

这个模型是可选的, 如果你不想要采取该模型也可以不实现它,vertx并不强制要求你实现它.

这个模型并不是actor-model的严格实现, 但是该模型在并发处理,拓展模式和开发模式上确实和actor-model非常像。


verticle简而言之就是一个代码块,然后你通过Vert.x部署和运行它. 我们可以使用Vert.x支持的不同语言实现verticle,而且一个单独的应用程序中可以包含多种语言实现的verticle.


一般来说,一个Vert.x应用应该只是由verticle实例构成.不同的 verticle可以在event bus上通过发送消息进行交互.

Writing Verticles



  1. public class MyVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {
  2. // Called when verticle is deployed
  3. public void start() {
  4. }
  5. // Optional - called when verticle is undeployed
  6. public void stop() {
  7. }
  8. }


verticle实现中像例子中start方法是必须要实现的,但是stop方法可以选择不实现. stop方法是当verticleundeployed进行调用的,当stop方法调用完成之后,verticle就被认为停止运行了

Asynchronous Verticle start and stop


但是你也不能在start方法中进行阻塞等待其他verticle部署完成,在event loop无论何时你都不应该把它阻塞掉。



  1. public class MyVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {
  2. public void start(Future<Void> startFuture) {
  3. // Now deploy some other verticle:
  4. vertx.deployVerticle("", res -> {
  5. if (res.succeeded()) {
  6. startFuture.complete();
  7. } else {
  9. }
  10. });
  11. }
  12. }


  1. public class MyVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {
  2. public void start() {
  3. // Do something
  4. }
  5. public void stop(Future<Void> startFuture) {
  6. obj.doSomethingThatTakesTime(res -> {
  7. if (res.succeeded()) {
  8. startFuture.complete();
  9. } else {
  11. }
  12. });
  13. }
  14. }


Verticle Types


  • Standard Verticles : 这是最常用的一种. 这种verticle通过event loop线程执行.接下来我们会详细讨论这种verticle.
  • Worker Verticles : 这种verticle通过worker pool中的线程执行。该verticle在同一时刻永远不会被多个线程并发执行
  • Multi-threaded worker verticles : 该verticle同样通过worker pool中的线程执行.但是这种verticle可能会被多个线程并发执行.

Standard verticles

Standard Verticles当被创建的时候会被分配到一个event loop上, 同时Standard Verticlesstart()会被该event loop进行调用. 当你在event loop中,通过核心API以及带有handler参数的的方式调用其他方法时,Vert.x确保那些handler回调时是被刚才那个event loop进行调用的.

这意味着,我们能保证vertcle实例里全部代码总是能被相同的event loop进行调用(当然这是在你不故意自己创建线程调用他们的前提下).

这意味着,当你基于Vert.x开发应用程序时,vert.x会帮你完成那些并发操作,你自己完全不需要考虑多线程和并发情况,只需要像在单线程中那样写代码就好了. 从此你的生活就远离了synchronized, volatile, 条件竞争, 死锁等等..

Worker verticles

worker verticlestandard verticle相比,worker verticle并不是运行在event loop中,而是在worker thread pool中的某个线程中运行.

worker verticle是被设计成专门用来调用阻塞代码的,他们不会阻塞掉任何的event loop.

如果你不想在worker verticle中运行阻塞代码, 你也可以在event loop中执行运行内联的阻塞代码.

如果你想要部署worker verticle时, 你可以使用setWorker().

  1. DeploymentOptions options = new DeploymentOptions().setWorker(true);
  2. vertx.deployVerticle("com.mycompany.MyOrderProcessorVerticle", options);

Worker verticle实例永远不会被多线程同一时间并发执行,但是却可以在不同的时间被不同的线程执行.

Multi-threaded worker verticles

multi-threaded worker verticleworker verticle很像,只不过这种multi-threaded worker verticle可以被多个不同线程并发执行.

注意:multi-threaded worker verticle是一个非常高级的特性,而且大部分的应用程序并不会需要使用到它. 因为在这种verticle中的并发操作,你需要非常小心通过使用传统的多线程编程技术保持verticle的状态一致性.

Deploying verticles programmatically

你可以通过deployVerticle()方法部署一个verticle, 使用这种方式你需要指定该verticle的名字或者传递一个你已经创建好的该verticle的实例.

注意: 只有在java中才可以部署Verticle实例

  1. Verticle myVerticle = new MyVerticle();
  2. vertx.deployVerticle(myVerticle);

verticle名字用来查找特定的VerticleFactory, 我们使用VerticleFactory来实例化出实际的verticle实例.

不同的VerticleFactory用于在不同的语言实现中对verticle进行实例化, 除此之外不同的VerticleFactory也用于加载service或者在Maven运行时获得verticle.



  1. vertx.deployVerticle("com.mycompany.MyOrderProcessorVerticle");
  2. // Deploy a JavaScript verticle
  3. vertx.deployVerticle("verticles/myverticle.js");
  4. // Deploy a Ruby verticle verticle
  5. vertx.deployVerticle("verticles/my_verticle.rb");

Rules for mapping a verticle name to a verticle factory



  1. js:foo.js // Use the JavaScript verticle factory
  2. groovy:com.mycompany.SomeGroovyCompiledVerticle // Use the Groovy verticle factory
  3. service:com.mycompany:myorderservice // Uses the service verticle factory


  1. foo.js // Will also use the JavaScript verticle factory
  2. SomeScript.groovy // Will use the Groovy verticle factory


How are Verticle Factories located?



