
ARM64 有34个寄存器,包括31个通用寄存器、SP、PC、CPSR。

寄存器 位数 描述
x0-x30 64bit 通用寄存器,如果有需要可以当做32bit使用:W0-W30
FP(x29) 64bit Frame Pointer,保存栈帧地址(栈底指针)
LR(x30) 64bit Link Register,通常称X30为程序链接寄存器,保存子程序结束后需要执行的下一条指令
SP 64bit Stack Pointer,保存栈指针,使用 SP/WSP来进行对SP寄存器的访问。
PC 64bit Program Counter,程序计数器,俗称PC指针,总是指向即将要执行的下一条指令,在arm64中,软件是不能改写PC寄存器的。
CPSR 64bit Current Program Status Register,状态寄存器
  • x0-x7: 用于子程序调用时的参数传递,x0还用于返回值传递
  • x8: 间接寻址结果
  • x0 - x30 是31个通用整形寄存器。每个寄存器可以存取一个64位大小的数。 当使用 x0 - x30 访问时,它就是一个64位的数。当使用 w0 - w30 访问时,访问的是这些寄存器的低32位,如图:


  • CPSR(状态寄存器)

• N, negative condition flag,一般代表运算结果是负数
• Z, zero condition flag, 指令结果为0时Z=1,否则Z=0;
• C, carry condition flag, 无符号运算有溢出时,C=1。
• V, oVerflow condition flag 有符号运算有溢出时,V=1。

栈就是指令执行时存放临时变量的内存空间,具有特殊的访问方式:后进先出, Last In Out Firt。

  • 栈是从高地址到低地址存储数据的,栈底是高地址,栈顶是低地址。
  • FP指向栈底
  • SP指向栈顶

CurrentEL current exception level,当前异常级别
sctlr_eln system control register,系统控制寄存器。n可为0、1、2、3,代表四种EL状态。



  1. MOV X1X0 ;将寄存器X0的值传送到寄存器X1
  2. ADD X0X1X2 ;寄存器X1X2的值相加后传送到X0
  3. SUB X0X1X2 ;寄存器X1X2的值相减后传送到X0
  4. AND X0X0,#0xF ;X0的值与0xF相位与后的值传送到X0
  5. ORR X0X0,#9 ;X0的值与9相位或后的值传送到X0
  6. EOR X0X0,#0xF ;X0的值与0xF相异或后的值传送到X0
  7. LDR X5,[X6,#0x08] ;load ram X6寄存器加0x08的和的地址值内的数据传送到X5
  8. STR X0, [SP, #0x8] ;store ram:往内存中写数据(偏移值为正)X0寄存器的数据传送到SP+0x8地址值指向的存储空间
  9. STUR w0, [x29, #-0x8] ;往内存中写数据(偏移值为负)
  10. STP x29, x30, [sp, #0x10] ;store pair,存放一对数据, 入栈指令
  11. LDP x29, x30, [sp, #0x10] ;load pair 一对寄存器, 从内存读取数据到寄存器
  12. CBZ ;比较(Compare),如果结果为零(Zero)就转移(只能跳到后面的指令)
  13. CBNZ ;比较,如果结果非零(Non Zero)就转移(只能跳到后面的指令)
  14. CMP ;比较指令,相当于SUBS,影响程序状态寄存器CPSR
  15. B ;跳转指令,跳转范围128MB。可带条件跳转与cmp配合使用,如B.EQ,跳转范围1MB
  16. BL ;带返回的跳转指令, 返回地址保存到LRX30
  17. BR Xn ;跳转指令,跳到寄存器Xn存储的地址
  18. BLR ;带返回的跳转指令,返回地址保存到LRX30
  19. RET ;子程序返回指令,返回地址默认保存在LRX30



Type Instructions
Arithmetic ADD, SUB, ADC, SBC, NEG
Comparison CMP, CMN, TST

ADC和SBC也是加法和减法,不同的是它们也会把进位标记(carry condition flag)当作输入。

  1. ADC{S} Rd, Rn, Rm // Rd = Rn + Rm + C
  2. SBC{S} Rd, Rn, Rm // Rd = Rn - Rm - 1 + C
  3. ADD W0, W1, W2, LSL #3 // W0 = W1 + (W2 << 3)
  4. SUBS X0, X4, X3, ASR #2 // X0 = X4 - (X3 >> 2), set flags
  5. MOV X0, X1 // Copy X1 to X0
  6. CMP W3, W4 // Set flags based on W3 - W4
  7. ADD W0, W5, #27 // W0 = W5 + 27

