


  1. layerA = new Layer


  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. x: 100
  3. y: 100
  4. width: 250
  5. height: 250
  6. opacity: 0.5
  7. backgroundColor: "white"


  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. x: 100
  3. y: 100
  4. layerA.x = 200 <number>


  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. print
  3. # Output: 1 <string>


  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. = "Button"
  3. print
  4. # Output: "Button"

layer.x <number>


  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.x = 500

layer.y <number>


  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.y = 500

layer.z <number>



  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.z = 500

layer.width <number>


  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.width = 500

layer.height <number>


  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.height = 500

layer.minX <number>


  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. x: 100
  3. y: 100
  4. width: 100
  5. height: 100
  6. print layerA.minX
  7. # Output: 100

layer.midX <number>


  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. x: 100
  3. y: 100
  4. width: 100
  5. height: 100
  6. print layerA.midX
  7. # Output: 150
  8. layerA.midX = 500
  9. print layerA.x
  10. # Output: 450

layer.maxX <number>


  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. x: 100
  3. y: 100
  4. width: 100
  5. height: 100
  6. print layerA.maxX
  7. # Output: 200
  8. layerA.maxX = 500
  9. print layerA.x
  10. # Output: 400

layer.minY <number>


  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. x: 100
  3. y: 100
  4. width: 100
  5. height: 100
  6. print layerA.minY
  7. # Output: 100

layer.midY <number>


  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. x: 100
  3. y: 100
  4. width: 100
  5. height: 100
  6. print layerA.midY
  7. # Output: 150
  8. layerA.midY = 500
  9. print layerA.y
  10. # Output: 450

layer.maxY <number>


  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. x: 100
  3. y: 100
  4. width: 100
  5. height: 100
  6. print layerA.maxY
  7. # Output: 200
  8. layerA.maxY = 500
  9. print layerA.y
  10. # Output: 400

layer.point <object>


  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. print layerA.point
  3. # Output: { x: 0, y: 0 }
  4. layerA.point =
  5. x: 10
  6. y: 200
  7. print layerA.point
  8. # Output: { x: 10, y: 200 }
  9. print layerA.x
  10. # Output: 10

layer.size <object>


  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. print layerA.size
  3. # Output: { width: 100, height: 100 }
  4. layerA.size =
  5. width: 10
  6. height: 10
  7. print layerA.size
  8. # Output: { width: 10, height: 10 }
  9. print layerA.width
  10. # Output: 10

layer.frame <object>


  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. print layerA.frame
  3. # Output: { x: 100, y: 100, width: 100, height: 100 }
  4. layerA.frame =
  5. x: 10
  6. y: 200
  7. width: 10
  8. height: 10
  9. print layerA.frame
  10. # Output: { x: 10, y: 200, width: 10, height: 10 }
  11. print layerA.x
  12. # Output: 10

layer.props <object>


  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. # Get current layer properties
  3. print layerA.props
  4. # Output: { x: 100, y: 100, ...}
  5. # Set properties
  6. layerA.props =
  7. rotation: 90
  8. opacity: 0.5


  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. width: 500
  3. height: 500
  4. layerB = new Layer
  5. parent: layerA
  6. width: 100
  7. height: 100
  9. print layerB.x, layerB.y
  10. # Output: 200, 200




  • offset — 一个代表偏移量的数字。
  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. width: 500
  3. height: 500
  4. layerB = new Layer
  5. parent: layerA
  6. width: 100
  7. height: 100
  8. layerB.centerX()
  9. print layerB.x, layerB.y
  10. # Output: 200, 0
  11. layerB.centerX(20)
  12. print layerB.x, layerB.y
  13. # Output: 220, 0




  • offset — 一个代表偏移量的数字。
  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. width: 500
  3. height: 500
  4. layerB = new Layer
  5. parent: layerA
  6. width: 100
  7. height: 100
  8. layerB.centerY()
  9. print layerB.x, layerB.y
  10. # Output: 0, 200
  11. layerB.centerY(20)
  12. print layerB.x, layerB.y
  13. # Output: 0, 220



