🤖 每周六一份关于「💡 Thought」,「🔧 Tools」和「🌊 Creativity」的所见分享。
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💡 Thought

Interview: Collective intelligence with Alexandra Elbakyan

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Alexandra Elbakyan 就是 Sci-Hub 的创建者,文章里面谈到她对 Sci-Hub 的理解:
Sci-Hub in essence is a tool to connect one brain to another, using research papers as a medium.
「Sci-Hub 是一个通过研究论文作为中介来连接人们大脑的工具。」


You have a deep interest in neuroscience, computer science, and linguistics, so I want to ask: what’s the relationship between consciousness, religion, and communication?


Alexandra Elbakyan:

What do consciousness, religion, and communication have in common? They are all information. Let’s see why. For communication it is obvious. For consciousness, there are two arguments. First, there is the Information Integration Theory of Consciousness developed by Giulio Tononi that helps us to equate consciousness with information. Second, our brain is nothing more than just billions of neurons connected to each other, our consciousness emerges out of their constant communication.

「意识,宗教和交流有什么共同点? 它们都是信息。让我们看看为什么。对于交流,这是显而易见的。对于意识,有两个论点。首先,Giulio Tononi 提出了意识的信息整合理论,该理论帮助我们将意识与信息等同起来。其次,我们的大脑不过是数十亿个相互连接的神经元而已,我们的意识源于它们不断的交流。」

I decided to conduct research about information in medieval and ancient societies such as Ancient Egypt. What I found interesting is that in many ancient religions there were gods of information, such as Hermes, Thoth or Nabu.. Ancient people associated them with speech, writing, and rational knowledge. When we look later in the Bible, the whole World is created by information, or by the Word of God.

「我决定对有关中世纪和古代社会(例如古埃及)的信息的进行研究。我发现有趣的是,在许多古代宗教中都有信息之神,例如 Hermes,Thoth 或 Nabu。古代人们将其与言语,写作和理性知识联系在一起。当我们稍后在圣经中查看时,整个世界都是由信息或上帝的话语创造的。」

Daniel Ek

Daniel EkSpotify 的联合创始人和 CEO,这是 The Observer Effect 和他的对话。

A great meeting has three key elements: the desired outcome of the meeting is clear ahead of time; the various options are clear, ideally ahead of time; and the roles of the participants are clear at the time.


Candidly, that’s my role as leader: to coach others on how best to make use of their limited time. Not only is time the most precious resource the company has, it’s also the most precious resource they have!


I realized at a young age that even for problems that are messy and complicated, if you put enough direction, energy, and focus into solving them, it’s very possible to figure them out.


Humanity is stuck in short-term thinking. Here’s how we escape.



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Structurally Induced Acedia


In the past, news that reached me from afar was old news. Now, with instantaneous transmission, all news is contemporary. I live in the present, surrounded by present time, whereas not so long ago, the present where I am was an island surrounded by the pasts that deepened with distance.


In other words, ubiquitous connectivity means that we experience very few “isolated situations,” in Meyrowitz’s sense, and that we inhabit a psychic realm of perpetual affective dissonance and discord, buffeted by unrelenting crosswinds of data and information.

「换句话说,在 Meyrowitz 的意思中,无处不在的连通性意味着我们几乎没有经历过“孤立的情况”,并且我们生活在一个永久情感失调与不和的心理领域中,这是由不屈不挠的数据和信息横冲直撞造成的。」

突然想到了一幅画面:2020 年河水中的小白鼠🐁,有的在顺水而下,享受过程,有的想不受水流的影响,奋力挣扎,但是,在信息的洪流中的,每个人都有自己的诉求!

🔧 Tools


轻芒杂志在双十一做了一个「晒单」活动—— 「#晒先锋读者们的订阅清单#」,在轻芒杂志 App 里的发现页面也同步上线了「先锋读者晒单」专题,可以看看!
也推荐一下自己常阅读的 Newsletter


这是 Github 上的 一个项目 —— 在线工具秘籍,包含了很多的好玩的网站,实现各种「用完即走」的需求,「Markdown 转微信公众号」「下载视频」「截图拼接」等等。

An Ocean of Books

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Tools for better thinking

Collection of thinking tools and frameworks to help you solve problems, make decisions and understand systems.

Tools for better thinking 这是一份思考 🤔 的工具集,包含了一些思考工具和思维框架,比如「冰山理论」「艾森豪矩阵」「第一性原理」等等!


Nahel Moussi
Florent Biffi
设计的非常漂亮的两个网站 ,色彩和字体看着都很舒服,滑动的流畅感非常棒!


Scrabox 也是一个卡片式知识管理工具,支持双向链接,个人使用免费。
发现了它是因为看到了一个网站:Happy Xiao

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至于作者为什么选择 Scrabox,有一篇文章,感兴趣可以看看:
scrapbox 就是我的 card-index

🌊 Creativity


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Xavi Bou 是一位西班牙的摄影师,图片上是他做的项目,拍摄鸟类飞行的轨迹,然后实现可视化,图片非常漂亮!


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视频前半段配乐的节奏感非常好,特意找了一下,是 Generdyn 的 Our Kingdom

Peter Szucsy

这是 Peter Szucsy 设计的机械蜘蛛,有一种《攻壳机动队》里赛博朋克的感觉!

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