Understanding ECMAScript 6 中文翻译
Introduction - 介绍
- Browser and Node.js Compatibility - 浏览器和NodeJs的兼容性
- Who This Book is For - 这本书适合谁看
- Overview - 概述
- Help and Support - 帮助和支持
Block Bindings - 块绑定
- Var Declarations and Hoisting - 变量声明和提升
- Block-Level Declarations - 块级声明
- Block Binding in Loops - 循环中的块绑定
- Global Block Bindings - 全局块绑定
- Emerging Best Practices for Block Bindings - 新兴的块绑定最佳实践
- Summary - 总结
Strings and Regular Expressions - 字符串和正则表达式
- Better Unicode Support - 更好地支持 Unicode
- Other String Changes - 其他字符串的改变
- Other Regular Expression Changes - 其他正则表达式变化
- Template Literals - 模板字符串
- Summary - 总结
Functions - 函数
- Functions with Default Parameters - 带默认参数的函数
- Working with Unnamed Parameters - 使用未命名参数
- Increased Capabilities of the Function Constructor - 增加构造函数功能
- The Spread Operator -
- ECMAScript 6’s name Property - ES6 的 name 属性
- Clarifying the Dual Purpose of Functions - 明确函数的双重目的
- Block-Level Functions - 块级函数
- Arrow Functions - Arrow 函数
- Tail Call Optimization -
- Summary - 总结
- Object Categories
- Object Literal Extensions
- Object.is()
- Object.assign()
- Duplicate Object Literal Properties
- Changing Prototypes
- Super References
- Summary
Destructuring - 解构
- What is Destructuring? - 什么是解构?
- Mixed Destructuring - 混合解构
- Destructured Parameters - 解构参数
- Summary - 总结
- Creating Symbols
- Identifying Symbols
- Using Symbols
- Sharing Symbols
- Finding Object Symbols
- Coercing Symbols to Strings
- Well-Known Symbols
- Summary
Iterators and Generators
- What are Iterators?
- Generators
- Iterables and for-of
- Built-in Iterators
- Advanced Functionality
- Summary
- Class-Like Structures in ECMAScript 5
- Class Declarations
- Class Expressions
- Accessor Properties
- Static Members
- Derived Classes
- new.target
- Summary
- Asynchronous Programming Background
- Promise Basics
- Chaining Promises
- Returning Promise in Promise Chains
- Responding to Multiple Promises
- Inheriting from Promises
- Summary
- What are Modules?
- Basic Exporting and Importing
- Renaming Exports and Imports
- Exporting and Importing Defaults
- Re-exporting
- Importing Without Bindings
- Summary
Appendix A: Other Changes
- Working with Integers
- New Math Methods
- Unicode Identifiers