Round the x and y values of this layer to whole numbers. Allows you to snap layers on the pixel. This is useful when dynamically centering layers.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. x: 100.18293
  3. y: 10.12873
  4. layerA.pixelAlign()
  5. print layerA.x, layerA.y
  6. # Output: 100, 10

layer.screenFrame <object>


Allows you to set or capture the absolute position of this layer on the screen, ignoring the inherited position from its parents.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. x: 100
  3. layerB = new Layer
  4. parent: layerA
  5. x: 100
  6. print layerB.screenFrame
  7. # Output: { x: 200, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100 }
  8. layerB.screenFrame =
  9. x: 400
  10. y: 0
  11. width: 100
  12. height: 100
  13. print layerB.x
  14. # Output: 300



The calculated frame for the total size of all the children combined.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerB = new Layer
  3. parent: layerA
  4. x: 0
  5. width: 100
  6. layerC = new Layer
  7. parent: layerA
  8. x: 100
  9. width: 300
  10. print layerA.contentFrame()
  11. # Output: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 400, height: 200 }



The calculated frame, centered within its parent. If there is no parent, it will be centered relative to the screen.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. width: 500
  3. height: 500
  4. layerB = new Layer
  5. parent: layerA
  6. width: 100
  7. height: 100
  8. print layerB.centerFrame()
  9. # Output: { x: 200, y: 200, width: 100, height: 100 }

layer.backgroundColor <string>


Sets the background color for this layer. The color is expressed as a string in the CSS color format. Layers have a light grey background color by default.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.backgroundColor = "red"
  3. layerA.backgroundColor = "#00ff00"
  4. layerA.backgroundColor = "rgba(134, 12, 64, 0.3)"
  5. layerA.backgroundColor = "transparent"
  6. # Remove the background color
  7. layerA.backgroundColor = ""

layer.color <string>


Sets the text color for this layer. The color is expressed as a string in the CSS color format. Layers have a white text color by default.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.color = "red"
  3. layerA.color = "#00ff00"
  4. layerA.color = "rgba(134, 12, 64, 0.3)"
  5. layerA.color = "transparent"
  6. # Remove the color
  7. layerA.color = ""

layer.image <string>


Sets the background-image url or path for this layer. You can set it as a local path or a full url. The image will always fit to cover the layer, and will never be stretched. You can remove an image by setting it to null or an empty string.

  1. # Local images
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. image: "images/logo.png"
  4. # Hosted images
  5. layerA.image = ""


Setting an image will remove the default background color of a layer. Set the background color to another color than the default to show it behind the image.

  1. # Show a color where the image is transparent
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. image: "images/logo.png"
  4. backgroundColor: "blue"


You can be notified of when an image is loaded and ready to display with the Events.ImageLoaded event. If there is an error loading an image (like not found) it will throw an Events.ImageLoadError event.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. image: "images/logo.png"
  3. # Listen to the loading event
  4. layerA.on Events.ImageLoaded, ->
  5. print "The image loaded"
  6. layerA.on Events.ImageLoadError, ->
  7. print "The image couldn't be loaded"

layer.visible <boolean>


Sets whether the layer should be visible or not.

layerA = new Layer layerA.visible = false

layer.opacity <string>


Sets the opacity for this layer. Opacity is defined with a number between 0 and 1 where 0 is invisible and 1 fully opaque.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.opacity = 0.5

layer.clip <boolean>


Sets whether the layer should clip its children. Clipping is disabled by default.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. width: 100
  3. height: 100
  4. layerB = new Layer
  5. width: 200
  6. height: 200
  7. parent: layerA
  8. layerA.clip = true

layer.ignoreEvents <boolean>


Enable or disable any user events added to layers. When disabled, no user events on the layer will be emitted. The default value for this is true. Framer automatically disables it when you add an event listener.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.on Events.Click, ->
  3. print "Click!"
  4. # Now it won't respond to a click
  5. layerA.ignoreEvents = true
  6. # Now it will
  7. layerA.ignoreEvents = false

layer.originX <number>


Sets the x origin for scale, rotate and skew transformations. The origin is defined as a number, where 0 is the left edge of the layer and 1 the right edge. The default value is 0.5, the center of the layer.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.rotation = 45
  3. layerA.originX = 0
  4. layerA.originX = 1

