


  • 通过mount 和 shallowMount方法获取整个组件
  • 传递的属性是否在组件正确显示出来。
    • 元素是否成功的显示
      • 查找元素的不同写法
      • get, getAll
      • find, findAll
      • findComponent 和 getComponent


  • trigger 方法触发事件方法之后,界面是否更新。
    • 特别注意DOM更新是否异步的过程,要使用 async await。
  • 用setValue 方法更新表单之后,
    • 界面是否正常显示值。
    • 验证事件是否发送wrapper.emitted()


  • jest.mock('axios')mock 了axios模块。
  • 分别mockAxios.get.mockResolvedValueOnce({ data: { username: 'viking'}})


  • 一次性完成测试准备
    • beforeAll
    • afterAll
  • 每个测试测试准备
    • beforeEach
    • afterEach
  • 建议
    • 如果一个测试失败,需要注意的是
    • 他是否是唯一在运行的测试,使用it.only进行隔离
    • 使用beforeEach或者afterEach清空一些共享状态
  • 小tip

    • 使用 only 只运行一个用例
    • 使用 skip 跳过一个用例


      mount 和shallowMount的区别

  • mount一股脑全都渲染

  • shallowMount只渲染组件本身,外来的子组件都不渲染
  • shallowMount更快,更适合单元测试,单元测试最重要的思想是隔离。


  • 找不到的时候,find返回null, case不会出错,

  • get throw错误, case报错
  • 通用规则总是使用get,除了你想判断一些元素不存在的时候,这种情况下使用find


  1. import { shallowMount } from "@vue/test-utils";
  2. import HelloWorld from "@/components/HelloWorld.vue";
  3. describe("HelloWorld.vue", () => {
  4. it("renders props.msg when passed", () => {
  5. const msg = "new message";
  6. const wrapper = shallowMount(HelloWorld, {
  7. props: { msg },
  8. });
  9. console.log("测试HelloWorld组件");
  10. console.log(wrapper.find("h2"));
  11. });
  12. });

HelloWorld.vue 组件里面不存在h1标签,此时find(“h2”)返回null

  1. ts-jest[versions] (WARN) Version 4.1.6 of typescript installed has not been tested with ts-jest. If you're experiencing issues, consider using a supported version (>=2.7.0 <4.0.0). Please do not report issues in ts-jest if you are using unsupported versions.
  2. PASS tests/unit/example.spec.ts
  3. HelloWorld.vue
  4. renders props.msg when passed (27ms)
  5. console.log tests/unit/example.spec.ts:10
  6. 测试HelloWorld组件
  7. console.log tests/unit/example.spec.ts:11
  8. [Object: null prototype] {}
  9. Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
  10. Tests: 1 passed, 1 total
  11. Snapshots: 0 total
  12. Time: 4.985s, estimated 5s
  13. Ran all test suites related to changed files.
  14. Watch Usage: Press w to show more.


  1. import { shallowMount } from "@vue/test-utils";
  2. import HelloWorld from "@/components/HelloWorld.vue";
  3. describe("HelloWorld.vue", () => {
  4. it("renders props.msg when passed", () => {
  5. const msg = "new message";
  6. const wrapper = shallowMount(HelloWorld, {
  7. props: { msg },
  8. });
  9. console.log("测试HelloWorld组件");
  10. console.log(wrapper.get("h2"));
  11. });
  12. });

输出结果: 抛出错误

  1. ts-jest[versions] (WARN) Version 4.1.6 of typescript installed has not been tested with ts-jest. If you're experiencing issues, consider using a supported version (>=2.7.0 <4.0.0). Please do not report issues in ts-jest if you are using unsupported versions.
  2. FAIL tests/unit/example.spec.ts
  3. HelloWorld.vue
  4. × renders props.msg when passed (33ms)
  5. HelloWorld.vue renders props.msg when passed
  6. Unable to get h2 within: <h1>new message</h1><button>1</button>
  7. <hello-stub msg="1234"></hello-stub>
  8. 9 | });
  9. 10 | console.log("测试HelloWorld组件");
  10. > 11 | console.log(wrapper.get("h2"));
  11. | ^
  12. 12 | });
  13. 13 | });
  14. 14 |
  15. at VueWrapper.Object.<anonymous>.VueWrapper.get (node_modules/@vue/test-utils/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:7509:15)
  16. at Object.<anonymous> (tests/unit/example.spec.ts:11:25)
  17. console.log tests/unit/example.spec.ts:10
  18. 测试HelloWorld组件
  19. Test Suites: 1 failed, 1 total
  20. Tests: 1 failed, 1 total
  21. Snapshots: 0 total
  22. Time: 5.027s
  23. Ran all test suites related to changed files.
  24. Watch Usage: Press w to show more

findComponent 和 getComponent



trigger 方法,异步更新测试

也就是在 触发元素事件的时候,await一下。

  1. import { shallowMount } from "@vue/test-utils";
  2. import HelloWorld from "@/components/HelloWorld.vue";
  3. import Hello from "@/components/Hello.vue";
  4. describe("HelloWorld.vue", () => {
  5. // 点击 button 时, count 是否更新
  6. it("should update the count when clicking the button", async () => {
  7. const msg = "new message";
  8. const wrapper = shallowMount(HelloWorld, {
  9. props: { msg },
  10. });
  11. // 获取 button 触发点击事件 。注意这里一定要加await
  12. await wrapper.get("button").trigger("click"); // 异步更新
  13. // 获取 button 的文本,是否等于2
  14. expect(wrapper.get("button").text()).toBe("2");
  15. });
  16. });