Waiting for deployment to complete

同样verticle的部署也是异步进行的, 当调用部署方法进行返回的时候也许部署操作并没有真正的,可能要等到过一段时间才能真正完成,

如果你想当部署操作真正完成的时候捕获一个通知,你可以在部署方法里添加一个completion handler,用于处理完成时候你想进行的特定操作.

  1. vertx.deployVerticle("com.mycompany.MyOrderProcessorVerticle", res -> {
  2. if (res.succeeded()) {
  3. System.out.println("Deployment id is: " + res.result());
  4. } else {
  5. System.out.println("Deployment failed!");
  6. }
  7. });



Undeploying verticle deployments


当然undeploy一样是异步进行的,如果你想当undeploy操作完成时同样捕获通知,你也可以对undeploy方法设置一个completion handler.

  1. vertx.undeploy(deploymentID, res -> {
  2. if (res.succeeded()) {
  3. System.out.println("Undeployed ok");
  4. } else {
  5. System.out.println("Undeploy failed!");
  6. }
  7. });

Specifying number of verticle instances


  1. DeploymentOptions options = new DeploymentOptions().setInstances(16);
  2. vertx.deployVerticle("com.mycompany.MyOrderProcessorVerticle", options);

当我们想在多核主机上对应用进行拓展时,通过这种方式就可以轻松实现了. 假设,你现在要在一个多核主机上部署一个web-server verticle,因此你想要对该verticle部署多个实例以便能使用上所有核心.

Passing configuration to a verticle


  1. JsonObject config = new JsonObject().put("name", "tim").put("directory", "/blah");
  2. DeploymentOptions options = new DeploymentOptions().setConfig(config);
  3. vertx.deployVerticle("com.mycompany.MyOrderProcessorVerticle", options);



Accessing environment variables in a Verticle


Verticle Isolation Groups

By default, Vert.x has a flat classpath. I.e, it does everything, including deploying verticles without messing with class-loaders. In the majority of cases this is the simplest, clearest and sanest thing to do.

Vert.x默认有一个flat classpath,它会实现N多功能,包括在部署verticle时不会干扰类加载的工作. 在大多数情况下,这是最简单,清晰,明智的事情。

However, in some cases you may want to deploy a verticle so the classes of that verticle are isolated from others in your application.

This might be the case, for example, if you want to deploy two different versions of a verticle with the same class name in the same Vert.x instance, or if you have two different verticles which use different versions of the same jar library.

WARNING Use this feature with caution. Class-loaders can be a can of worms, and can make debugging difficult, amongst other things. Here’s an example of using an isolation group to isolate a verticle deployment.

  1. DeploymentOptions options = new DeploymentOptions().setIsolationGroup("mygroup");
  2. options.setExtraClasspath(Arrays.asList("lib/jars/some-library.jar"));
  3. vertx.deployVerticle("com.mycompany.MyIsolatedVerticle", options);

Isolation groups are identified by a name, and the name can be used between different deployments if you want them to share an isolated class-loader.

Extra classpath entries can also be provided with setExtraClasspath so they can locate resources that are isolated to them.

High Availability

Verticles can be deployed with High Availability (HA) enabled.


Running Verticles from the command line

通常做法是你可以在Maven或者Gradle项目中添加一个Vert.x core library引用,你就可以直接运行Vert.x了.

然而,你如果不习惯那种做法,你还可以直接在命令行中执行运行Vert.x verticle.



  1. # Run a JavaScript verticle
  2. vertx run my_verticle.js
  3. # Run a Ruby verticle
  4. vertx run a_n_other_verticle.rb
  5. # Run a Groovy script verticle, clustered
  6. vertx run FooVerticle.groovy -cluster


  1. vertx run

Vert.x会在运行该java源文件之前自己去编译它. 这对于quickly prototyping verticle和写verticle demo是非常有用的.

Causing Vert.x to exit

Threads maintained by Vert.x instances are not daemon threads so they will prevent the JVM from exiting.



The Context object


Executing periodic and delayed actions

It’s very common in Vert.x to want to perform an action after a delay, or periodically.

standard verticle中,你不能因为想要得到一个延迟的效果就将线程sleep掉,因为这个操作会将event loop线程阻塞掉.

取而代之的是,你可以使用Vert.x timers,Vert.x timers既可以执行一次也可以周期性执行.

One-shot Timers

one shot timer会在一个特定的延迟后(单位毫秒)调用一个event handler.

设置one shot timer是非常简单的,调用setTimer方法然后设置一个延迟和一个handler就ok了.

  1. long timerID = vertx.setTimer(1000, id -> {
  2. System.out.println("And one second later this is printed");
  3. });
  4. System.out.println("First this is printed");

这个返回的返回值是一个唯一的timer id,如果你想在后期取消掉这个timer,就需要使用这个id了.

Periodic Timers


There will be an initial delay equal to the period.

The return value of setPeriodic is a unique timer id (long). This can be later used if the timer needs to be cancelled.

The argument passed into the timer event handler is also the unique timer id:

  1. long timerID = vertx.setPeriodic(1000, id -> {
  2. System.out.println("And every second this is printed");
  3. });
  4. System.out.println("First this is printed");

Cancelling timers

To cancel a periodic timer, call cancelTimer specifying the timer id. For example:

  1. vertx.cancelTimer(timerID);

Automatic clean-up in verticles

If you’re creating timers from inside verticles, those timers will be automatically closed when the verticle is undeployed.