layer.originY <number>


Sets the y origin for scale, rotate and skew transformations. The origin is defined as a number, where 0 is the top edge of the layer and 1 the bottom edge. The default value is 0.5, the center of the layer.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.rotation = 45
  3. layerA.originY = 0
  4. layerA.originY = 1

layer.originZ <number>


Sets the z origin for 3D transformations. The origin is defined in pixels. Positive values bring 3D layers closer to you, and negative values further way.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. originZ: -45
  3. rotationY: 90

layer.perspective <number>


Sets the perspective for child layers. Perspective gives depth to 3d properties like rotationX, rotationY. The rotation is set from 1 to Infinity where 1 is a huge perspective. Setting perspective to 0 gives you an isometric effect. Perspective is disabled by default.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. # Set the perspective for all sub layers
  3. layerA.perspective = 100
  4. layerB = new Layer
  5. parent: layerA
  6. rotationX: 30
  7. rotationY: 30

layer.flat <boolean>


Enable or disable 3D properties for all children of the layer.

  1. # Enable flat on its children
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. width: 200
  4. height: 200
  5. x: 100
  6. y: 100
  7. clip: false
  8. flat: true
  9. # Rotate horizontally
  10. layerA.rotationX = 45
  11. # With flat enabled, adjusting z has no effect
  12. layerB = new Layer
  13. parent: layerA
  14. z: 25

layer.backfaceVisible <boolean>


Defines whether a layer should be visible when not facing the screen. This is useful when an element is rotated, and you don’t want to see its backside.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.backfaceVisible = false

layer.rotation <number>


Sets the rotation, relative to its transform origin. The rotation is defined in degrees between 0 and 360. The default value is 0.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.rotation = 45

layer.rotationX <number>


Sets the x rotation, relative to its transform origin. The rotation is defined in degrees between 0 and 360. The default value is 0.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.rotationX = 45

layer.rotationY <number>


Sets the y rotation, relative to its transform origin. The rotation is defined in degrees between 0 and 360. The default value is 0.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.rotationY = 45

layer.rotationZ <number>


Sets the z rotation, relative to its transform origin. The rotation is defined in degrees between 0 and 360. Same as layer.rotation.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.rotationZ = 45

layer.scale <number>


Sets the scale, relative to its transform origin. The default scale is 1. Any number smaller then one will decrease the size and vice versa.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.scale = 2

layer.scaleX <number>


Sets the horizontal scale, relative to its transform origin. The default scale is 1. Any number smaller then one will decrease the size and vice versa.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.scaleX = 2

layer.scaleY <number>


Sets the vertical scale, relative to its transform origin. The default scale is 1. Any number smaller then one will decrease the size and vice versa.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.scaleY = 2

layer.parent <Layer object>


Sets the parent for this layer. You can set the parent to null if you want the layer to live at the root of your document. (Alias: superLayer)

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerB = new Layer
  3. layerB.parent = layerA
  4. print layerB.parent
  5. # Output: <Object:Layer layerA>

layer.children <array>


All the child layers of this layer. (Alias: subLayers)

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerB = new Layer
  3. parent: layerA
  4. layerC = new Layer
  5. parent: layerA
  6. print layerA.children
  7. # Output: [<Object:Layer layerB>, <Object:Layer layerC>]



All child layers of this layer, filtered by name. (Alias: subLayersByName)


  • name — 表示图层名称的字符串。
  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerB = new Layer
  3. name: "navigation"
  4. parent: layerA
  5. layerC = new Layer
  6. name: "button"
  7. parent: layerA
  8. print layerA.childrenWithName("button")
  9. # Output: [<Object:Layer layerC>]

layer.siblings <array>

获取一个图层的所有兄弟图层。(别名: siblingLayers)

All sibling layers of this layer. (Alias: siblingLayers)

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerB = new Layer
  3. parent: layerA
  4. layerC = new Layer
  5. parent: layerA
  6. print layerA.siblings
  7. # Output: [<Object:Layer layerC>]



All sibling layers of this layer, filtered by name.


