该文所涉及的 RocketMQ 源码版本为 4.9.3。

RocketMQ MappedFile 内存映射文件详解

1、MappedFile 初始化

  1. private void init(final String fileName, final int fileSize) throws IOException {
  2. this.fileName = fileName;
  3. this.fileSize = fileSize;
  4. this.file = new File(fileName);
  5. this.fileFromOffset = Long.parseLong(this.file.getName());
  6. boolean ok = false;
  7. ensureDirOK(this.file.getParent());
  8. try {
  9. this.fileChannel = new RandomAccessFile(this.file, "rw").getChannel();
  10. this.mappedByteBuffer = this.fileChannel.map(MapMode.READ_WRITE, 0, fileSize);
  11. TOTAL_MAPPED_VIRTUAL_MEMORY.addAndGet(fileSize);
  12. TOTAL_MAPPED_FILES.incrementAndGet();
  13. ok = true;
  14. } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
  15. log.error("Failed to create file " + this.fileName, e);
  16. throw e;
  17. } catch (IOException e) {
  18. log.error("Failed to map file " + this.fileName, e);
  19. throw e;
  20. } finally {
  21. if (!ok && this.fileChannel != null) {
  22. this.fileChannel.close();
  23. }
  24. }
  25. }

初始化fileFromOffset,因为 commitLog 文件夹下的文件都是以偏移量为命名的,所以转成了 long 类型


  1. public static void ensureDirOK(final String dirName) {
  2. if (dirName != null) {
  3. if (dirName.contains(MessageStoreConfig.MULTI_PATH_SPLITTER)) {
  4. String[] dirs = dirName.trim().split(MessageStoreConfig.MULTI_PATH_SPLITTER);
  5. for (String dir : dirs) {
  6. createDirIfNotExist(dir);
  7. }
  8. } else {
  9. createDirIfNotExist(dirName);
  10. }
  11. }
  12. }

通过RandomAccessFile设置 fileChannel

this.fileChannel = new RandomAccessFile(this.file, "rw").getChannel();

使用 NIO 内存映射将文件映射到内存中

this.mappedByteBuffer = this.fileChannel.map(MapMode.*READ_WRITE*, 0, fileSize);

2、MappedFile 提交

  1. public int commit(final int commitLeastPages) {
  2. if (writeBuffer == null) {
  3. //no need to commit data to file channel, so just regard wrotePosition as committedPosition.
  4. return this.wrotePosition.get();
  5. }
  6. if (this.isAbleToCommit(commitLeastPages)) {
  7. if (this.hold()) {
  8. commit0();
  9. this.release();
  10. } else {
  11. log.warn("in commit, hold failed, commit offset = " + this.committedPosition.get());
  12. }
  13. }
  14. // All dirty data has been committed to FileChannel.
  15. if (writeBuffer != null && this.transientStorePool != null && this.fileSize == this.committedPosition.get()) {
  16. this.transientStorePool.returnBuffer(writeBuffer);
  17. this.writeBuffer = null;
  18. }
  19. return this.committedPosition.get();
  20. }

如果 wroteBuffer 为空,直接返回 wrotePosition

  1. if (writeBuffer == null) {
  2. //no need to commit data to file channel, so just regard wrotePosition as committedPosition.
  3. return this.wrotePosition.get();
  4. }

判断是否执行 commit 操作:

如果文件已满,返回 true

  1. if (this.isFull()) {
  2. return true;
  3. }
  1. public boolean isFull() {
  2. return this.fileSize == this.wrotePosition.get();
  3. }

commitLeastPages 为本次提交的最小页数,如果 commitLeastPages 大于 0,计算当前写指针(wrotePosition)与上一次提交的指针committedPosition的差值 除以页OS_PAGE_SIZE的大小得到脏页数量,如果大于 commitLeastPages,就可以提交。如果 commitLeastPages 小于 0,则存在脏页就提交

  1. if (commitLeastPages > 0) {
  2. return ((write /OS_PAGE_SIZE) - (flush /OS_PAGE_SIZE)) >= commitLeastPages;
  3. }
  4. return write > flush;

