Leet Code 简单题

  • [176. 第二高的薪水]


  1. 我的解答:
  2. select (select distinct salary
  3. from employee
  4. order by salary desc
  5. limit 1,1)
  6. as SecondHighstSalary;
  7. 最优解:
  8. select max(salary) as SecondHighstSalary
  9. from employee
  10. where
  11. salary <(select max(salary)from employee)
  • [181. 超过经理收入的员工]

执行顺序:from - where - group by - select -
having(where) - order by3.18

  • [182. 查找重复的电子邮箱]

知识点考察:group by +having

  • [183. 从不订购的客户]

知识点: not in 后面的子查询也需要使用select语句!

  1. #自己答案
  2. # Write your MySQL query statement below
  3. select name as customers from customers
  4. where id not in (select customerid from orders);
  5. #top Answer
  6. # Write your MySQL query statement below、
  7. select a.name as Customers from customers a where a.id not in (select distinct b.CustomerId from orders b);
  8. 两者区别在于两张表、distinct
  • [196. 删除重复的电子邮箱]

编写一个 SQL 查询,来删除 Person 表中所有重复的电子邮箱,重复的邮箱里只保留 Id 最小 的那个。

  1. # 官方答案Write your MySQL query statement below
  2. delete p1
  3. from Person p1,Person p2
  4. where p1.Email=p2.Email and p1.Id>p2.Id
  5. #top Answer
  6. # Write your MySQL query statement below
  7. delete from person where id not in
  8. (select t.id from (select min(id) id from person group by email) t)
  9. #第三种 利用窗口函数 删除排名大于1的!
  10. delete from Person
  11. where id not in
  12. (select keep_id from
  13. (select min(Id) over(partition by Email) as keep_id
  14. from Person) t1 );


  • [197. 上升的温度]

编写一个 SQL 查询,来查找与之前(昨天的)日期相比温度更高的所有日期的 id

  1. SELECT w2.Id
  2. FROM Weather w1, Weather w2
  3. WHERE DATEDIFF(w2.RecordDate, w1.RecordDate) = 1
  4. AND w1.Temperature < w2.Temperature


  • 511 写一条 SQL 查询语句获取每位玩家 第一次登陆平台的日期。
    解题思路:首先知道是使用group by player_id进行分组
    grouop by 后面使用 1 2 等可以代表对应的列 ```mysql select player_id,min(event_date) as first_login from activity group by player_id

top answer

select player_id,min(event_date) as first_login from activity group by 1

  1. - **512 请编写一个 SQL 查询,描述每一个玩家首次登陆的设备名称**<br />解题思路:使用最小日期 来对应 设备<br />在where子查询中(player_idevent_date)和后面的select语句中相同
  2. ```mysql
  3. select player_id,device_id from activity
  4. where (player_id,event_date) in (select player_id,min(event_date) from activity group by player_id)
  5. #top Answer
  6. 使用窗口函数?
  7. 排名第一的!
  8. # Write your MySQL query statement below
  10. player_id
  11. ,device_id
  12. FROM
  13. (
  14. SELECT
  15. player_id
  16. ,device_id
  17. ,row_number() over(PARTITION BY player_id ORDER BY event_date) AS time_rank
  18. FROM
  19. Activity
  20. ) AS A1
  21. WHERE A1.time_rank = 1


  • [577. 员工奖金] bonus < 1000的员工姓名和bonus

解题思路:连接两张表+找出bonus <1000的empid

  1. #我的答案未展现 null值!
  2. select name,bonus from employee e ,bonus b
  3. where e.empid = b.empid and bonus < 1000
  4. #展现null值
  5. select name,bonus from employee e left join bonus b
  6. on e.empid = b.empid where bonus < 1000 or bonus is null
  7. # 使用了 ifnull 函数
  8. select e.name,b.bonus
  9. from Employee e
  10. left join Bonus b
  11. on e.empId=b.EmpId
  12. where ifnull(b.bonus,0)<1000;
  • [584. 寻找用户推荐人] !=2

解题思路:!= 2表示数字层

  1. select name from customer
  2. where referee_id != 2 or referee_id is null
  3. #top Answer
  4. 和上述基本一样;!= 改成 <>


  • [586.订单最多的客户]

解题思路:分组-按照分组进行排序(从大到小)-取值(limit 1)

  1. # my answer
  2. select customer_number from orders
  3. group by customer_number order by count(customer_number) desc limit 1
  4. # top answer
  5. Select a.customer_number
  6. From orders as a
  7. Group by a.customer_number
  8. Order by count(*) DESC
  9. Limit 1
  • [596.超过5名学生选课]

解题思路:group by +having

  1. # 我的错误在于使用了count(class)导致无法过审
  2. select class from courses
  3. group by class having count(distinct student) >= 5
  • [597. 好友申请 I:总体通过率]

