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FluxRedux 应用中根据一种模式来扁平化深层嵌套的api返回的json数据


  1. npm install --save normalizr



See flux-react-router-example.


See redux/examples/real-world.


  • 你有一个返回了深层嵌套的对象的API请求
  • 你想要你的应用针对Flux 或者 Redux;
  • 你发现Store(或者Reducers)从深层嵌套的数据中获取和操作数据会非常麻烦


For example,

  1. [{
  2. id: 1,
  3. title: 'Some Article',
  4. author: {
  5. id: 1,
  6. name: 'Dan'
  7. }
  8. }, {
  9. id: 2,
  10. title: 'Other Article',
  11. author: {
  12. id: 1,
  13. name: 'Dan'
  14. }
  15. }]

可以被范式化成(normalized to)

  1. {
  2. result: [1, 2],
  3. entities: {
  4. articles: {
  5. 1: {
  6. id: 1,
  7. title: 'Some Article',
  8. author: 1
  9. },
  10. 2: {
  11. id: 2,
  12. title: 'Other Article',
  13. author: 1
  14. }
  15. },
  16. users: {
  17. 1: {
  18. id: 1,
  19. name: 'Dan'
  20. }
  21. }
  22. }
  23. }



  • 实体可以嵌套在其他实体、对象、数组中
  • 可以通过结合实体的schema来表示任何类型API返回的数据
  • 相同id的实体会自动合并 (with a warning if they differ);
  • 允许使用自定义的id属性作为合并的依据 (e.g. slug).


  1. import { normalize, Schema, arrayOf } from 'normalizr';


  1. const article = new Schema('articles');
  2. const user = new Schema('users');


  1. article.define({
  2. author: user,
  3. contributors: arrayOf(user)
  4. });


  1. const ServerActionCreators = {
  2. // 有两个带有不同响应对象的schemas的XHR endpoints----------------------------
  3. // 我们可以用前面定义的schema对象来表示他们:
  4. receiveOneArticle(response) {
  5. // 在这里,这个返回的数据是一个包含了一篇文章的对象
  6. // 把文章的schema作为normalize方法的第二个参数,让他能正确的遍历响应对象并且把所有的实体都整合到一起
  7. // BEFORE:
  8. // {
  9. // id: 1,
  10. // title: 'Some Article',
  11. // author: {
  12. // id: 7,
  13. // name: 'Dan'
  14. // },
  15. // contributors: [{
  16. // id: 10,
  17. // name: 'Abe'
  18. // }, {
  19. // id: 15,
  20. // name: 'Fred'
  21. // }]
  22. // }
  23. //
  24. // AFTER:
  25. // {
  26. // result: 1, // <--- 注意对象是由ID来引用的
  27. // entities: {
  28. // articles: {
  29. // 1: {
  30. // author: 7, // <--- 同样适用于在其它实体中的引用
  31. // contributors: [10, 15]
  32. // ...}
  33. // },
  34. // users: {
  35. // 7: { ... },
  36. // 10: { ... },
  37. // 15: { ... }
  38. // }
  39. // }
  40. // }
  41. response = normalize(response, article);
  42. AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({
  43. type: ActionTypes.RECEIVE_ONE_ARTICLE,
  44. response
  45. });
  46. },
  47. receiveAllArticles(response) {
  48. // 这里,返回的数据是一个对象,他的key为'articles'并且该key指向了一个包含文章对象的数组
  49. // 把 { articles: arrayOf(article) }作为normalize方法的第二个参数,让他能正确的遍历响应对象并且把所有的实体都整合到一起
  50. // BEFORE:
  51. // {
  52. // articles: [{
  53. // id: 1,
  54. // title: 'Some Article',
  55. // author: {
  56. // id: 7,
  57. // name: 'Dan'
  58. // },
  59. // ...
  60. // },
  61. // ...
  62. // ]
  63. // }
  64. //
  65. // AFTER:
  66. // {
  67. // result: {
  68. // articles: [1, 2, ...] // <--- 注意对象数组转换成ID数组的方式
  69. // },
  70. // entities: {
  71. // articles: {
  72. // 1: { author: 7, ... }, // <--- 同样适用于在其它实体中的引用
  73. // 2: { ... },
  74. // ...
  75. // },
  76. // users: {
  77. // 7: { ... },
  78. // ..
  79. // }
  80. // }
  81. // }
  82. response = normalize(response, {
  83. articles: arrayOf(article)
  84. });
  85. AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({
  86. type: ActionTypes.RECEIVE_ALL_ARTICLES,
  87. response
  88. });
  89. }
  90. }

