site 类和做条件判断的 isUnknown 函数,开始使用特例对象。

class Site…

get customer() {
  return (this._customer === "unknown") ? createUnknownCustomer() : this._customer;


function isUnknown(arg) {
  return arg.isUnknown;


function createUnknownCustomer() {
  return {
    isUnknown: true,
    name: "occupant",

客户端 1…

const customerName = aCustomer.name;


function createUnknownCustomer() {
  return {
    isUnknown: true,
    name: "occupant",
    billingPlan: registry.billingPlans.basic,

客户端 2…

const plan = aCustomer.billingPlan;


function createUnknownCustomer() {
  return {
    isUnknown: true,
    name: "occupant",
    billingPlan: registry.billingPlans.basic,
    paymentHistory: {
      weeksDelinquentInLastYear: 0,

客户端 3…

const weeksDelinquent = aCustomer.paymentHistory.weeksDelinquentInLastYear;

如果使用了这样的字面量,应该使用诸如 Object.freeze 的方法将其冻结,使其不可变。通常,我还是喜欢用类多一点。




 name: "Acme Boston",
 location: "Malden MA",
 // more site details
 customer: {
  name: "Acme Industries",
  billingPlan: "plan-451",
  paymentHistory: {
   weeksDelinquentInLastYear: 7
  // more

有时顾客的名字未知,此时标记的方式与前面一样:将 customer 字段标记为字符串”unknown”。

name: "Warehouse Unit 15",
location: "Malden MA",
// more site details
customer: "unknown",


客户端 1…

const site = acquireSiteData();
const aCustomer = site.customer;
// ... lots of intervening code ...
let customerName;
if (aCustomer === "unknown") customerName = "occupant";
else customerName = aCustomer.name;

客户端 2…

const plan =
  aCustomer === "unknown" ? registry.billingPlans.basic : aCustomer.billingPlan;

客户端 3…

const weeksDelinquent =
  aCustomer === "unknown"
    ? 0
    : aCustomer.paymentHistory.weeksDelinquentInLastYear;

我首先要让 Site 数据结构经过一次变换,目前变换中只做了深复制,没有对数据做任何处理。

客户端 1…

const rawSite = acquireSiteData();
const site = enrichSite(rawSite);
const aCustomer = site.customer;
// ... lots of intervening code ...
let customerName;
if (aCustomer === "unknown") customerName = "occupant";
else customerName = aCustomer.name;

function enrichSite(inputSite) {
  return _.cloneDeep(inputSite);


function isUnknown(aCustomer) {
  return aCustomer === "unknown";

客户端 1…

const rawSite = acquireSiteData();
const site = enrichSite(rawSite);
const aCustomer = site.customer;
// ... lots of intervening code ...
let customerName;
if (isUnknown(aCustomer)) customerName = "occupant";
else customerName = aCustomer.name;

客户端 2…

const plan = isUnknown(aCustomer)
  ? registry.billingPlans.basic
  : aCustomer.billingPlan;

客户端 3…

const weeksDelinquent = isUnknown(aCustomer)
  ? 0
  : aCustomer.paymentHistory.weeksDelinquentInLastYear;

然后开始对 Site 数据做增强,首先是给 customer 字段加上 isUnknown 属性。

function enrichSite(aSite) {
  const result = _.cloneDeep(aSite);
  const unknownCustomer = {
    isUnknown: true,

  if (isUnknown(result.customer)) result.customer = unknownCustomer;
  else result.customer.isUnknown = false;
  return result;

随后修改检查特例的条件逻辑,开始使用新的属性。原来的检查逻辑也保留不动,所以现在的检查逻辑应该既能应对原来的 Site 数据,也能应对增强后的 Site 数据。

function isUnknown(aCustomer) {
  if (aCustomer === "unknown") return true;
  else return aCustomer.isUnknown;


function enrichSite(aSite) {
  const result = _.cloneDeep(aSite);
  const unknownCustomer = {
    isUnknown: true,
    name: "occupant",

  if (isUnknown(result.customer)) result.customer = unknownCustomer;
  else result.customer.isUnknown = false;
  return result;

客户端 1…

const rawSite = acquireSiteData();
const site = enrichSite(rawSite);
const aCustomer = site.customer;
// ... lots of intervening code ...
const customerName = aCustomer.name;


function enrichSite(aSite) {
  const result = _.cloneDeep(aSite);
  const unknownCustomer = {
    isUnknown: true,
    name: "occupant",
    billingPlan: registry.billingPlans.basic,

  if (isUnknown(result.customer)) result.customer = unknownCustomer;
  else result.customer.isUnknown = false;
  return result;

客户端 2…

const plan = aCustomer.billingPlan;


function enrichSite(aSite) {
  const result = _.cloneDeep(aSite);
  const unknownCustomer = {
    isUnknown: true,
    name: "occupant",
    billingPlan: registry.billingPlans.basic,
    paymentHistory: {
      weeksDelinquentInLastYear: 0,

  if (isUnknown(result.customer)) result.customer = unknownCustomer;
  else result.customer.isUnknown = false;
  return result;

客户端 3…

const weeksDelinquent = aCustomer.paymentHistory.weeksDelinquentInLastYear;

10.6 引入断言(Introduce Assertion)

  if (this.discountRate)
  base = base - (this.discountRate * base);

  assert(this.discountRate>= 0);
if (this.discountRate)
  base = base - (this.discountRate * base);


常常会有这样一段代码:只有当某个条件为真时,该段代码才能正常运行。例如,平方根计算只对正值才能进行,又例如,某个对象可能假设一组字段中至少有一个不等于 null。








下面是一个简单的例子:折扣。顾客(customer)会获得一个折扣率(discount rate),可以用于所有其购买的商品。

class Customer…

applyDiscount(aNumber) {
  return (this.discountRate)
    ? aNumber - (this.discountRate * aNumber)
    : aNumber;

这里有一个假设:折扣率永远是正数。我可以用断言明确标示出这个假设。但在一个三元表达式中没办法很简单地插入断言,所以我首先要把这个表达式转换成 if-else 的形式。

class Customer…

applyDiscount(aNumber) {
  if (!this.discountRate) return aNumber;
  else return aNumber - (this.discountRate * aNumber);


class Customer…

applyDiscount(aNumber) {
  if (!this.discountRate) return aNumber;
  else {
    assert(this.discountRate >= 0);
    return aNumber - (this.discountRate * aNumber);

对这个例子而言,我更愿意把断言放在设值函数上。如果在 applyDiscount 函数处发生断言失败,我还得先费力搞清楚非法的折扣率值起初是从哪儿放进去的。

class Customer…

set discountRate(aNumber) {
  assert(null === aNumber || aNumber >= 0);
  this._discountRate = aNumber;



我只用断言预防程序员的错误。如果要从某个外部数据源读取数据,那么所有对输入值的检查都应该是程序的一等公民,而不能用断言实现——除非我对这个外部数据源有绝对的信心。断言是帮助我们跟踪 bug 的最后一招,所以,或许听来讽刺,只有当我认为断言绝对不会失败的时候,我才会使用断言。