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bug of error

error 解决
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘<’ 可能是在script上没加type=”text/babel”
Cannot read property ‘obj’ of undefined 对象点的次数过多
Each child in a list should have a unique “key” prop. 遍历没有写key
Objects are not valid as a React child 可以字符串解析数组,但不能直接解析对象,只能解析对象的属性
line28: logo is defined but never used no-unused-vars import logo from “./logo.svg”
Cannot read property ‘props’ of undefined
Cannot read property ‘state’ of undefined
警告:Useless constructor no-useless-constructor(无用的构造函数) 脚手架中,若只有props,直接省略不写constructor,写了反而报警告
Do not mutate state directly. Use setState() 对createRef这种放在state中的值修改,要你使用this.setState 感觉实现起来很困难
因为estint(报错no- rest ricted-globals)把confirm禁用了。方法一:调用window.confirm;方法二:在调用confirm的时
候前面加一句注释// eslint-disable-next-line表示不检查下一行的代码