3.8 检测Boost库

NOTE:此示例代码可以在 https://github.com/dev-cafe/cmake-cookbook/tree/v1.0/chapter-03/recipe-08 中找到,包含一个C++的示例。该示例在CMake 3.5版(或更高版本)中是有效的,并且已经在GNU/Linux、macOS和Windows上进行过测试。





  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
  3. using namespace std;
  4. using namespace boost::filesystem;
  5. const char *say_what(bool b) { return b ? "true" : "false"; }
  6. int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  7. {
  8. if (argc < 2)
  9. {
  10. cout
  11. << "Usage: path_info path-element [path-element...]\n"
  12. "Composes a path via operator/= from one or more path-element arguments\n"
  13. "Example: path_info foo/bar baz\n"
  14. #ifdef BOOST_POSIX_API
  15. " would report info about the composed path foo/bar/baz\n";
  16. #else // BOOST_WINDOWS_API
  17. " would report info about the composed path foo/bar\\baz\n";
  18. #endif
  19. return 1;
  20. }
  21. path p;
  22. for (; argc > 1; --argc, ++argv)
  23. p /= argv[1]; // compose path p from the command line arguments
  24. cout << "\ncomposed path:\n";
  25. cout << " operator<<()---------: " << p << "\n";
  26. cout << " make_preferred()-----: " << p.make_preferred() << "\n";
  27. cout << "\nelements:\n";
  28. for (auto element : p)
  29. cout << " " << element << '\n';
  30. cout << "\nobservers, native format:" << endl;
  31. #ifdef BOOST_POSIX_API
  32. cout << " native()-------------: " << p.native() << endl;
  33. cout << " c_str()--------------: " << p.c_str() << endl;
  34. #else // BOOST_WINDOWS_API
  35. wcout << L" native()-------------: " << p.native() << endl;
  36. wcout << L" c_str()--------------: " << p.c_str() << endl;
  37. #endif
  38. cout << " string()-------------: " << p.string() << endl;
  39. wcout << L" wstring()------------: " << p.wstring() << endl;
  40. cout << "\nobservers, generic format:\n";
  41. cout << " generic_string()-----: " << p.generic_string() << endl;
  42. wcout << L" generic_wstring()----: " << p.generic_wstring() << endl;
  43. cout << "\ndecomposition:\n";
  44. cout << " root_name()----------: " << p.root_name() << '\n';
  45. cout << " root_directory()-----: " << p.root_directory() << '\n';
  46. cout << " root_path()----------: " << p.root_path() << '\n';
  47. cout << " relative_path()------: " << p.relative_path() << '\n';
  48. cout << " parent_path()--------: " << p.parent_path() << '\n';
  49. cout << " filename()-----------: " << p.filename() << '\n';
  50. cout << " stem()---------------: " << p.stem() << '\n';
  51. cout << " extension()----------: " << p.extension() << '\n';
  52. cout << "\nquery:\n";
  53. cout << " empty()--------------: " << say_what(p.empty()) << '\n';
  54. cout << " is_absolute()--------: " << say_what(p.is_absolute()) << '\n';
  55. cout << " has_root_name()------: " << say_what(p.has_root_name()) << '\n';
  56. cout << " has_root_directory()-: " << say_what(p.has_root_directory()) << '\n';
  57. cout << " has_root_path()------: " << say_what(p.has_root_path()) << '\n';
  58. cout << " has_relative_path()--: " << say_what(p.has_relative_path()) << '\n';
  59. cout << " has_parent_path()----: " << say_what(p.has_parent_path()) << '\n';
  60. cout << " has_filename()-------: " << say_what(p.has_filename()) << '\n';
  61. cout << " has_stem()-----------: " << say_what(p.has_stem()) << '\n';
  62. cout << " has_extension()------: " << say_what(p.has_extension()) << '\n';
  63. return 0;
  64. }



  1. 首先,声明CMake最低版本、项目名称、语言,并使用C++11标准:

    1. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5 FATAL_ERROR)
    2. project(recipe-08 LANGUAGES CXX)
    3. set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11)
  2. 然后,使用find_package搜索Boost。若需要对Boost强制性依赖,需要一个参数。这个例子中,只需要文件系统组件,所以将它作为参数传递给find_package:

    1. find_package(Boost 1.54 REQUIRED COMPONENTS filesystem)
  3. 添加可执行目标,编译源文件:

    1. add_executable(path-info path-info.cpp)
  4. 最后,将目标链接到Boost库组件。由于依赖项声明为PUBLIC,依赖于Boost的目标将自动获取依赖项:

    1. target_link_libraries(path-info
    2. PUBLIC
    3. Boost::filesystem
    4. )



  1. $ cmake -D BOOST_ROOT=/custom/boost


  1. $ cmake -D BOOST_INCLUDEDIR=/custom/boost/include -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=/custom/boost/lib