解题思路:sender_id 与 accept_id 匹配
left join 与right join 的应用

  1. select
  2. round(
  3. ifnull(
  4. (select count(*) from (select distinct requester_id, accepter_id from request_accepted) as A)
  5. /
  6. (select count(*) from (select distinct sender_id, send_to_id from friend_request) as B),
  7. 0)
  8. , 2) as accept_rate;


  • [603 连续空余座位]


  1. # Write your MySQL query statement below
  2. select distinct t1.seat_id
  3. from cinema t1 join cinema t2
  4. on abs(t1.seat_id-t2.seat_id)=1
  5. where t1.free=1 and t2.free=1
  6. order by t1.seat_id;
  • [607 销售员]

解题思路:Not In 、 outer join
with as ?

  1. # Write your MySQL query statement below
  2. select s.name from salesperson s
  3. where s.sales_id NOT IN (
  4. select distinct o.sales_id from orders o join company c on o.com_id = c.com_id and c.name = 'RED'
  5. )
  • [610 判断三角形]

解题思路:条件判断——case when

  1. 使用select case when 注意前面有,
  2. select x, y,z,
  3. case when x+y<=z or x+z<=y or y+z<=x
  4. then 'No'
  5. else 'Yes'
  6. end as triangle
  7. from triangle
  8. # top answer 使用*替代xyz
  9. select *,
  10. case when (x+y>z and x+z>y and y+z>x) then 'Yes'
  11. else 'No'
  12. end as triangle
  13. from triangle


  • 613 直线上最近的距离

解题思路:自连接 inner join
取绝对值 的 最小值!——select min(abs())

  1. select min(abs(p1.x - p2.x)) as shortest from point p1
  2. join point p2 on p1.x <> p2.x;
  • 619 只出现一次最大的数值

解题思路:ifnull or 子查询

  1. # 错误答案
  2. select max(num) as num from my_numbers
  3. group by num
  4. having count(num) = 1
  5. order by num desc limit 1
  6. # 正确答案-子查询
  7. select max(num) as num from (select num from my_numbers
  8. group by num
  9. having count(num) = 1
  10. order by num desc limit 1) as t
  11. # 正确答案-ifnull
  12. select ifnull((select num from my_numbers
  13. group by num
  14. having count(num) = 1
  15. order by num desc limit 1),null) as s
  • 620 有趣的电影
  • 627 变更性别


  1. # Write your MySQL query statement below
  2. UPDATE salary
  3. SET sex = CASE sex WHEN 'f' THEN 'm'
  4. ELSE 'f' END
  5. update salary set sex = if(sex = 'f','m','f')
  6. update salary
  7. set sex=if(
  8. sex='m','f','m'
  9. )


  • 1050 至少合作3次的演员和导演

解题思路 :group by/ having count()
涉及到两个变量的count 使用 count(*)

  1. select a_id,d_id from a_d
  2. group by a_id,d_id
  3. having count(*) >=3
  • 1608

解题思路: inner join


  • 1141 查询近30天的活跃用户数

解题思路:无主键,可能包含重复数据?使用count(distinct user_id)
group by activity_date 后面不跟user_id
between ‘2019-06-28’ and ‘2019-07-27’
或者使用 datediff(‘2019-07-27’,active_date) <30

  1. select active_date as date,count(distinct user_id) as total_user
  2. from activity
  3. where datediff('2019-07-27','active_date')<30
  4. group by active_date


  1. # Write your MySQL query statement below
  2. select id,
  3. sum(case month when 'Jan' then revenue end) as 'Jan_Revenue',
  4. sum(case month when 'Feb' then revenue end) as 'Feb_Revenue',
  5. sum(case month when 'Mar' then revenue end) as 'Mar_Revenue',
  6. sum(case month when 'Apr' then revenue end) as 'Apr_Revenue',
  7. sum(case month when 'May' then revenue end) as 'May_Revenue',
  8. sum(case month when 'Jun' then revenue end) as 'Jun_Revenue',
  9. sum(case month when 'Jul' then revenue end) as 'Jul_Revenue',
  10. sum(case month when 'Aug' then revenue end) as 'Aug_Revenue',
  11. sum(case month when 'Sep' then revenue end) as 'Sep_Revenue',
  12. sum(case month when 'Oct' then revenue end) as 'Oct_Revenue',
  13. sum(case month when 'Nov' then revenue end) as 'Nov_Revenue',
  14. sum(case month when 'Dec' then revenue end) as 'Dec_Revenue'
  15. from Department
  16. group by id
  • 1777题同上
  • 1809 没有广告的时间

解题思路: not in +子查询

  1. select session_id from playback
  2. where session_id not in (
  3. select seesion_id from playback p left join ads a on p.customer_id = a.customer_id
  4. where a.timestamp between start_time and endtime
  5. )