Some basic algebra:

    16-SEP - 图1(a-b)#card=math&code=a%5E2-b%5E2%3D%28a%2Bb%29%28a-b%29&id=F0Oje)

    16-SEP - 图2(a%5E2%2Bab%2Bb%5E2)#card=math&code=a%5E3%20-%20b%5E3%20%3D%20%28a-b%29%28a%5E2%2Bab%2Bb%5E2%29&id=P49d0)

    16-SEP - 图3%5E3#card=math&code=-b%5E3%20%3D%20%28-b%29%5E3&id=Uhdea)

    16-SEP - 图4(a%5E2%20-ac%20%2Bc%5E2)#card=math&code=c%20%3D%20-b%20%5CRightarrow%20a%5E3%20%2B%20c%5E3%20%3D%20%28a%2Bc%29%28a%5E2%20-ac%20%2Bc%5E2%29&id=Kz7Ny)

    Example: rationalizing the denominator.

    16-SEP - 图5%20%3D%20a%2Bb%5Csqrt%7B5%7D#card=math&code=12%2F%283-%5Csqrt%7B5%7D%29%20%3D%20a%2Bb%5Csqrt%7B5%7D&id=Jkrgo) , where a, b are integers.

    16-SEP - 图6%7D%7B3%5E2%20-%20%5Csqrt%7B5%7D%5E2%7D%20%3D%203(3%2B%5Csqrt%7B5%7D)#card=math&code=%5Cfrac%7B12%7D%7B3-%5Csqrt%7B5%7D%7D%20%5Cfrac%7B3%2B%5Csqrt%7B5%7D%7D%7B3%2B%5Csqrt%7B5%7D%7D%20%3D%20%5Cfrac%7B12%283%2B%5Csqrt%7B5%7D%29%7D%7B3%5E2%20-%20%5Csqrt%7B5%7D%5E2%7D%20%3D%203%283%2B%5Csqrt%7B5%7D%29&id=hrOJ0)

    Quadratic functions:

    16-SEP - 图7 is nonzero.

    16-SEP - 图8%2C%20aB%20%3D%20b%2C%20aC%20%3D%20c#card=math&code=y%20%3D%20a%28x%5E2%20%2B%20Bx%20%2B%20C%29%2C%20aB%20%3D%20b%2C%20aC%20%3D%20c&id=QkTyF).

    If we only want to solve 16-SEP - 图9 , it is equivalent to solve 16-SEP - 图10.

    monic, which means the leading coefficient of the highest degree term is 1.

    16-SEP - 图11. 16-SEP - 图12 , where 16-SEP - 图13 is the discriminant .

    16-SEP - 图14%5E2%20-%20(B%2F2)%5E2%20%2B%20C%20%3D%20(x%2BB%2F2)%5E2%20%2B%20C%20-%20B%5E2%2F4%20%3D%200#card=math&code=x%5E2%20%2B%20Bx%20%2B%20%28B%2F2%29%5E2%20-%20%28B%2F2%29%5E2%20%2B%20C%20%3D%20%28x%2BB%2F2%29%5E2%20%2B%20C%20-%20B%5E2%2F4%20%3D%200&id=oGAcL) .

    16-SEP - 图15%5E2%20%3D%20B%5E2%2F4%20-%20C%20%3D%20%5Cfrac%7BB%5E2%20-%204C%7D%7B4%7D#card=math&code=%28x%2BB%2F2%29%5E2%20%3D%20B%5E2%2F4%20-%20C%20%3D%20%5Cfrac%7BB%5E2%20-%204C%7D%7B4%7D&id=wstPn) .

    Solution exists if and only if (abbreviated as “iff”) 16-SEP - 图16.

    16-SEP - 图17.

    This is related to the mock test problem:

    Write 16-SEP - 图18 into the form 16-SEP - 图19%5E2%2Bq#card=math&code=2%28x%2Bp%29%5E2%2Bq&id=POQcm) , —> completing the square.

    16-SEP - 图20%20%3D%202(x%5E2%2B%205x%2F2%20%2B%20(5%2F4)%5E2%20-%20(5%2F4)%5E2)%20%3D%202(x%2B5%2F4)%5E2%20-%2025%2F8%20%5Cgeq%20-25%2F8#card=math&code=2%28x%5E2%20%2B%205x%2F2%29%20%3D%202%28x%5E2%2B%205x%2F2%20%2B%20%285%2F4%29%5E2%20-%20%285%2F4%29%5E2%29%20%3D%202%28x%2B5%2F4%29%5E2%20-%2025%2F8%20%5Cgeq%20-25%2F8&id=HhpDo).

    When 16-SEP - 图21, attains minimum.

    Say, how to deal with 16-SEP - 图22? Can we find out its minimum or maximum?

    The general way to find out mimima or maxima is by using differentiation (derivatives).

    Solution: 16-SEP - 图23.

    16-SEP - 图24%20%3D3(x-1)(x-3)#card=math&code=%5Cfrac%7Bdy%7D%7Bdx%7D%20%3D%203x%5E2%20-%2012x%2B9%20%3D%203%28x%5E2-4x%2B3%29%20%3D3%28x-1%29%28x-3%29&id=t4TrJ). Letting 16-SEP - 图25, we get 16-SEP - 图26.