  • name — 一个表示图层名称的字符串。
  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerB = new Layer
  3. name: "navigation"
  4. parent: layerA
  5. layerC = new Layer
  6. name: "button"
  7. parent: layerA
  8. print layerB.siblingsWithName("button")
  9. # Output: [<Object:Layer name:button layerC>]

layer.descendants <数组>


All descendant layers of this layer. These include layers that are nested multiple levels deep, so also the child layers of its own child layers.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerB = new Layer
  3. parent: layerA
  4. layerC = new Layer
  5. parent: layerB
  6. print layerA.descendants
  7. # Output: [<Object:Layer layerB>, <Object:Layer layerC>]

layer.ancestors <数组>


All ancestor layers of this layer. These include layers that are nested multiple levels deep, so also the parent layers of its own parent layer.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerB = new Layer
  3. parent: layerA
  4. layerC = new Layer
  5. parent: layerB
  6. print layerC.ancestors
  7. # Output: [<Object:Layer layerB>, <Object:Layer layerA>]



Add a layer as a child to this layer. This will set the parent of the added layer. (Alias: addSubLayer)


  • layer — 一个图层对象。
  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerB = new Layer
  3. layerA.addChild(layerB)
  4. print layerB.parent
  5. # Output: <Object:Layer layerA>



Remove a layer from the children of this layer. (Alias: removeSubLayer)


  • layer — 一个图层对象。
  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerB = new Layer
  3. parent: layerA
  4. layerA.removeChild(layerB)
  5. print layerB.parent
  6. # Output: null

layer.index <number>


The order index for this layer. Sibling layers with a higher index (and the same z value) will drawn on top of this layer, and those with a lower index below.


The layer index increases by order of insertion. So if you add a layer as a child and the highest sibling index value is 5, the index of the inserted layer will be 6 (5 + 1). Or, the last inserted layer will always be on top.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerB = new Layer
  3. # Draw layerB on top
  4. layerA.index = 2
  5. layerB.index = 1



Places this layer before another layer. This changes the layer.index property for at least one of the layers. This method only works on layers that have the same parent, or no parent at all.


  • layer — 一个图层对象。
  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerB = new Layer
  3. # Draw layerB on top
  4. layerB.placeBefore(layerA)



Places this layer behind another layer. This changes the layer.index property for at least one of the layers. This method only works on layers that have the same parent, or no parent at all.


  • layer — 一个图层对象。
  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerB = new Layer
  3. # Draw layerB on top
  4. layerA.placeBehind(layerB)



Places this layer in front of all other layers with the same parent.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerB = new Layer
  3. layerC = new Layer
  4. # Draw layerA on top
  5. layerA.bringToFront()



Places this layer behind all other layers with the same parent.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerB = new Layer
  3. layerC = new Layer
  4. # Draw layerC last
  5. layerC.sendToBack()

layer.html <string>


Insert HTML content into this layer. The html can be anything, from text, to input and form elements to canvas or SVG content.


If you need to target any of the created elements, remember that they are only available after Framer rendered them. To reliably get a reference to a DOM element, use layer.querySelector or layer.querySelectorAll.


If the content that gets inserted needs user interaction, it’s best to set layer.ignoreEvents to false. To retain the layer structure, the content is placed within an element that gets created when you set HTML for the first time.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. # Add simple text content
  3. layerA.html = "Hello"
  4. # Add inline styled text content
  5. layerA.html = "I'm <span style='color:red'>Koen</span>"
  6. # Add an input field
  7. layerA.html = "<input type='text' value='Hello'>"
  8. # Add a div with a canvas element and get a reference
  9. layerA.html = "<div><canvas id='canvas'></canvas></div>"
  10. canvasElement = layerA.querySelectorAll("#canvas") <object>


Set or get CSS style properties for the layer.


