分享一下基于 Redis Cluster 的Redis集群解决方案。
Redis Cluster 是社区版推出的Redis分布式集群解决方案,主要解决 Redis 分布式方面的需求。比如:当遇到单机内存,并发,流量等瓶颈时,Redis Cluster 能起到很好的负载均衡的目的。
搭建环境是基于Docker,Docker Compose。

1. 创建目录,6个redis服务, 7001~7006。

  1. mkdir -p redis/node7001/conf
  2. mkdir -p redis/node7001/data
  3. mkdir -p redis/node7002/conf
  4. mkdir -p redis/node7002/data
  5. mkdir -p redis/node7003/conf
  6. mkdir -p redis/node7003/data
  7. mkdir -p redis/node7004/conf
  8. mkdir -p redis/node7004/data
  9. mkdir -p redis/node7005/conf
  10. mkdir -p redis/node7005/data
  11. mkdir -p redis/node7006/conf
  12. mkdir -p redis/node7006/data


  1. .
  2. ├── docker-compose.yml
  3. ├── node7001
  4. ├── conf
  5. └── redis.conf
  6. └── data
  7. ├── node7002
  8. ├── conf
  9. └── redis.conf
  10. └── data
  11. ├── node7003
  12. ├── conf
  13. └── redis.conf
  14. └── data
  15. ├── node7004
  16. ├── conf
  17. └── redis.conf
  18. └── data
  19. ├── node7005
  20. ├── conf
  21. └── redis.conf
  22. └── data
  23. └── node7006
  24. ├── conf
  25. └── redis.conf
  26. └── data

2. 创建Redis配置文件并放入conf文件夹。

redis.cnf 参考配置

  1. # 修改为实际使用端口,cluster-announce-ip相同不可重复
  2. port 7001
  3. # 开启入口master授权访问
  4. protected-mode yes
  5. masterauth 111111
  6. requirepass 111111
  7. # 开启集群
  8. cluster-enabled yes
  9. cluster-config-file nodes.conf
  10. cluster-node-timeout 5000
  11. # 集群节点IP host模式为宿主机IP 修改为服务器实际IP
  12. cluster-announce-ip
  13. # 集群节点端口 同port
  14. cluster-announce-port 7001
  15. # 集群总线端口 1+port
  16. cluster-announce-bus-port 17001
  17. # 开启 appendonly 备份模式
  18. appendonly yes
  19. # 每秒钟备份
  20. appendfsync everysec
  21. # 对aof文件进行压缩时,是否执行同步操作
  22. no-appendfsync-on-rewrite no
  23. # 当目前aof文件大小超过上一次重写时的aof文件大小的100%时会再次进行重写
  24. auto-aof-rewrite-percentage 100
  25. # 重写前AOF文件的大小最小值 默认 64mb
  26. auto-aof-rewrite-min-size 64mb

3. 创建docker-compose.yml文件并放在根目录。


  1. version: '3.8'
  2. services:
  3. redis7001:
  4. image: 'redis:6.2'
  5. container_name: redis7001
  6. command: ['redis-server', '/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf']
  7. volumes:
  8. - ./node7001/conf/redis.conf:/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf
  9. - ./node7001/data:/data
  10. ports:
  11. - '7001:7001'
  12. - '17001:17001'
  13. environment:
  14. # 设置时区为上海,否则时间会有问题
  15. - TZ=Asia/Shanghai
  16. redis7002:
  17. image: 'redis:6.2'
  18. container_name: redis7002
  19. command: ['redis-server', '/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf']
  20. volumes:
  21. - ./node7002/conf/redis.conf:/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf
  22. - ./node7002/data:/data
  23. ports:
  24. - '7002:7002'
  25. - '17002:17002'
  26. environment:
  27. - TZ=Asia/Shanghai
  28. redis7003:
  29. image: 'redis:6.2'
  30. container_name: redis7003
  31. command: ['redis-server', '/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf']
  32. volumes:
  33. - ./node7003/conf/redis.conf:/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf
  34. - ./node7003/data:/data
  35. ports:
  36. - '7003:7003'
  37. - '17003:17003'
  38. environment:
  39. - TZ=Asia/Shanghai
  40. redis7004:
  41. image: 'redis:6.2'
  42. container_name: redis7004
  43. command: ['redis-server', '/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf']
  44. volumes:
  45. - ./node7004/conf/redis.conf:/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf
  46. - ./node7004/data:/data
  47. ports:
  48. - '7004:7004'
  49. - '17004:17004'
  50. environment:
  51. - TZ=Asia/Shanghai
  52. redis7005:
  53. image: 'redis:6.2'
  54. container_name: redis7005
  55. command: ['redis-server', '/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf']
  56. volumes:
  57. - ./node7005/conf/redis.conf:/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf
  58. - ./node7005/data:/data
  59. ports:
  60. - '7005:7005'
  61. - '17005:17005'
  62. environment:
  63. - TZ=Asia/Shanghai
  64. redis7006:
  65. image: 'redis:6.2'
  66. container_name: redis7006
  67. command: ['redis-server', '/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf']
  68. volumes:
  69. - ./node7006/conf/redis.conf:/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf
  70. - ./node7006/data:/data
  71. ports:
  72. - '7006:7006'
  73. - '17006:17006'
  74. environment:
  75. - TZ=Asia/Shanghai

4. 以上准备工作都做好后,开始实操。

4.1 启动redis。

  1. docker-compose up

4.2 配置cluster集群。

4.2.1 创建集群。

  1. docker exec -it redis7001 redis-cli -p 7001 -a 111111 --cluster create --cluster-replicas 1


  1. rm -rf node*/data/appendonly.aof
  2. rm -rf node*/data/nodes.conf

4.2.2 测试集群。 测试集群通信:

  1. docker exec -it redis7001 redis-cli -h -p 7005 -a 111111 ping

image.png 测试集群读写:

  1. docker exec -it redis7001 redis-cli -h -p 7003 -a 111111 -c
  2. set name test
  3. get name


4.2.3 查看集群。 查看集群状态

  1. cluster nodes

image.png 查看 slots 分片

  1. cluster slots

image.png 查看集群信息

  1. cluster info


5. Spring项目集成。

5.1 pom.xml

  1. <dependency>
  2. <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>
  3. <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-data-redis</artifactId>
  4. </dependency>
  5. <dependency>
  6. <groupId>org.redisson</groupId>
  7. <artifactId>redisson-spring-boot-starter</artifactId>
  8. <version>${redisson-spring-boot-starter.version}</version>
  9. </dependency>

5.2 application.properties

  1. spring.redis.cluster.nodes=,,,,,
  2. spring.redis.cluster.max-redirects=3
  3. spring.redis.timeout=5000
  4. spring.redis.password=111111

6. 附录

6.1 redis.conf example

6.2 param notify-keyspace-events

  1. K Keyspace events, published with __keyspace@<db>__ prefix.
  2. E Keyevent events, published with __keyevent@<db>__ prefix.
  3. g Generic commands (non-type specific) like DEL, EXPIRE, RENAME, ...
  4. $ String commands
  5. l List commands
  6. s Set commands
  7. h Hash commands
  8. z Sorted set commands
  9. x Expired events (events generated every time a key expires)
  10. e Evicted events (events generated when a key is evicted for maxmemory)
  11. A Alias for g$lshzxe, so that the "AKE" string means all the events.

6.3 redisson