
Redefinition of methods


In a subclass, we can change the behavior of the instances by redefining superclass methods.


  1. ruby> class Human
  2. | def identify
  3. | puts "I'm a person."
  4. | end
  5. | def train_toll(age)
  6. | if age < 12
  7. | puts "Reduced fare.";
  8. | else
  9. | puts "Normal fare.";
  10. | end
  11. | end
  12. | end
  13. nil
  14. ruby> Human.new.identify
  15. I'm a person.
  16. nil
  17. ruby> class Student1<Human
  18. | def identify
  19. | puts "I'm a student."
  20. | end
  21. | end
  22. nil
  23. ruby> Student1.new.identify
  24. I'm a student.
  25. nil

Suppose we would rather enhance the superclass’s identify method than entirely replace it. For this we can use super.


  1. ruby> class Student2<Human
  2. | def identify
  3. | super
  4. | puts "I'm a student too."
  5. | end
  6. | end
  7. nil
  8. ruby> Student2.new.identify
  9. I'm a person.
  10. I'm a student too.
  11. nil

super lets us pass arguments to the original method. It is sometimes said that there are two kinds of people…


  1. ruby> class Dishonest<Human
  2. | def train_toll(age)
  3. | super(11) # 我们想要便宜的车票
  4. | end
  5. | end
  6. nil
  7. ruby> Dishonest.new.train_toll(25)
  8. Reduced fare.
  9. nil
  10. ruby> class Honest<Human
  11. | def train_toll(age)
  12. | super(age) # 传递我们给的参数
  13. | end
  14. | end
  15. nil
  16. ruby> Honest.new.train_toll(25)
  17. Normal fare.
  18. nil

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