Date: 12 March

Tutorial and Assignment
[20200309~20200317] Tutorial No.4 - 22 MAR

Design Phases

Outline of ER Model

Entity Sets

L06 Database Design Using the E-R Model - 图1

Composite Attributes


  • street
    • street name
    • street number
  • city
  • state
  • postal_code

Expressing Weak Entity Sets

L06 Database Design Using the E-R Model - 图2Advisor is a set of connected with section and course

E-R Diagram for a University Enterprise

L06 Database Design Using the E-R Model - 图3 L06 Database Design Using the E-R Model - 图4 many-to-many relationship
An instructor may advise many students, and a student may have many advisors

Redundant Attributes

L06 Database Design Using the E-R Model - 图5 Just one for more
schema for relationship set advisor

  1. advisor = (s_id, i_id)


Prereq is many to many

L06 Database Design Using the E-R Model - 图6

Weak entity set

L06 Database Design Using the E-R Model - 图7 (phone_number) is multivalued attribute M

冗余(Redundancy):存储两次数据,以便使系统更快速。 主键(Primary Key):主键是唯一的。同一张表中不允许出现同样两个键值。一个键值只对应着一行。 外键(Foreign Key):用于连接两张表。

Redundancy 冗余 of Schemas

  1. classroom (building, room_number, capacity)
  2. >> classroom (building, room_number, capacity)
  3. course (course_id, title, credits)
  4. >> course (course_id, title, dept_name, credits)
  5. department (dept_name, building, budget)
  6. >> department (dept_name, building, budget)
  7. instructor (ID, name, salary)
  8. >> instructor (ID, name, dept_name, salary)
  9. student (ID, name, tot_cred)
  10. >> student (ID, name, dept_name, tot_cred)
  11. section (course_id, sec_id, semester, year)
  12. >> section (course_id, sec_id, semester, year, building, room, time_slot_id)
  13. time slot (time_slot_id, day, start_time, end_time)
  14. >> time slot (time_slot_id, day, start_time, end_time)
  15. teaches (ID, *course_id, sec_id*, semester, year)
  16. >> teaches (ID, course_id, sec_id, semester, year)
  17. takes (


Attribute inheritance

Completeness constraint

an entity must belong to one of the lower-level entity sets

an entity need not belong to one of the lower-level entity sets



Same information will take overlapping

schema eval_for is

  1. class eval_for {
  2. ..
  3. S_ID,
  4. project_id,
  5. i_ID,
  6. evaluation_id
  7. }
  8. create table eval_for {
  9. S_ID,
  10. project_id,
  11. i_ID,
  12. evaluation_id
  13. }

Design Issues

Common Mistakes in E-R Diagrams

dept_name is emlinate

show the diagram
assignment or marks can only make one inside stud_section schema.

Correct form

Assignment Mark
01 10
02 12

Entities vs Attributes

L06 Database Design Using the E-R Model - 图13Phone number is not a nessary component in instructor so it is enough to set inside instructor as Attributes rather than entitles sets.

To simply the structure


Alternative ER Notations

L06 Database Design Using the E-R Model - 图15