
    1. public function getWordStatisticsList($request)
    2. {
    3. $keyword = $request->input('keyword', '');
    4. $order_situation = $request->input('order_situation', '');
    5. $limit = $request['limit'];
    6. $page = $request['page'] - 1;
    7. $order_by_column = $request->input('field', 'user_id');
    8. $order_by_option = $request->input('order', 'desc');
    9. $between = $this->getBetween($request);
    10. $where['user_member.appid'] = 3;
    11. if (isset($order_situation) && $order_situation != '') {
    12. $where['user_member.order_situation'] = $order_situation - 1;
    13. }
    14. $count = UserMember
    15. ::where($where)
    16. ->when($keyword, function ($query) use ($keyword) {
    17. $query->where('user_member.id', 'like', "%$keyword%");
    18. })
    19. ->count();
    20. $product_statistics_sql = '(
    21. SELECT COALESCE(sum( recording_time ),0) AS recording_time,
    22. COALESCE(sum( video_to_audio_time ),0) AS video_to_audio_time,
    23. COALESCE(sum( audio_clips ),0) AS audio_clips,
    24. date_time,
    25. user_id
    26. FROM product_statistics';
    27. $mobile_login_sql = '(
    28. SELECT count( id ) AS login_time,
    29. user_id,status,
    30. create_time FROM mobile_login_log where status = 1';
    31. $order_table_sql = '(
    32. SELECT COALESCE ( sum( amount ), 0 ) AS amount,
    33. user_id,
    34. pay_status,
    35. pay_time from order_table where pay_status = 1 and appid = 3';
    36. $trans_log_sql = '(
    37. SELECT COALESCE ( sum( if(providers=1,use_time,0) ), 0 ) AS baidu_use_time,
    38. COALESCE ( sum( if(providers=2,use_time,0) ), 0 ) AS ali_1_use_time,
    39. COALESCE ( sum( if(providers=3,use_time,0) ), 0 ) AS ali_2_use_time,
    40. count( id ) as trans_time ,
    41. user_id,
    42. date from trans_log where status = 1';
    43. if ($between) {
    44. $product_statistics_sql .= ' where date_time between ' . $between[0] . ' and ' . $between[1];
    45. $mobile_login_sql .= ' and create_time between ' . $between[0] . ' and ' . $between[1];
    46. $order_table_sql .= ' and pay_time between ' . $between[0] . ' and ' . $between[1];
    47. $trans_log_sql .= ' and date between ' . $between[0] . ' and ' . $between[1];
    48. }
    49. //列表数据
    50. $list_query = UserMember::select(DB::raw('
    51. user_member.id as user_id,
    52. user_member.order_situation,
    53. COALESCE(sum(bb.recording_time),0) AS recording_time,
    54. COALESCE(sum( bb.video_to_audio_time),0) AS video_to_audio_time,
    55. COALESCE(sum( bb.audio_clips ),0) AS audio_clips,
    56. COALESCE(sum( ee.trans_time ),0) AS trans_time,
    57. COALESCE(sum( ee.baidu_use_time ),0)/3600 + COALESCE(sum( ee.ali_1_use_time ),0)/3600 AS use_time,
    58. COALESCE(sum( ee.baidu_use_time ),0)/3600 * 1.2 + COALESCE(sum( ee.ali_1_use_time ),0)/3600 * 1.56 AS trans_price,
    59. COALESCE(sum( cc.login_time ),0) AS login_time,
    60. COALESCE(sum( cc.login_time ),0)* 0.03 AS login_price,
    61. COALESCE(sum( ee.baidu_use_time ),0)/3600 * 1.2 + COALESCE(sum( ee.ali_1_use_time ),0)/3600 * 1.56 + COALESCE(sum( cc.login_time ),0)* 0.03 as total_price,
    62. COALESCE(sum(dd.amount),0) AS amount,
    63. COALESCE(sum(dd.amount),0) - (COALESCE(sum( ee.baidu_use_time ),0)/3600 * 1.2 + COALESCE(sum( ee.ali_1_use_time ),0)/3600 * 1.56 + COALESCE(sum( cc.login_time ),0)* 0.03) AS profits
    64. '))
    65. ->LeftJoin(DB::raw($product_statistics_sql . ' GROUP BY user_id ) bb'), function ($join) {
    66. $join->on('user_member.id', '=', 'bb.user_id');
    67. })
    68. ->leftJoin(DB::raw($mobile_login_sql . ' GROUP BY user_id) cc'), function ($join) {
    69. $join->on('user_member.id', '=', 'cc.user_id');
    70. })->LeftJoin(DB::raw($order_table_sql . ' group by user_id) dd'), function ($join) {
    71. $join->on('user_member.id', '=', 'dd.user_id');
    72. })
    73. ->leftJoin(DB::raw($trans_log_sql . ' group by user_id) ee'), function ($join) {
    74. $join->on('user_member.id', '=', 'ee.user_id');
    75. })
    76. ->where($where)
    77. ->when($keyword, function ($query) use ($keyword) {
    78. $query->where('user_member.id', 'like', "%$keyword%");
    79. });
    80. if (empty($keyword)) {
    81. $list_query->groupBy('user_member.id');
    82. }
    83. if ($order_by_column && $order_by_option) {
    84. $list_query->orderBy($order_by_column, $order_by_option);
    85. }
    86. $list = $list_query->offset($page * $limit)->limit($limit)->get();
    87. if (!$count) {
    88. $list = [];
    89. }
    90. return [
    91. 'count' => $count,
    92. 'data' => $list,
    93. 'msg' => '',
    94. 'code' => 0,
    95. ];
    96. }