It doesn’t take a huge amount of knowledge and skill to get a program working. Kids in high school do it all the time. Young men and women in college start billion-dollar businesses based on scrabbling together a few lines of PHP or Ruby. Hoards of junior programmers in cube farms around the world slog through massive requirements documents held in huge issue tracking systems to get their systems to “work” by the sheer brute force of will. The code they produce may not be pretty; but it works. It works because getting something to work—once—just isn’t that hard.
编写并调试一段代码直到成功运行并不需要特别高深的知识和技能,现在的一名普通高中生都可以做到。有的大学生甚至通过拼凑一些 PHP 或 Ruby 代码就可以 创办一个市值 10 亿美元的公司。想象一下,世界上有成群的初级程序员挤在大公司的隔板间里,日复一日地用蛮力将记录在大型问题跟踪系统里的巨型需求文档一点点转化为能实际运行的代码。他们写出的代码可能不够优美,但是确实能够正常工作。因为创造一个能正常运行的系统——哪怕只成功运行一次——还真不是一件特别困难的事。
Getting it right is another matter entirely. Getting software right is hard. It takes knowledge and skills that most young programmers haven’t yet acquired. It requires thought and insight that most programmers don’t take the time to develop. It requires a level of discipline and dedication that most programmers never dreamed they’d need. Mostly, it takes a passion for the craft and the desire to be a professional.
And when you get software right, something magical happens: You don’t need hordes of programmers to keep it working. You don’t need massive requirements documents and huge issue tracking systems. You don’t need global cube farms and 24/7 programming.
但是,一旦将软件架构做好了,你就会立即体会到其中的奥妙:维持系统正常运转再也不需要成群的程序员了;每个变更的实施也不再需要巨大的需求文档和复杂的任务追踪系统了;程序员们再也不用缩在全球各地的隔板间里,24 x 7(即每天 24 小时,每星期 7 天)地疯狂加班了。
When software is done right, it requires a fraction of the human resources to create and maintain. Changes are simple and rapid. Defects are few and far between. Effort is minimized, and functionality and flexibility are maximized.
Yes, this vision sounds a bit utopian. But I’ve been there; I’ve seen it happen. I’ve worked in projects where the design and architecture of the system made it easy to write and easy to maintain. I’ve experienced projects that required a fraction of the anticipated human resources. I’ve worked on systems that had extremely low defect rates. I’ve seen the extraordinary effect that good software architecture can have on a system, a project, and a team. I’ve been to the promised land.
But don’t take my word for it. Look at your own experience. Have you experienced the opposite? Have you worked on systems that are so interconnected and intricately coupled that every change, regardless of how trivial, takes weeks and involves huge risks? Have you experienced the impedance of bad code and rotten design? Has the design of the systems you’ve worked on had a huge negative effect on the morale of the team, the trust of the customers, and the patience of the managers? Have you seen teams, departments, and even companies that have been brought down by the rotten structure of their software? Have you been to programming hell?
I have—and to some extent, most of the rest of us have, too. It is far more common to fight your way through terrible software designs than it is to enjoy the pleasure of working with a good one.