create table student2 like student;
desc student;
# 直接删除表
drop table student2 ;
# 判断表是否存在,如果存在则删除表

添加表列 ADD
alter table student add remark varchar(20);

修改列类型 MODIFY
alter table student modify remark char(50);

alter table student change remark intro varchar(30);

删除列 DROP
alter table student drop intro;

rename table student to student2;
# 将 student 表的编码修改成 gbk
alter table student character set utf8;

create table student(
id int,
name varchar(20),
age int,
sex char(1),
address varchar(30)

desc student;
# 插入部分的列,向学生表中
insert into student (id,name,age,sex) values (1, ‘孙悟空’, 20, ‘男’);
insert into student (id,name,age,sex) values (2, ‘孙悟天’, 16, ‘男’);

insert into student values (3, ‘孙悟饭’, 18, ‘男’, ‘龟仙人洞中’);
insert into student value (4, ‘克林’, 18, ‘男’, ‘龟仙人洞中’);

insert into student values (3, ‘孙悟饭’, 18, ‘男’);

insert into student values (3, ‘孙悟饭饭饭’, null, ‘男’, null);
# 查询student表中的所有数据
select * from student;
# 字符和日期型数据应包含在单引号中
insert into student2 values (10 , ‘小花’ , ‘2020-1-1’);
insert into student2 values (11 , ‘小李’ , now());

查看包含 character 开头的全局变量
show variables like ‘character%’;
# 复制一个一模一样的表结构出来
create table newstudent like student;

将 student 表中的数据添加到 student2 表中
insert into newstudent select * from student;

如果只想复制 student 表中 name,age 字段数据到 student2 表中,两张表都写出相应的列名
insert into newstudent (name,age) select name,age from student;

update student set sex = ‘男’ , address = ‘黄石市’ ;

update student set age = age + 1 ;

带条件修改数据,将 id 号为 2 的学生性别改成男
update student set address=’深圳’ where id=2;
# 一次修改多个列,把 id 为 3 的学生,年龄改成 26 岁,address 改成北京
update student set age=30, address=’上海’ where id=3;

update student set age=29, address=’杭州’, sex=’女’ where name = ‘克林’;

delete from student;

带条件删除数据,删除 id 为 1 的记录
# 可以是数据回滚,也能支持触发器
delete from student where id=1;

使用 truncate 删除表中所有记录
# truncate 相当于删除表的结构,再创建一张表。它是没有办法进行数据回滚的,也不能支持触发器
TRUNCATE TABLE student;# 基本不用这个

INSERT INTO student VALUES (2, ‘孙悟天’, 17, ‘男’, ‘深圳’);
INSERT INTO student VALUES (3, ‘孙悟饭’, 30, ‘男’, ‘上海’);
INSERT INTO student VALUES (3, ‘孙悟饭饭’, 30, ‘男’, ‘上海’);
INSERT INTO student VALUES (3, ‘孙悟饭饭饭’, 30, ‘男’, ‘上海’);
INSERT INTO student VALUES (4, ‘克林’, 29, ‘女’, ‘杭州’);

select * from student ;
# 查询指定列的数据,多个列之间以逗号分隔
select name , address, sex from student;

select name as 姓名 , age as 年龄 from student as st

# 查询学生来至于哪些地方
select distinct address,age from student;#address和age都相同的行只保留一行
CREATE TABLE student3 (
id int, — 编号
name varchar(20), — 姓名
age int, — 年龄
sex varchar(5), — 性别
address varchar(100), — 地址
math int, — 数学
english int — 英语

INSERT INTO student3(id,name,age,sex,address,math,english) VALUES
# ———————————————————————————————————
select * from student3;

— 给所有的数学加 5 分
select math , math+5 as 新成绩 from student3;

select ifnull(english,0) from student3;
— 查询 math + english 的和
select *,(math+ ifnull(english,0)) as 总成绩 from student3;— as 可以省略

null不能使用等于 , 只能使用 is 来进行判断
select * from student3 where english is null;
# ———————————————————————————————————

— 查询 math 分数大于 80 分的学生
select * from student3 where math > 80;

— 查询 english 分数小于或等于 80 分的学生
select * from student3 where english <= 78;

— 查询 age 等于 20 岁的学生
select * from student3 where age = 20;

— 查询 age 不等于 20 岁的学生,注:不等于有两种写法
select * from student3 where age <> 20;

select * from student3 where age != 20;

— 查询 age 大于 35 且性别为男的学生(两个条件同时满足)
select * from student3 where age > 35 and sex = ‘男’ and address = ‘香港’;

— 查询 age 大于 35 或性别为男的学生(两个条件其中一个满足)
select * from student3 where age>35 or sex=’男’;

— 查询 id 是 1 或 3 或 5 的学生
select * from student3 where id=1 or id=3 or id=5;

— 混用 and 优先级 高于 or
select * from student3 where address = ‘香港’ or (age > 35 and sex = ‘男’)

— 查询 id 是 1 或 3 或 5 的学生
select * from student3 where id in(1,3,5);

— 查询 id 不是 1 或 3 或 5 的学生
select * from student3 where id not in(1,3,5);

select * from student3 where english is not null ;

查询 english 成绩大于等于 75,且小于等于 90 的学生
select * from student3 where english >= 77 and english <= 90; # 包头又包尾

select * from student3 where english between 77 and 90; # 包头又包尾

LIKE 表示模糊查询
# % 匹配任意多个字符串 0 ~ N
# _ 匹配一个字符 1 ~ 1

— 查询姓马的学生
select * from student3 where name like ‘马%’;

select * from student3 where name like ‘马’; # 仅查询名字叫 ‘马’

— 查询姓名中包含’德’字的学生
select * from student3 where name like ‘%德%’;

— 查询姓马,且姓名有两个字的学生
select from student3 where name like ‘马_’;
from student3 where name like ‘马\%_\%’;

# 选择在部门 30 中员工的所有信息
select * from emp where deptno = 30 ;

select empno , ename from emp where job = ‘MANAGER’;

select * from emp where comm > sal ;

select * , ifnull(comm,0) + sal as 总工资 from emp ;

找出部门 10 中的经理(MANAGER)和部门 20 中的普通员工(CLERK)
select * from emp where (deptno = 10 and job = ‘MANAGER’) or (deptno = 20 and job = ‘CLERK’);

找出部门 10 中既不是经理也不是普通员工,而且工资大于等于 2000 的员工
select * from emp where deptno = 10 and job not in(‘MANAGER’,’CLERK’) and sal > 2000;

select DISTINCT job from emp where comm is not null;

找出没有奖金或者奖金低于 500 的员工
select * from emp where comm is null or comm < 500;

select ename,hiredate from emp order by hiredate asc;
# ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————