Next to the standard CSS property names you can also camelCase naming. For example,[“border-color”] is the same as For a full list see this overview.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. # Modify a single style property
  3.["outline"] = "1px solid red"
  4. # Modify set of style properties
  5. =
  6. "outline": "1px solid red",
  7. "padding": "10px"
  8. # Get a specific style property
  9. print["outline"]
  10. # Output: "1px solid red"



Get all the current applied CSS style properties for the layer. Note that this is an expensive operation for the browser. For a full reference on computed style, see this overview.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.backgroundColor = "red"
  3. print layer.computedStyle()["background-color"]
  4. # Output: "red"

layer.classList <ClassList object>


A list of class attributed for the layer. Also contains methods to add, remove, toggle and check for classes. For a full reference, see this overview.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. # Add the class .red
  3. layerA.classList.add("red")
  4. # Remove the class .red
  5. layerA.classList.remove("red")
  6. # Toggle the class .red
  7. layerA.classList.toggle("red")
  8. # See if the layer has class .red
  9. print layerA.classList.contains("red")
  10. # Output: true



This will remove a layer from the hierarchy and remove all its listeners. If the layer has children they will be destroyed too.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.destroy()



This will copy a layer and all its children. The layers will have all the same properties as their copied counterparts (same position and looks). The event listeners will not be copied.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerB = new Layer
  3. parent: layerA
  4. layerC = layerA.copy()



This will copy a layer without its children. Event listeners aren’t copied.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerB = new Layer
  3. parent: layerA
  4. layerC = layerA.copySingle()

layer.blur <number>


Adds a gaussian blur to the layer. Gaussian blur is defined in pixels. The default value is 0.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.blur = 10

layer.brightness <number>


Brightens or darkens a layer. Brightness is defined with a number. Setting brightness to 0 produces a completely black layer, while the value that produces a completely white layer depends on the color of your layer or image.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.brightness = 10

layer.saturate <number>


Saturates a layer. Saturation is defined with a number between 0 and 100 where 0 removes all saturation and 100 is default.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.saturate = 50

layer.hueRotate <number>


Sets the hue of a layer. The hue rotation is defined in degrees between 0 and 360. The default value is 0.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.hueRotate = 180

layer.contrast <number>


Sets the contrast of a layer. Contrast is defined with a number between 0 and 100 where 0 is removes all contrast. The default value is 100.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.contrast = 50

layer.invert <number>


Inverts the color of a layer. Invert is defined with a number between 0 and 100. The invert property inverts all colors and brightness values of a layer. Setting invert to 100 on a colored layer replaces all hues with their complementary colors. The default value is 0.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.invert = 100

layer.grayscale <number>


Grayscale converts all colors to gray. Grayscale is defined with a number between 0 and 100 where 100 turns all colors to a shade of gray. The default value is 0.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.grayscale = 100

layer.sepia <number>


Adds a sepia tone to your layer. Sepia is defined with a number between 0 to 100. The default value is 0.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.sepia = 100

layer.shadowX <number>


Defines the shadow direction on the x-axis. A positive value will produce a shadow from the right edge of a layer, whereas a negative value will produce a shadow from the left edge. A visible shadow will only appear if the shadowColor property is also defined.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.shadowX = 10

layer.shadowY <number>


Defines the shadow direction on the y-axis. A positive value will produce a shadow from the bottom edge of a layer, whereas a negative value will produce a shadow from the top edge. A visible shadow will only appear if the shadowColor property is also defined.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.shadowY = 10

layer.shadowBlur <number>


Adds a Gaussian blur to the shadowX or shadowY property. shadowBlur is defined with a number. The default value is 0.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.shadowY = 1
  3. layerA.shadowBlur = 4

layer.shadowSpread <number>


Makes shadows larger in all directions. The shadow is expanded by the given value. Negative values cause the shadow to contract. If shadowX, shadowY and shadowBlur are all set to 0, this will appear as a border. A visible shadow will only appear if the shadowColor property is also defined.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.shadowY = 1
  3. layerA.shadowBlur = 4
  4. layerA.shadowSpread = 2

layer.shadowColor <string>

设置投影的颜色,颜色的值是一个 CSS 颜色格式的字符串。

Sets the color of a layers shadow. The color is expressed as a string in the CSS color format.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.shadowY = 1
  3. layerA.shadowBlur = 4
  4. layerA.shadowColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)"

layer.borderRadius <number>


Rounds the corners of a layer in pixels. To create circles, set the property to a high value (50-100) or divide the layers width/height by two.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.borderRadius = 3
  3. # To create a circle:
  4. layerA.borderRadius = layerA.width/2

layer.borderColor <string>

设置图层的描边颜色,颜色的值是一个 CSS 颜色格式的字符串。

Set the border color of this layer. The color is expressed as a string in the css color format.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.borderColor = "red"
  3. layerA.borderWidth = 2

layer.borderWidth <number>


Set the width of the layer border in pixels.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.borderWidth = 2
  3. layerA.borderColor = "red"