BIC(Bitwise bit Clear)指令将目的寄存器后面的地一个寄存器的值与第二个寄存器的值取反相与后赋值给目的寄存器,例如清除寄存器x0的bit 11:

  1. MOV X1, #0x800
  2. BIC X0, X0, X1



Opcode Description
Multiply instructions
MADD Multiply add
MNEG Multiply negate
MSUB Multiply subtract
MUL Multiply
SMADDL Signed multiply-add long
SMNEGL Signed multiply-negate long
SMSUBL Signed multiply-subtract long
SMULH Signed multiply returning high half
SMULL Signed multiply long
UMADDL Unsigned multiply-add long
UMNEGL Unsigned multiply-negate long
UMSUBL Unsigned multiply-subtract long
UMULH Unsigned multiply returning high half
UMULL Unsigned multiply long
Divide instructions
SDIV Signed divide
UDIV Unsigned divide


  1. MUL X0, X1, X2 // X0 = X1 * X2
  2. MNEG X0, X1, X2 // X0 = -(X1 * X2)
  3. UDIV W0, W1, W2 // W0 = W1 / W2 (unsigned, 32-bit divide)
  4. SDIV X0, X1, X2 // X0 = X1 / X2 (signed, 64-bit divide)


Instruction Description
ASR Arithmetic shift right

Logical shift left
LSR Logical shift right

Rotate right
MOV Move

Bitwise NOT



Instruction Description
SXTB signed extend a byte
SXTH signed extend a halfword
SXTW signed extend a word
UXTB unsigned extend a byte
UXTH unsigned extend a halfword


  1. SXTB X0, W1 // Sign extend the least significant byte of register W1
  2. // from 8-bits to 64-bit by repeating the leftmost bit of the
  3. // byte.




  1. CSINC X0, X1, X0, NE // Set the return register X0 to X1 if Zero flag clear,
  2. // else increment X0
  3. CINC X0, X0, LS // If less than or same (LS) then X0 = X0 + 1
  4. CSET W0, EQ // If the previous comparison was equal (Z=1) then W0 = 1,
  5. // else W0 = 0
  6. CSETM X0, NE // If not equal then X0 = -1, else X0 = 0


  1. if (i == 0)
  2. r = r + 2;
  3. else
  4. r = r - 1;


  1. CMP w0, #0 // if (i == 0)
  2. SUB w2, w1, #1 // r = r - 1
  3. ADD w1, w1, #2 // r = r + 2
  4. CSEL w1, w1, w2, EQ // select between the two results



  1. LDR Rt, <addr>


• LDRB (8-bit, zero extended).
• LDRSB (8-bit, sign extended).
• LDRH (16-bit, zero extended).
• LDRSH (16-bit, sign extended).
• LDRSW (32-bit, sign extended)


  1. STR Rn, <addr>


  1. //偏移量模式
  2. LDR X0, [X1] //Load from the address in X1
  3. LDR X0, [X1, #8] //Load from address X1 + 8
  4. LDR X0, [X1, X2] //Load from address X1 + X2
  5. LDR X0, [X1, X2, LSL, #3] //Load from address X1 + (X2 << 3)
  6. LDR X0, [X1, W2, SXTW] //Load from address X1 + sign_extend(W2)
  7. LDR X0, [X1, W2, SXTW, #3] //Load from address X1 + (sign_extend(W2) << 3)
  8. //索引模式
  9. LDR X0, [X1, #8]! //Pre-index: Update X1 first (to X1 + #8), then load from the new address
  10. LDR X0, [X1], #8 //Post-index: Load from the unmodified address in X1 first, then update X1 (to X1 + #8)
  11. STP X0, X1, [SP, #-16]! //Push X0 and X1 to the stack.
  12. LDP X0, X1, [SP], #16 //Pop X0 and X1 off the stack.
  13. //PC相关模式 <label>必须是4字节对齐
  14. LDR W0, <label> //Load 4 bytes from <label> into W0
  15. LDR X0, <label> //Load 8 bytes from <label> into X0
  16. LDRSW X0, <label> //Load 4 bytes from <label> and sign-extend into X0
  17. LDR S0, <label> //Load 4 bytes from <label> into S0
  18. LDR D0, <label> //Load 8 bytes from <label> into D0
  19. LDR Q0, <label> //Load 16 bytes from <label> into Q0
  20. //Load and Store pair
  21. LDP W3, W7, [X0] //Loads word at address X0 into W3 and word at
  22. //address X0 + 4 into W7. See Figure 6-6.
  23. LDP X8, X2, [X0, #0x10]! //Loads doubleword at address X0 + 0x10 into X8
  24. //and the doubleword at address X0 + 0x10 + 8
  25. //into X2 and add 0x10 to X0. See Figure 6-7.
  26. LDPSW X3, X4, [X0] //Loads word at address X0 into X3 and word at
  27. //address X0 + 4 into X4, and sign extends both
  28. //to doubleword size.
  29. LDP D8, D2, [X11], #0x10 //Loads doubleword at address X11 into D8 and
  30. //the doubleword at address X11 + 8 into D2 and
  31. //adds 0x10 to X11.
  32. STP X9, X8, [X4] //Stores the doubleword in X9 to address X4 and
  33. //stores the doubleword in X8 to address X4 + 8.


