《Java 虚拟机规范(第11版)》中文翻译
《Java 虚拟机规范(第11版)》中文翻译
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《Java 虚拟机规范(第11版)》中文翻译
The Java® Virtual Machine Specification.《Java 虚拟机规范(第11版)》中文翻译及示例
1 引言
1.1 章节组织
1.2 程序示例
1.3 符号
1.4 与预定义类和接口的关系
1.5 反馈
1.6 参考引用
4.6 Type Erasure
4.7 Reifiable Types
4.8 Raw Types
4.9 Intersection Types
5 Conversions and Contexts
5.1 Kinds of Conversion
5.2 Assignment Contexts
5.3 Invocation Contexts
5.4 String Contexts
5.5 Casting Contexts
5.6 Numeric Contexts
6 Names
6.1 Declarations
6.2 Names and Identifiers
6.3 Scope of a Declaration
6.4 Shadowing and Obscuring
6.5 Determining the Meaning of a Name
6.6 Access Control
6.7 Fully Qualified Names and Canonical Names
7 Packages and Modules
7.1 Package Members
7.2 Host Support for Modules and Packages
7.3 Compilation Units
7.4 Package Declarations
7.7 Module Declarations
8 Classes
8.1 Class Declarations
8.2 Class Members
8.3 Field Declarations
8.4 Method Declarations
8.5 Member Type Declarations
8.6 Instance Initializers
8.7 Static Initializers
8.8 Constructor Declarations
8.9 Enum Types
9 Interfaces
9.1 Interface Declarations
9.2 Interface Members
9.3 Field (Constant) Declarations
9.4 Method Declarations
9.5 Member Type Declarations
9.6 Annotation Types
9.7 Annotations
9.8 Functional Interfaces
9.9 Function Types
10 Arrays
10.1 Array Types
10.2 Array Variables
10.3 Array Creation
10.4 Array Access
10.5 Array Store Exception
10.6 Array Initializers
10.7 Array Members
10.8 Class Objects for Arrays
10.9 An Array of Characters Is Not a String
11 Exceptions
11.1 The Kinds and Causes of Exceptions
11.2 Compile-Time Checking of Exceptions
11.3 Run-Time Handling of an Exception
12 Execution
12.1 Java Virtual Machine Startup
12.2 加载类和接口
12.3 Linking of Classes and Interfaces
12.4 Initialization of Classes and Interfaces
12.5 Creation of New Class Instances
12.6 Finalization of Class Instances
12.7 Unloading of Classes and Interfaces
12.8 Program Exit
13 Binary Compatibility
13.1 The Form of a Binary
13.2 What Binary Compatibility Is and Is Not
13.3 Evolution of Packages and Modules
13.4 Evolution of Classes
13.5 Evolution of Interfaces
14 Blocks and Statements
14.2 Blocks
14.1 Normal and Abrupt Completion of Statements
14.10 The assert Statement
14.11 The switch Statement
14.12 The while Statement
14.13 The do Statement
14.14 The for Statement
14.15 The break Statement
14.16 The continue Statement
14.17 The return Statement
14.18 The throw Statement
14.19 The synchronized Statement
14.20 The try statement
14.21 Unreachable Statements
14.3 Local Class Declarations
14.4 Local Variable Declaration Statements
14.5 Statements
14.6 The Empty Statement
14.7 Labeled Statements
14.8 Expression Statements
14.9 The if Statement
15 Expressions
15.1 Evaluation, Denotation, and Result
15.10 Array Creation and Access Expressions
15.11 Field Access Expressions
15.12 Method Invocation Expressions
15.13 Method Reference Expressions
15.14 Postfix Expressions
15.15 Unary Operators
15.16 Cast Expressions
15.17 Multiplicative Operators
15.18 Additive Operators
15.19 Shift Operators
15.2 Forms of Expressions
15.20 Relational Operators
15.21 Equality Operators
15.23 Conditional-And Operator &&
15.24 Conditional-Or Operator ||
15.25 Conditional Operator ? :
15.26 Assignment Operators
15.27 Lambda Expressions
15.28 Constant Expressions
15.3 Type of an Expression
15.4 FP-strict Expressions
15.5 Expressions and Run-Time Checks
15.6 Normal and Abrupt Completion of Evaluation
15.7 Evaluation Order
15.8 Primary Expressions
15.9 Class Instance Creation Expressions
16 Definite Assignment
16.1 Definite Assignment and Expressions
16.2 Definite Assignment and Statements
16.3 Definite Assignment and Parameters
16.4 Definite Assignment and Array Initializers
16.5 Definite Assignment and Enum Constants
16.6 Definite Assignment and Anonymous Classes
16.7 Definite Assignment and Member Types
16.8 Definite Assignment and Static Initializers
16.9 Definite Assignment, Constructors, and Instance Initializers
17 Threads and Locks
17.1 Synchronization
17.2 Wait Sets and Notification
17.3 Sleep and Yield
17.4 Memory Model
17.5 final Field Semantics
17.6 Word Tearing
17.7 Non-Atomic Treatment of double and long
18 Type Inference
18.1 Concepts and Notation
18.2 Reduction
18.3 Incorporation
18.4 Resolution
18.5 Uses of Inference