
The sample code below shows how to read from Excel file and write to it while a strategy is running. It reades two sma lengths from the SampleBook.xlsx file in the OnStrategyStart method and writes the last bar’s close price to the Excel file in the OnBar method.


  1. using System;
  2. using System.Drawing;

  3. using OpenQuant.API;

  4. using OpenQuant.API.Indicators;

  5. using Interop.Excel;

  6. public class MyStrategy : Strategy

  7. {

  8. SMA sma1;

  9. SMA sma2;

  10. Workbook workbook;

  11. Worksheet worksheet;

  12. public override void OnStrategyStart()

  13. {

  14. // open Excel file 打开Excel文件

  15. Application excel = new Application();

  16.   workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open(@"C:\Users\s.b\Documents\SampleBook.xlsx", 0, false,
  17. 5, “”, “”, true, Interop.Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, \t”, false, false, 0, true, null,

  18. null);

  19.   Sheets sheets = workbook.Worksheets;
  20.   worksheet = (Worksheet)sheets.get_Item(1);
  21.   // read A1 and A2 values 读取A1和A2值
  22.   double length1 = (double)worksheet.get_Range("A1", "A1").Value2;
  23.   double length2 = (double)worksheet.get_Range("A2", "A2").Value2;
  24.   //
  25.   sma1 = new SMA(Bars, (int)length1);
  26.   sma2 = new SMA(Bars, (int)length2);
  27. }

  28. public override void OnBar(Bar bar)

  29. {

  30. worksheet.get_Range(“B1”, B1”).Value2 = bar.Close;

  31. }

  32. public override void OnStrategyStop()

  33. {

  34. // save and close the workbook 保存并关闭工作簿(Excel文件)

  35. workbook.Save();

  36. workbook.Close(true, null, null);

  37. }

  38. }

To build the sample you should add a reference to the Interop.Excel.dll, using the following steps:


  • locate the Interop.Excel.dll file at “[Installation Directory]\Framework\bin” folder

  • 打开[Installation Directory]\Framework\bin文件夹,找到Interop.Excel.dll文件

  • copy it to the “[Installation Directory]\bin” folder

  • 把它复制到 [Installation Directory]\bin文件夹

  • from the main menu go to Tools -> Options, in the opened Options dialog click “Projects and Solutions” node and select “Build” node. Click “Add” button, choose “.NET…” option and choose the Interop.Excel.dll file.

  • 从主菜单找到Tools -> Options,在打开的Options对话框中点击Projects and Solutions节点选择Build节点。单击Add按钮,选择“.NET…”选项再选择Interop.Excel.dll 文件。