Finally, different Stores can tune in to listen to all API responses and grab entity lists from action.response.entities:

  1. AppDispatcher.register((payload) => {
  2. const { action } = payload;
  3. if (action.response && action.response.entities && action.response.entities.users) {
  4. mergeUsers(action.response.entities.users);
  5. UserStore.emitChange();
  6. break;
  7. }
  8. });

API Reference

new Schema(key, [options])

Schema 允许你定义一个通过API返回的实体的类型 这应该与你服务器上代码的模型相对应


  1. const article = new Schema('articles');
  2. // 你可以使用自定义的id属性
  3. const article = new Schema('articles', { idAttribute: 'slug' });
  4. // 或者指定一个函数来生成
  5. function generateSlug(entity) { /* ... */ }
  6. const article = new Schema('articles', { idAttribute: generateSlug });
  7. // You can also specify meta properties to be used for customizing the output in assignEntity (见下)
  8. const article = new Schema('articles', { idAttribute: 'slug', meta: { removeProps: ['publisher'] }});
  9. // You can specify custom `assignEntity` function to be run after the `assignEntity` function passed to `normalize`
  10. const article = new Schema('articles', { assignEntity: function (output, key, value, input) {
  11. if (key === 'id_str') {
  12. = value;
  13. if ('id_str' in output) {
  14. delete output.id_str;
  15. }
  16. } else {
  17. output[key] = value;
  18. }
  19. }})
  20. // 你可以为实体指定默认的值
  21. const article = new Schema('articles', { defaults: { likes: 0 } });



  1. const article = new Schema('articles');
  2. const user = new Schema('users');
  3. article.define({
  4. author: user
  5. });



  1. const article = new Schema('articles');
  2. article.getKey();
  3. // articles



  1. const article = new Schema('articles');
  2. const slugArticle = new Schema('articles', { idAttribute: 'slug' });
  3. article.getIdAttribute();
  4. // id
  5. slugArticle.getIdAttribute();
  6. // slug



  1. const article = new Schema('articles', { defaults: { likes: 0 } });
  2. article.getDefaults();
  3. // { likes: 0 }

arrayOf(schema, [options])


  1. const article = new Schema('articles');
  2. const user = new Schema('users');
  3. article.define({
  4. author: user,
  5. contributors: arrayOf(user)
  6. });

If the array contains entities with different schemas, you can use the schemaAttribute option to specify which schema to use for each entity: 如果一个数组包含了具有不同schema的实体,你可以使用schemaAttribute选项来为每一个实体指定schema

  1. const article = new Schema('articles');
  2. const image = new Schema('images');
  3. const video = new Schema('videos');
  4. const asset = {
  5. images: image,
  6. videos: video
  7. };
  8. // You can specify the name of the attribute that determines the schema
  9. article.define({
  10. assets: arrayOf(asset, { schemaAttribute: 'type' })
  11. });
  12. // Or you can specify a function to infer it
  13. function inferSchema(entity) { /* ... */ }
  14. article.define({
  15. assets: arrayOf(asset, { schemaAttribute: inferSchema })
  16. });

valuesOf(schema, [options])

Describes a map whose values follow the schema passed as argument.

  1. const article = new Schema('articles');
  2. const user = new Schema('users');
  3. article.define({
  4. collaboratorsByRole: valuesOf(user)
  5. });

If the map contains entities with different schemas, you can use the schemaAttribute option to specify which schema to use for each entity:

  1. const article = new Schema('articles');
  2. const user = new Schema('users');
  3. const group = new Schema('groups');
  4. const collaborator = {
  5. users: user,
  6. groups: group
  7. };
  8. // You can specify the name of the attribute that determines the schema
  9. article.define({
  10. collaboratorsByRole: valuesOf(collaborator, { schemaAttribute: 'type' })
  11. });
  12. // Or you can specify a function to infer it
  13. function inferSchema(entity) { /* ... */ }
  14. article.define({
  15. collaboratorsByRole: valuesOf(collaborator, { schemaAttribute: inferSchema })
  16. });

unionOf(schemaMap, [options])

Describe a schema which is a union of multiple schemas. This is useful if you need the polymorphic behavior provided by arrayOf or valuesOf but for non-collection fields.

Use the required schemaAttribute option to specify which schema to use for each entity.

