1. vim ~/.zshrc
  2. plugins=(git autojump)
  3. source ~/.zshrc
  4. brew install autojump


使用:「j 文件夹名字」,然后就跳转过去了。


autojump - a faster way to navigate your filesystem


autojump is a faster way to navigate your filesystem. It works by
maintaining a database of the directories you use the most from the
command line.

Directories must be visited first before they can be jumped to.


j is a convenience wrapper function around autojump. Any option that
can be used with autojump can be used with j and vice versa.

  • Jump To A Directory That Contains foo:

    1. j foo
  • Jump To A Child Directory:
    Sometimes it’s convenient to jump to a child directory
    (sub-directory of current directory) rather than typing out the
    full name.

    1. jc bar
  • Open File Manager To Directories (instead of jumping):
    Instead of jumping to a directory, you can open a file explorer
    window (Mac Finder, Windows Explorer, GNOME Nautilus, etc.) to the
    directory instead.
    Opening a file manager to a child directory is also supported:

    1. jo music
    1. jco images
  • Using Multiple Arguments:
    Let’s assume the following database:
    j in would jump into /home/user/mail/inbox as the higher
    weighted entry. However you can pass multiple arguments to autojump
    to prefer a different entry. In the above example, j w in would
    then change directory to /home/user/work/inbox.

    1. 30 /home/user/mail/inbox
    2. 10 /home/user/work/inbox

For more options refer to help:

  1. autojump --help


autojump —help
