Wrap 流式布局 当子元素盒子的宽度超出手机宽度时,会自动移到下一行

    1. spacing 水平方向 盒子之间的距离
    2. runSpacing 竖直方向 盒子之间的距离
    3. alignment 对齐方式 和css的flex的几个主轴对齐方式有一些相似
    1. import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
    2. import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    3. // import 'package:english_words/english_words.dart';
    4. void main() => runApp(new MyApp());
    5. class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
    6. @override
    7. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    8. return new MaterialApp(
    9. title: 'Welcome to Flutter',
    10. home: new Scaffold(
    11. appBar: new AppBar(
    12. title: new Text('Welcome to Flutter12'),
    13. ),
    14. body: Wrap(
    15. spacing: 20,
    16. runSpacing: 30,
    17. alignment: WrapAlignment.end,
    18. children: [
    19. Container(
    20. width: 150,
    21. height: 150,
    22. color: Colors.blue,
    23. ),
    24. Container(
    25. width: 150,
    26. height: 150,
    27. color: Colors.red,
    28. ),
    29. Container(
    30. width: 150,
    31. height: 150,
    32. color: Colors.yellow,
    33. ),
    34. Container(
    35. width: 100,
    36. height: 150,
    37. color: Colors.yellow,
    38. ),
    39. ],
    40. ),
    41. ),
    42. );
    43. }
    44. }