  1. const group = new Schema('groups');
  2. const user = new Schema('users');
  3. // a member can be either a user or a group
  4. const member = {
  5. users: user,
  6. groups: group
  7. };
  8. // You can specify the name of the attribute that determines the schema
  9. group.define({
  10. owner: unionOf(member, { schemaAttribute: 'type' })
  11. });
  12. // Or you can specify a function to infer it
  13. function inferSchema(entity) { /* ... */ }
  14. group.define({
  15. creator: unionOf(member, { schemaAttribute: inferSchema })
  16. });

A unionOf schema can also be combined with arrayOf and valuesOf with the same behavior as each supplied with the schemaAttribute option.

  1. const group = new Schema('groups');
  2. const user = new Schema('users');
  3. const member = unionOf({
  4. users: user,
  5. groups: group
  6. }, { schemaAttribute: 'type' });
  7. group.define({
  8. owner: member,
  9. members: arrayOf(member),
  10. relationships: valuesOf(member)
  11. });

normalize(obj, schema, [options])

Normalizes object according to schema.
Passed schema should be a nested object reflecting the structure of API response.

You may optionally specify any of the following options:

  • assignEntity (function): This is useful if your backend emits additional fields, such as separate ID fields, you’d like to delete in the normalized entity. See the tests and the discussion for a usage example.

  • mergeIntoEntity (function): You can use this to resolve conflicts when merging entities with the same key. See the test and the discussion for a usage example.

  1. const article = new Schema('articles');
  2. const user = new Schema('users');
  3. article.define({
  4. author: user,
  5. contributors: arrayOf(user),
  6. meta: {
  7. likes: arrayOf({
  8. user: user
  9. })
  10. }
  11. });
  12. // ...
  13. // Normalize one article object
  14. const json = { id: 1, author: ... };
  15. const normalized = normalize(json, article);
  16. // Normalize an array of article objects
  17. const arr = [{ id: 1, author: ... }, ...]
  18. const normalized = normalize(arr, arrayOf(article));
  19. // Normalize an array of article objects, referenced by an object key:
  20. const wrappedArr = { articles: [{ id: 1, author: ... }, ...] }
  21. const normalized = normalize(wrappedArr, {
  22. articles: arrayOf(article)
  23. });



  1. articles: article*
  2. article: {
  3. author: user,
  4. likers: user*
  5. primary_collection: collection?
  6. collections: collection*
  7. }
  8. collection: {
  9. curator: user
  10. }

如果不做范式化,你的store需要清楚的知道返回数据的结构 比如, UserStore在获取到请求结果的时候会包含很多样板代码来获取新用户

  1. // 如果不做范式化, 你需要对每一个store都做这些
  2. AppDispatcher.register((payload) => {
  3. const { action } = payload;
  4. switch (action.type) {
  5. case ActionTypes.RECEIVE_USERS:
  6. mergeUsers(action.rawUsers);
  7. break;
  8. case ActionTypes.RECEIVE_ARTICLES:
  9. action.rawArticles.forEach(rawArticle => {
  10. mergeUsers([rawArticle.user]);
  11. mergeUsers(rawArticle.likers);
  12. mergeUsers([rawArticle.primaryCollection.curator]);
  13. rawArticle.collections.forEach(rawCollection => {
  14. mergeUsers(rawCollection.curator);
  15. });
  16. });
  17. UserStore.emitChange();
  18. break;
  19. }
  20. });


  1. {
  2. result: [12, 10, 3, ...],
  3. entities: {
  4. articles: {
  5. 12: {
  6. authorId: 3,
  7. likers: [2, 1, 4],
  8. primaryCollection: 12,
  9. collections: [12, 11]
  10. },
  11. ...
  12. },
  13. users: {
  14. 3: {
  15. name: 'Dan'
  16. },
  17. 2: ...,
  18. 4: ....
  19. },
  20. collections: {
  21. 12: {
  22. curator: 2,
  23. name: 'Stuff'
  24. },
  25. ...
  26. }
  27. }
  28. }


  1. // 做了范式化后,所有的用户都在action.response.entities.users中
  2. AppDispatcher.register((payload) => {
  3. const { action } = payload;
  4. if (action.response && action.response.entities && action.response.entities.users) {
  5. mergeUsers(action.response.entities.users);
  6. UserStore.emitChange();
  7. break;
  8. }
  9. });


  • 一些方法依赖 lodash, 比如 isObject, isEqualmapValues

Browser Support

Modern browsers with ES5 environments are supported.
The minimal supported IE version is IE 9.

Running Tests

  1. git clone
  2. cd normalizr
  3. npm install
  4. npm test # run tests once
  5. npm run test:watch # run test watcher


Normalizr was originally created by Dan Abramov and inspired by a conversation with Jing Chen.
It has since received contributions from different community members.