Hyperledger Composer运行时安装

composer runtime install命令用于在你要连接的区块链网络的Hyperledger Fabric peer端上安装Hyperledger Composer运行时。该命令必须在composer network start命令之前运行。

请注意:该--businessNetworkName, -n选项必须包含与打算在Hyperledger Fabric peer上运行的业务网络名称相同的名称。只有名称与--businessNetworkName, -n命令中给出的选项匹配的业务网络才能成功运行。

  1. composer runtime install -n <businessNetworkName> -c <peer-admin-card>


  1. composer runtime install [options]
  2. Options:
  3. --help Show help [boolean]
  4. -v, --version Show version number [boolean]
  5. --option, -o Options that are specific specific to connection. Multiple options are specified by repeating this option [string]
  6. --optionsFile, -O A file containing options that are specific to connection [string]
  7. --card, -c The cardname to use to install the network [string] [required]
  8. --businessNetworkName, -n The business network name [string] [required]