MapperFile 具体的提交过程,首先创建 writeBuffer的共享缓存区,设置 position 为上一次提交的位置committedPosition ,设置 limit 为wrotePosition当前写指针,接着将 committedPosition 到 wrotePosition 的数据写入到 FileChannel 中,最后更新 committedPosition 指针为 wrotePosition

  1. protected void commit0() {
  2. int writePos = this.wrotePosition.get();
  3. int lastCommittedPosition = this.committedPosition.get();
  4. if (writePos - lastCommittedPosition > 0) {
  5. try {
  6. ByteBuffer byteBuffer = writeBuffer.slice();
  7. byteBuffer.position(lastCommittedPosition);
  8. byteBuffer.limit(writePos);
  9. this.fileChannel.position(lastCommittedPosition);
  10. this.fileChannel.write(byteBuffer);
  11. this.committedPosition.set(writePos);
  12. } catch (Throwable e) {
  13. log.error("Error occurred when commit data to FileChannel.", e);
  14. }
  15. }
  16. }

3、MappedFile 刷盘



  1. if (this.isFull()) {
  2. return true;
  3. }
  1. public boolean isFull() {
  2. return this.fileSize == this.wrotePosition.get();
  3. }

如果flushLeastPages大于 0,判断写数据指针位置-上次刷盘的指针位置, 然后除以OS_PAGE_SIZE 是否大于等于flushLeastPages

如果 flushLeastPages 小于等于 0,判断是否有要刷盘的数据

  1. if (flushLeastPages > 0) {
  2. return ((write /OS_PAGE_SIZE) - (flush /OS_PAGE_SIZE)) >= flushLeastPages;
  3. }
  4. return write > flush;


  1. public int getReadPosition() {
  2. return this.writeBuffer == null ? this.wrotePosition.get() : this.committedPosition.get();
  3. }


如果writeBuffer不为空或者通道的 position 不等于 0,通过 fileChannel 将数据刷新到磁盘

否则通过 MappedByteBuffer 将数据刷新到磁盘

4、MappedFile 销毁

  1. public boolean destroy(final long intervalForcibly) {
  2. this.shutdown(intervalForcibly);
  3. if (this.isCleanupOver()) {
  4. try {
  5. this.fileChannel.close();
  6. log.info("close file channel " + this.fileName + " OK");
  7. long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  8. boolean result = this.file.delete();
  9. log.info("delete file[REF:" + this.getRefCount() + "] " + this.fileName
  10. + (result ? " OK, " : " Failed, ") + "W:" + this.getWrotePosition() + " M:"
  11. + this.getFlushedPosition() + ", "
  12. + UtilAll.computeElapsedTimeMilliseconds(beginTime));
  13. } catch (Exception e) {
  14. log.warn("close file channel " + this.fileName + " Failed. ", e);
  15. }
  16. return true;
  17. } else {
  18. log.warn("destroy mapped file[REF:" + this.getRefCount() + "] " + this.fileName
  19. + " Failed. cleanupOver: " + this.cleanupOver);
  20. }
  21. return false;
  22. }

1> 关闭 MappedFile

第一次调用时 this.available为true,设置 available 为 false,设置第一次关闭的时间戳为当前时间戳,调用 release()释放资源,只有在引用次数小于 1 的时候才会释放资源,如果引用次数大于 0,判断当前时间与 firstShutdownTimestamp 的差值是否大于最大拒绝存活期intervalForcibly,如果大于等于最大拒绝存活期,将引用数减少 1000,直到引用数小于 0 释放资源

  1. public void shutdown(final long intervalForcibly) {
  2. if (this.available) {
  3. this.available = false;
  4. this.firstShutdownTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
  5. this.release();
  6. } else if (this.getRefCount() > 0) {
  7. if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - this.firstShutdownTimestamp) >= intervalForcibly) {
  8. this.refCount.set(-1000 - this.getRefCount());
  9. this.release();
  10. }
  11. }
  12. }

2> 判断是否清理完成

是否清理完成的标准是引用次数小于等于 0 并且清理完成标记 cleanupOver 为 true

  1. public boolean isCleanupOver() {
  2. return this.refCount.get() <= 0 && this.cleanupOver;
  3. }

3> 关闭文件通道 fileChannel