Instruction Description
DMB Data Memory Barrier
DSB Data Synchronization Barrier
ISB Instruction Synchronization Barrier
LDAR Load-Acquire
STLR Store-Release


B (offset) Program relative branch forward or back 128MB.
A conditional version, for example B.EQ, has a 1MB range.
BL (offset As B but store the return address in X30, and hint to branch prediction logic that this is a function call
BR Xn Absolute branch to address in Xn.
BLR Xn As BR but store the return address in X30, and hint to branch prediction
logic that this is a function call.
RET{Xn} As BR, but hint to branch prediction logic that this is a function return.
Returns to the address in X30 by default, but a different register can be
CBZ Rt, label Compare and branch if zero. If Rt is zero, branch forward or back up to
CBNZ Rt, label Compare and branch if non-zero. If Rt is not zero, branch forward or back
up to 1MB
TBNZ Rt, bit, label Test and branch if zero. Branch forward or back up to 32kB.
TBNZ Rt, bit, label Test and branch if non-zero. Branch forward or back up to 32kB.


  1. CBZ Rt, label // Compare and branch if zero
  2. CBNZ Rt, label // Compare and branch if not zero
  3. TBZ Rt, bit, label // Test and branch if Rt<bit> zero
  4. TBNZ Rt, bit, label // Test and branch if Rt<bit> is not zero



  1. SVC #imm16 // Supervisor call, allows application program to call the kernel
  2. // (EL1).
  3. HVC #imm16 // Hypervisor call, allows OS code to call hypervisor (EL2).
  4. SMC #imm16 // Secure Monitor call, allows OS or hypervisor to call Secure
  5. // Monitor (EL3)


  1. MRS Xt, <system register> // This copies a system register into a general
  2. // purpose register
  3. //For example
  4. MRS X4, ELR_EL1 // Copies ELR_EL1 to X4
  5. MSR <system register>, Xt // This copies a general-purpose register into a
  6. // system register
  7. //For example
  8. MSR SPSR_EL1, X0 // Copies X0 to SPSR_EL1
  9. MSR SPSel, #imm // A value of 0 or 1 in this register is used to select
  10. // between using EL0 stack pointer or the current exception
  11. // level stack pointer
  12. MSR DAIFClr, #imm4
  13. MSR DAIFSet, #imm4


  1. BRK #imm16 // Enters monitor mode debug, where there is on-chip debug monitor
  2. // code
  3. HLT #imm16 // Enters halt mode debug, where external debug hardware is connected



  1. NOP // No operation - not guaranteed to take time to execute
  2. YIELD // Hint that the current thread is performing a task that
  3. // can be swapped out
  4. WFE // Wait for Event
  5. WFI // Wait for interrupt
  6. SEV // Send Event
  7. SEVL // Send Event Local


  1. ADR Xd, label

Address:在PC值上加一个21bit的有符号偏移量,结果写到寄存器Xd中。用来计算PC ±1MiB范围内的有效地址。

  1. ADRP Xd, label

Address of Page:有符号的21bit偏移量向左移12bit,然后和PC值相加,结果写入寄存器Xd中。用来计算4KiB对齐内存的基地址。可以用来寻址PC ±4GiB范围内的空间。