Start animating this layer. The animation options describe the properties it needs to animate to and how to animate. Running this method will create a new Animation Object with the animationOptions, which you can use to stop or reverse the animation. Here, the duration of the animation is 5 seconds.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. # Animate scale and rotation
  3. layerA.animate
  4. properties:
  5. scale: 0.5
  6. rotation: 90
  7. time: 5

在下面的例子中,动画每次重复都会延迟 2 秒。

In the example below, there is a 2 second delay between every repeat.

  1. # Repeat and delay the animation
  2. layerA.animate
  3. properties:
  4. x: 100
  5. repeat: 5
  6. delay: 2



Stop all running animations on this layer immediately.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. # Stop an animation immediately
  3. layerA.animate
  4. properties:
  5. x: 100
  6. layerA.animateStop()



Returns all the current running animations for this layer.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.animate
  3. properties:
  4. x: 100
  5. layerA.animate
  6. properties:
  7. y: 100
  8. print layerA.animations()
  9. # Output: [<Object Animation>, <Object Animation>]

layer.isAnimating <boolean>


See if a layer is animating. This property is readonly.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.animate
  3. properties:
  4. x: 100
  5. print layerA.isAnimating
  6. # Result: True



Instantly switch to a state without animating. (layer.stateSwitch() deprecated layer.states.switchInstant())


  • name — 一个表示状态名称的字符串。
  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.states.stateA =
  3. x: 100
  4. layerA.stateSwitch("stateA")

layer.stateCycle(states, options)


Cycle through all the layer states. Once we reach the end of the cycle we start at the beginning again. You can provide an array of state names for the ordering, if you don’t it will order based on when a state was added.

你还可以给它提供一个动画选项参数来控制它循环过渡时的动画。(layer.stateCycle() 取代了

You can also add an animation options parameter to change the animation for a cycle.(layer.stateCycle() deprecated


  • states — 包含一些状态名的数组(可选)。
  • options — 一个包含动画选项的对象,可能包含 curvetime 等(可选)。
  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.states =
  3. stateA:
  4. x: 100
  5. stateB:
  6. x: 200
  7. # Every time we call this we cycle to the next state
  8. layerA.stateCycle(["stateA", "stateB"])

layer.stateNames <Array>


A read-only property that returns an array with names of all states assigned to a layer.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.states =
  3. stateA:
  4. x: 100
  5. stateB:
  6. y: 100
  7. print layerA.stateNames
  8. # Result: ["stateA", "stateB"]



Converts a point from a layer to the Canvas.

  1. point =
  2. x: 20
  3. y: 40
  4. layer = new Layer
  5. pointInCanvas = layer.convertPointToCanvas(point)



Converts a point from a layer to the Screen.

  1. point =
  2. x: 20
  3. y: 40
  4. layer = new Layer
  5. pointInScreen = layer.convertPointToCanvas(point)

layer.convertPointToLayer(point, layer)


Converts a point from a layer to another layer.

  1. point =
  2. x: 20
  3. y: 40
  4. layerA = new Layer
  5. layerB = new Layer
  6. pointInLayerB = layerA.convertPointToLayer(point, layerB)

layer.on(eventName, handler)


Start listening to an event on this layer.


When an event is called the first argument is the event information. Depending on the specific event this can contain mouse positions, mouse deltas etc. The second argument is always the layer that the event occurred to.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. = "layerA"
  3. layerA.on Events.Click, (event, layer) ->
  4. print "Clicked",
  5. # Output: "Clicked", "layerA", handler)


Stop listening to an event on this layer.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. = "layerA"
  3. clickHandler = (event, layer) ->
  4. print "This layer was clicked",
  5. layerA.on(Events.Click, clickHandler)
  6., clickHandler)