How did it come into being?

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In 2018, a code editor was embedded in mBlock 5 as a supplement to the block-based programming, aiming to help users make the transition from block-based programming to code programming. It supports the real-time transcoding of blocks and code, allowing users to learn MicroPython and stage Python programming.
As 2020 began, we found that the code editor embedded in mBlock 5 no longer met the increasingly widespread and professional educational needs despite its block-code transcoding, device programming, and stage programming.

Therefore, we decided to develop a Python editor for beginners to meet the needs of various Python courses.


A Python editor oriented to beginners, applicable to various Python courses, such as Software & Hardware Programmin**g, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Data Science** courses

  • Having fun with Python programming: mBlock-Python Editor provides a real Python environment, allowing you to experience various third-party libraries. In addition, it supports hardware programming, which brings you much more fun when you use it to learn Python programming.

  • Easy to get started: With mBlock-Python Editor, you won’t stop your Python learning because of the environment configuration and commissioning; you won’t be confused about the complicated interfaces; and you won’t withdraw from Python learning because you can’t find the tutorials you need.

  • High-quality educational resources: We provide rich educational resources as well as those oriented to beginners; and we have conducted in-depth optimization of the Python editor based on educational scenarios.

Working together with us

We know that our ideal is quite ambitious, and to achieve it requires the implementation of a series of product features. Currently, mBlock-Python Editor provides only basic functions, and a lot of features are still to be developed. Thank you for joining us and working together with us to bring about better Python education. We will keep working on it to provide you with an optimal and trustworthy product. If you find it nice to use, recommend it to you friends and colleagues.

Start your journey to Python programming now!