    Which is which? (More precisely, at which point 16-SEP - 图27 attains a maximum/minimum? )

    Methond one: 16-SEP - 图28%3D6(x-2)#card=math&code=%5Cfrac%7Bd%5E2%20y%7D%7Bdx%5E2%7D%3D3%282x-4%29%3D6%28x-2%29&id=vVzwc).

    Inserting 16-SEP - 图29 into 16-SEP - 图30#card=math&code=6%28x-2%29&id=Oe4is)—> 16-SEP - 图31; Conclusion: 16-SEP - 图32 is a max. point.

    Inserting 16-SEP - 图33 into 16-SEP - 图34#card=math&code=6%28x-2%29&id=jiBeR) —> 6. Conclusion: 16-SEP - 图35 is a mim. point.

    Method two: (very powerful if the second order derivatives does not exist)

    When 16-SEP - 图36, 16-SEP - 图37, when 16-SEP - 图38, <0; when 16-SEP - 图39, 16-SEP - 图40.

    At 16-SEP - 图41#card=math&code=%28-%5Cinfty%2C%201%29&id=JVFZO), 16-SEP - 图42 increasing, at 16-SEP - 图43#card=math&code=%283%2C%20%5Cinfty%29&id=v4ZXX) also increasing; while at 16-SEP - 图44#card=math&code=%281%2C%203%29&id=RySHD), y decreasing;

    Conclusion: 16-SEP - 图45, 16-SEP - 图46 attains maxium 16-SEP - 图47; 16-SEP - 图48 attains mimimum 16-SEP - 图49.


    What is a function? (three ingredients)

    Different ways of giving a function

    1. Listing
    2. Number sequences
    3. Analytic expressions
    4. The Graph of a function (to be continued next lecture)

    A little complicated example:

    The electricity fee is charging in the following way:

    less than 120 kwh, then 6cents per kwh;

    from 121 kwh, up to 180 kwh, 13 cents per kwh;

    from 181 kwh and so on, 15 cents per kwh;

    electricity fee (cent): 16-SEP - 图50#card=math&code=f%28x%29&id=rW9JF), as a function of how much electricity (denoted by 16-SEP - 图51, unit kwh) one uses.

    16-SEP - 图52%3D%206x#card=math&code=f%28x%29%3D%206x&id=gMrw0), if 16-SEP - 图53;

    16-SEP - 图54%3D6*120%2B%2013(x-120)#card=math&code=f%28x%29%3D6%2A120%2B%2013%28x-120%29&id=VFJfh); if 16-SEP - 图55;

    16-SEP - 图56%3D6120%2B136%2B15(x-180)#card=math&code=f%28x%29%3D6%2A120%2B13%2A6%2B15%28x-180%29&id=CCYGa), if 16-SEP - 图57;

    Another example: Sequences of numbers,

    n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…

    16-SEP - 图58;

    16-SEP - 图59;

    16-SEP - 图60;

    16-SEP - 图61, 16-SEP - 图62; (The Fibonacci sequences).

    1. Polynomials
      Suppose 16-SEP - 图63 (sometimes 16-SEP - 图64) is an indeterminant (variable). 16-SEP - 图65 (for 16-SEP - 图66 a non-negative integer) a monomial. 16-SEP - 图67 (This is a convention.)
      A polynomial is a (linear) combination (a sum) of monomials: 16-SEP - 图68%20%3D%20%207x-%2087x%5E2%2B1.4x%5E3%2B4x%5E5%2B5x%5E6%0A#card=math&code=p%28x%29%20%3D%20%207x-%2087x%5E2%2B1.4x%5E3%2B4x%5E5%2B5x%5E6%0A&id=isXMy)
    2. Exponential functions 16-SEP - 图69%3De%5Ex#card=math&code=y%28x%29%3De%5Ex&id=nKV1h).
      Do you know what is 16-SEP - 图70? What is its approximated value?
      16-SEP - 图71 is a constant, introducing by L. Euler. 16-SEP - 图72
      (1) 16-SEP - 图73 is not a rational number (it is irrational)
      (2) 16-SEP - 图74, so 16-SEP - 图75%3De%5Ex#card=math&code=y%28x%29%3De%5Ex&id=U76LU) is increasing as 16-SEP - 图76 increases;
      (3) 16-SEP - 图77.
      (4) 16-SEP - 图78 is defined via the limit: 16-SEP - 图79%5En#card=math&code=e%3D%5Clim_%7Bn%20%5Cto%20%5Cinfty%7D%281%2B%5Cfrac%7B1%7D%7Bn%7D%29%5En&id=jzwzj) .
    3. Exponential functions in general 16-SEP - 图80, 16-SEP - 图81.
      (16-SEP - 图82, 16-SEP - 图83, 16-SEP - 图84).
      When 16-SEP - 图85, 16-SEP - 图86 increases as 16-SEP - 图87 increases;
      when 16-SEP - 图88, 16-SEP - 图89 decreases as 16-SEP - 图90 increases;
      16-SEP - 图91#card=math&code=%5Cfrac%7Bd%7D%7Bdx%7Da%5Ex%20%3D%20a%5Ex%20%5Clog_e%28a%29&id=z1XBT).