HBuilderX cli command line tool, supported from HBuilderX 3.1.5+

The developers can execute startup, package, log-in and other operations through the cli command line of HBuilderX.


The path of the command line tool:

  • Windows: HBuilderX installation directory, cli.exe
  • MacOSX
    • Official Version /Applications/HBuilderX.app/Contents/MacOS/cli
    • Alpha Version /Applications/HBuilderX-Alpha.app/Contents/MacOS/cli

Special Note: All the command examples in this article use cli instead of cli.exe. Please refer to different operating systems and actual applications.

In addition, you can add cli to environment variables, so that you can call cli anytime and anywhere, without having to enter the absolute path of cli.

Environment Variables

Cli Help

To use the help command, you need to start HBuilderX first.

  1. cli --help
  2. cli help

Cli Version

  1. cli ver

Start/Quit HBuilderX

  1. # Start HBuilderX
  2. cli open
  3. # Quit HBuilderX
  4. cli app quit

More commands

cli command Details
User account, login, logout Details
File operation, open the file and jump to the specified line and column Details
Project operations, import and close projects Details
app package Details
uniCLoud operation, for example upload to uniCloud Details
uniCloud webpage hosting Details