setValue 表单输入 更新测试

  1. import { shallowMount } from "@vue/test-utils";
  2. import HelloWorld from "@/components/HelloWorld.vue";
  3. import Hello from "@/components/Hello.vue";
  4. describe("HelloWorld.vue", () => {
  5. // 输入内容 点击button 查看列表是否更新
  6. it("should add todo when fill the input and click the add button", async () => {
  7. const msg = "new message";
  8. const todoContent = "buy milk";
  9. const wrapper = shallowMount(HelloWorld, {
  10. props: { msg },
  11. });
  12. await wrapper.get("input").setValue(todoContent); // 表单输入内容
  13. expect(wrapper.get("input").element.value).toBe(todoContent); // 查看input的值是否等于输入的内容
  14. await wrapper.get(".addTodo").trigger("click"); // 点击button,执行了添加事件
  15. expect(wrapper.findAll("li")).toHaveLength(1); // 查看所有li的数组长度是否为1
  16. expect(wrapper.get("li").text()).toBe(todoContent); // 获取第一个li,查看是否等于输入的内容
  17. });
  18. });

emitted 验证事件是否发送

  1. import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'
  2. test('emit demo', async () => {
  3. const wrapper = mount(Component)
  4. wrapper.vm.$emit('foo')
  5. wrapper.vm.$emit('foo', 123)
  6. await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() // Wait until $emits have been handled
  7. /*
  8. wrapper.emitted() returns the following object:
  9. {
  10. foo: [[], [123]]
  11. }
  12. */
  13. // assert event has been emitted
  14. expect(wrapper.emitted().foo).toBeTruthy()
  15. // assert event count
  16. expect(wrapper.emitted().foo.length).toBe(2)
  17. // assert event payload
  18. expect(wrapper.emitted().foo[1]).toEqual([123])
  19. })


  • 不要依赖第三方库,模拟第三方库的实现我们应该已经掌握
  • 使用flushPromises将所有Promise pending状态都改为完成
  • 小知识点

    • 将mock对象断言为特定类型,使用jest.Mocked<>。这样就有代码提示了。
    • 使用only跑一个单独的case
      1. import axios from 'axios';
      2. jest.mock('axios')
      3. // 使用断言,让模拟的axios使用api后,可以正常调用mock的api
      4. const mockAxios = axios as jest.Mocked<typeof axios>
  • 测试异步成功的结果 ```javascript import { flushPromises, shallowMount } from “@vue/test-utils”; import HelloWorld from “@/components/HelloWorld.vue”; import Hello from “@/components/Hello.vue”; import axios from “axios”; jest.mock(“axios”); const mockAxios = axios as jest.Mocked; // 使用断言,让模拟的axios使用api后,可以正常调用mock的api

describe(“HelloWorld.vue”, () => { // 使用only跑一个单独的case // 点击按钮 测试 user 数据的加载 成功 it.only(“should load user message when click the load button”, async () => { const msg = “new message”; const wrapper = shallowMount(HelloWorld, { props: { msg }, }); // 模拟接口,获取一次成功态,返回数据 mockAxios.get.mockResolvedValueOnce({ data: { userName: “viking” }, }); await wrapper.get(“.loadUser”).trigger(“click”); expect(mockAxios.get).toHaveBeenCalled(); // 点击按钮之后,是否被调用 expect(wrapper.find(“.loading”).exists()).toBeTruthy(); // 判断 .loading 元素是否存在(显示loading) await flushPromises(); // 将所有Promise pending状态都改为完成 // 界面更新完毕 expect(wrapper.find(“.loading”).exists()).toBeFalsy(); // 判断 .loading 元素是否存在(隐藏loading) expect(wrapper.get(“.userName”).text()).toBe(“viking”); }); });

  1. 测试异步失败的结果
  2. ```javascript
  3. import { flushPromises, shallowMount } from "@vue/test-utils";
  4. import HelloWorld from "@/components/HelloWorld.vue";
  5. import Hello from "@/components/Hello.vue";
  6. import axios from "axios";
  7. jest.mock("axios");
  8. const mockAxios = axios as jest.Mocked<typeof axios>; // 使用断言,让模拟的axios使用api后,可以正常调用mock的api
  9. describe("HelloWorld.vue", () => {
  10. // 点击按钮 测试 user 数据的加载 失败
  11. it.only("should load error when return promise reject", async () => {
  12. const msg = "new message";
  13. const wrapper = shallowMount(HelloWorld, {
  14. props: { msg },
  15. });
  16. // 模拟接口,获取一次失败态,返回数据
  17. mockAxios.get.mockRejectedValueOnce('error');
  18. await wrapper.get(".loadUser").trigger("click");
  19. await flushPromises(); // 将所有Promise pending状态都改为完成
  20. // 界面更新完毕
  21. expect(wrapper.find(".loading").exists()).toBeFalsy(); // 判断 .loading 元素是否存在(隐藏loading)
  22. expect(wrapper.find(".error").exists()).toBeTruthy();
  23. });
  24. });