The http service can be used globally Vue.http or in a Vue instance this.$http. 你可以使用全局对象方式Vue.http或者在一个Vue实例的内部使用this.$http来发起HTTP请求。



A Vue instance provides the this.$http service which can send HTTP requests. A request method call returns a Promise that resolves to the response. Also the Vue instance will be automatically bound to this in all function callbacks. 一个Vue实例内部提供的this.$http服务可以发送HTTP请求。一个请求方法的回调请参考 Promise它可以解决这些响应。当然Vue实例将自动绑定到this在所有的函数回调中。

  1. {
  2. // GET /someUrl
  3. this.$http.get('/someUrl').then((response) => {
  4. // success callback
  5. }, (response) => {
  6. // error callback
  7. });
  8. }



Shortcut methods are available for all request types. These methods work globally or in a Vue instance. 我们为所有的请求类型提供了一套简便的方法。 这些方法可以在全局或一个Vue实例中工作。

  1. // global Vue object
  2. Vue.http.get('/someUrl', [options]).then(successCallback, errorCallback);
  3.'/someUrl', [body], [options]).then(successCallback, errorCallback);
  4. // in a Vue instance
  5. this.$http.get('/someUrl', [options]).then(successCallback, errorCallback);
  6. this.$'/someUrl', [body], [options]).then(successCallback, errorCallback);

List of shortcut methods: 简便方法的列表:

  • get(url, [options])
  • head(url, [options])
  • delete(url, [options])
  • jsonp(url, [options])
  • post(url, [body], [options])
  • put(url, [body], [options])
  • patch(url, [body], [options])



Parameter Type Description
url string URL to which the request is sent
body Object, FormData, string Data to be sent as the request body
headers Object Headers object to be sent as HTTP request headers
params Object Parameters object to be sent as URL parameters
method string HTTP method (e.g. GET, POST, …)
timeout number Request timeout in milliseconds (0 means no timeout)
before function(request) Callback function to modify the request options before it is sent
progress function(event) Callback function to handle the ProgressEvent of uploads
credentials boolean Indicates whether or not cross-site Access-Control requests should be made using credentials
emulateHTTP boolean Send PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests with a HTTP POST and set the X-HTTP-Method-Override header
emulateJSON boolean Send request body as application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type
参数 类型 描述
url string 请求的目标URL
body Object, FormData, string 作为请求体发送的数据
headers Object 作为请求头部发送的头部对象
params Object 作为URL参数的参数对象
method string HTTP方法 (例如GET,POST,…)
timeout number 请求超时(单位:毫秒) (0表示永不超时)
before function(request) 在请求发送之前修改请求的回调函数
progress function(event) 用于处理上传进度的回调函数 ProgressEvent
credentials boolean 是否需要出示用于跨站点请求的凭据
emulateHTTP boolean 是否需要通过设置X-HTTP-Method-Override头部并且以传统POST方式发送PUT,PATCH和DELETE请求。
emulateJSON boolean 设置请求体的类型为application/x-www-form-urlencoded



A request resolves to a response object with the following properties and methods: 通过如下属性和方法处理一个请求获取到的响应对象:

Property Type Description
url string Response URL origin
body Object, Blob, string Response body data
headers Header Response Headers object
ok boolean HTTP status code between 200 and 299
status number HTTP status code of the response
statusText string HTTP status text of the response
Method Type Description
text() Promise Resolves the body as string
json() Promise Resolves the body as parsed JSON object
blob() Promise Resolves the body as Blob object
属性 类型 描述
url string 响应的URL源
body Object, Blob, string 响应体数据
headers Header 请求头部对象
ok boolean 当HTTP响应码为200到299之间的数值时该值为true
status number HTTP响应吗
statusText string HTTP响应状态
方法 类型 描述
text() 约定值 以字符串方式返回响应体
json() 约定值 以格式化后的json对象方式返回响应体
blob() 约定值 以二进制Blob对象方式返回响应体



  1. {
  2. // POST /someUrl
  3. this.$'/someUrl', {foo: 'bar'}).then((response) => {
  4. // get status
  5. response.status;
  6. // get status text
  7. response.statusText;
  8. // get 'Expires' header
  9. response.headers.get('Expires');
  10. // set data on vm
  11. this.$set('someData', response.body);
  12. }, (response) => {
  13. // error callback
  14. });
  15. }

Fetch an image and use the blob() method to extract the image body content from the response. 使用blob()方法从响应中获取一副图像的内容。

  1. {
  2. // GET /image.jpg
  3. this.$http.get('/image.jpg').then((response) => {
  4. // resolve to Blob
  5. return response.blob();
  6. }).then(blob) => {
  7. // use image Blob
  8. });
  9. }



Interceptors can be defined globally and are used for pre- and postprocessing of a request. 全局定义拦截器后,它可用于前置和后置处理请求。

Request processing


  1. Vue.http.interceptors.push((request, next) => {
  2. // modify request
  3. request.method = 'POST';
  4. // continue to next interceptor
  5. next();
  6. });

Request and Response processing


  1. Vue.http.interceptors.push((request, next) => {
  2. // modify request
  3. request.method = 'POST';
  4. // continue to next interceptor
  5. next((response) => {
  6. // modify response
  7. response.body = '...';
  8. });
  9. });

Return a Response and stop processing


  1. Vue.http.interceptors.push((request, next) => {
  2. // modify request ...
  3. // stop and return response
  4. next(request.respondWith(body, {
  5. status: 404,
  6. statusText: 'Not found'
  7. }));
  8. });